
Magnolia Forum | Meiland Cui Yanzhen: From "Media +" to "Communication +"

author:Mayland Communication Consulting
Magnolia Forum | Meiland Cui Yanzhen: From "Media +" to "Communication +"

On the morning of June 26th, the 29th Shanghai TV Festival "Magnolia Dialogue" TV Forum "China Audiovisual New Media Development Report" was released and the Digital Intelligence Empowering Film and Television New Value Forum was held in Hall 1 of the Central Hall of the Shanghai Exhibition Center.

Magnolia Forum | Meiland Cui Yanzhen: From "Media +" to "Communication +"

In the new environment of deep media integration and intelligent communication, the capture of traffic passwords constitutes the main direction of the evolution of today's all-media communication. In 2024, the most noteworthy thing in the field of media and marketing communication is the new quality communication force, which is mainly characterized by warm realism, so that everyone can feel the power of spiritual communication and emotional resonance, and it is such a narrative and expression that leads the common topic, common attention, and common consumption orientation of people in this era. Under the logic of warm realism, almost every creation of high-quality content will form a clear guide to realistic scenes and consumption, including people's emotions and emotions.

Regarding the development trend of the industry, Mr. Cui shared that the evolution of media communication has changed from topic setting and topic communication to user connection, thus showing the evolution of media from the pursuit of national-level programs and ratings to the pursuit of national-level topics and communication, and the construction of national-level connections and applications.

At the same time, the communication logic of the era of deep media integration has changed from the traditional TV media topic selection thinking to the Internet topic thinking, whether it is "Singer 2024", which exploded this summer, or "My Altay", which triggered the cultural tourism craze, the generation of every phenomenal hot spot is carried out along the topic logic. As an important communication asset today, the public's attention and the greatest consensus formed by the public on a certain thing should be the most important thing for industry colleagues in content production, communication and industrial development.

Subsequently, Mr. Cui introduced "Disney" to vividly and vividly describe how current film and television works and super IPs permeate all aspects of life from emotional construction, thought leadership to industrial empowerment.

Magnolia Forum | Meiland Cui Yanzhen: From "Media +" to "Communication +"

The multi-dimensional value of film and television content: from content reach, brand achievement to industry empowerment. The high-quality content under the logic of warm realism gives the audience effective emotional guidance, and the multi-perspective narration impresses cross-circle groups with empathy, resonance and resonance, empowering the brand's global communication and marketing, and empowering the development of a variety of characteristic industries.

In the context of media socialization, cultural tourism "film and television +" has become the tide of the times. On the one hand, the government's cultural tourism and publicity departments continue to increase policy and financial support for high-quality film and television content, and the national radio and television industry has solidly promoted the creation of "following micro-short dramas to travel" to enrich the supply of content. On the other hand, the integration of popular IP by mainstream online video platforms has created a new benchmark for film and tourism linkage, and the travel platform has empowered the development of cultural tourism in the form of innovative promotion of integrated media live broadcast. Many aspects of the society have promoted the development of tourism film and television content as a new wave.

Magnolia Forum | Meiland Cui Yanzhen: From "Media +" to "Communication +"

In terms of the empowerment of the cultural and tourism industry, the IP of film and television content drives the local government to achieve a win-win situation of social value and economic value, and the rich forms of film and television literary and artistic works also open up global marketing opportunities for brands. At present, film and television works are vividly and vividly showing the exciting changes and industrial development of the mainland's mountain towns with the attitude of "literature carries the Tao", diverse perspectives, and multi-incision care. According to data from the authoritative consulting agency Meiland, among the film and television works in the first half of 2024, the drama "Hometown of the Stars" focuses on the wine industry and polishes the business card of Ningxia, and it has been on the list 19 times during the hot search, with a total time of 784.8 hours on the list. From January to November 2023, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism hosted 27 exhibitions and performances, with more than 1.8 billion online views.

Short videos attract attention, and long videos arouse recognition. In recent years, short videos and micro-short dramas have led to the tourism and consumption of some cities, and the popularity of short videos is easy to become a hot spot but lacks the retention of high-quality products, which can only complete the establishment of a sense of existence and the refresh of popularity; The excellent film and television themes, through the stories and emotional expressions brought by long videos and large screens, are more likely to leave a long-term and unforgettable emotional resonance in the depths of the public's hearts, and will gradually ferment, so as to constitute and influence the historical and cultural imprint and consumption popularity of a place for a long time, and achieve a win-win situation of social value and economic value.

Magnolia Forum | Meiland Cui Yanzhen: From "Media +" to "Communication +"

In terms of market expansion and industrial empowerment, film and television content participates in the construction of IP ecology, market expansion and cultural inheritance, and guides the audience's attention to land with the super influence and voice of super IP, achieving super consumption power. Based on high-quality content, the film and television cultural industry is gradually breaking through formal barriers, building a panoramic entertainment ecology and business value chain, broadening market boundaries, empowering the development of the real economic market, promoting the living inheritance of traditional culture, and deriving new economic formats.

All parties in the film and television industry are making efforts to make technological breakthroughs and application innovations, enrich the stage audio-visual effects with technology, expand the form of programs through digital people, promote the industrialization of film and television with technology, and empower content production, marketing interaction, and project management.

Magnolia Forum | Meiland Cui Yanzhen: From "Media +" to "Communication +"

At the same time, the film and television content cluster helps the dissemination of the trendy image of science and technology enterprises and jointly builds an industrial ecology. On the one hand, the "hard core" of multi-type science and technology innovation programs links innovative brands to spread the cutting-edge image of the brand; On the other hand, provincial radio and television use program IP to build an "enterprise development" ecosystem to help the high-quality development of the science and technology industry.

Magnolia Forum | Meiland Cui Yanzhen: From "Media +" to "Communication +"

AIGC accelerates the unleashing of content creation productivity, and interactive storytelling deepens user connection. The large model represented by Sora and AIGC have subversively changed the productivity of audiovisual content, and the large model technology has been integrated into the whole chain of audiovisual content from planning to production, bringing multi-dimensional changes from cost control, creation methods to the quality of works for the industry. AI also changes the interaction scenarios and modes between users and content with intelligent and immersive experiences, and reshapes user consumption and interaction scenarios. At the same time, AI applications are integrated into cultural tourism, education, marketing and other tracks, directly giving birth to new content formats and promoting the development of the industry.

Magnolia Forum | Meiland Cui Yanzhen: From "Media +" to "Communication +"

The cooperation between various platforms has been deepened and localized, and a new chapter has been created for Chinese film and television content to go overseas. With the improvement of comprehensive national strength, Chinese culture has become a hot spot and focus of overseas communication, and Chinese content has ushered in a collective "sail to the sea". From the perspective of content, Chinese film and television works seek cross-cultural emotional resonance with diverse themes and convey three-dimensional Chinese cultural stories. From the perspective of IP, domestic IP going overseas is expanding from a single content output to an all-round expansion of the overall mode (including program mode, production concept, narrative technique, etc.).

Magnolia Forum | Meiland Cui Yanzhen: From "Media +" to "Communication +"

The ability of dramas to spread overseas is increasing day by day, and the diversified and three-dimensional communication pattern has been steadily strengthened. The State Administration of Radio and Television pointed out in the "2023 China Drama Development Report" that the export value of Chinese TV dramas in 2023 will increase by 40% year-on-year, and the export time of Chinese TV dramas in 2023 will account for 80% of the total export of national programs, of which the main distribution method is cooperation with foreign local TV stations or media organizations. In addition, micro-short dramas have gradually become a new track, and the short drama APP Reelshort launched by Chinese Online's overseas subsidiaries has accumulated more than 33 million downloads, ranking among the top app downloads in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and other countries for many times, with a total revenue of 320 million yuan.

Finally, Mr. Cui shared that in the future, the full-link control of film and television content will continue to inject fresh vitality into the high-quality development of the industry. Specifically, in terms of production, "culture + technology" innovative content is provided, and emotional production is used to find a link point with users; In terms of communication, we insist on the interaction and co-creation of user subjects, and feed back content production with user needs; Technically, AIGC empowers the optimization of the whole creative process and improves the production efficiency and user experience of film and television. In terms of commercialization, integrate the resources of the film and television industry chain and broaden the commercial value of film and television content.


As an explorer and practitioner in the field of integrated communication and integrated marketing in China, Meiland, an authoritative communication consulting agency, comprehensively aggregates the analysis and research system of four major fields: communication channels, massive content, corporate brand, and global users, and is committed to using the advanced research results and technology applications of integrated communication and integrated marketing to help governments, media, and enterprises achieve brand building and strategic upgrading, consumer insight and connection, marketing empowerment and continuous improvement of business performance, and help customers succeed and create a better future with the power of data and consulting. At present, Meiland has served hundreds of government ministries and commissions, well-known academic institutions, media organizations and domestic and foreign brand enterprises.

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