
With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

author:Shanghai Jiading
With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?
With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?
With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

Walking into Bingen Garden Community, Anyong Community, Anting Town, birds and insects, green trees, quiet and quiet, as if walking into a green tunnel leading to a secret place, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. After one year of active creation, Bingen Garden has outlined a beautiful and livable picture, and has been selected as a three-star "Quiet Community" in Shanghai.

With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?
With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?
With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

Peaceful neighborhood

It refers to a community that achieves sound environment quality standards through noise pollution control, has high residents' satisfaction, and can provide a quiet living environment for residents to live, study and work.

It is understood that Bingen Garden Community was delivered in 2015, covering an area of 41,265.9 square meters, with a total of 245 households and a green coverage rate of 35%.

With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

Since the establishment of the "Quiet Community", Anyong Community has continued to carry out publicity and mobilization, promote the construction of earthquake and noise reduction facilities, guide the formulation of community residents' conventions, actively resolve the noise problem in the community, and explore an effective path for the construction of the "Quiet Community".

Align the steering wheel with "sound reduction and noise reduction",

Create a run-out "acceleration"

In Bingen Garden Community, the utilities and equipment are far away from the residential area, and the houses are made of double-layer acoustic glass to reduce noise generation from the source. At the same time, the community implements the management method of centralized parking of motor vehicles in the underground garage to further reduce the noise on the ground. In addition, the centralized energy supply method also avoids the noise generated by the air conditioner.

With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

In response to the noise caused by vehicles entering and leaving the underground garage commonly reported by residents, Anyong Community and Property Management Company carried out renovations, added speed limit signs and speed bump devices, and set up no-honking signs to further reduce noise sources. "Now the sound of cars coming in and out doesn't disturb us, and we can sleep peacefully at night." Uncle Wang, a resident who lives near the entrance and exit of the garage, said.

With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

In addition, during traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, the community has set up unified fireworks points in designated areas, which not only retains the festive atmosphere, but also reduces noise pollution. "In addition to the sound of fireworks, the noise of square dancing and musical instrument performances has also been significantly reduced, and security guards can often be seen patrolling the community." Aunt Wang, a resident of Bingen Garden Community, said.

Weaving a dense network of "pluralistic co-governance",

Play a good "game of chess" for noise prevention and control

In addition to the renovation of hardware facilities, Anyong community also pays attention to promoting noise control from the institutional level, and jointly formulates and compiles a series of rules and regulations such as "Noise Management System for Common Facilities and Equipment", "Noise Management System for Family Entertainment" and "Management System for Commercial Business Activities in Supporting and Residential Buildings", and clarifies management methods for various behaviors that are prone to noise in the community such as home decoration, family gatherings, and pet raising.

With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?
With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?
With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

At the same time, according to the actual situation, after extensively understanding the residents' work and rest time and wishes, the community made it clear that the residents should avoid exceeding 30 decibels as much as possible during the period from 22:00 to 7:00 the next day, which strengthened the residents' self-management and constraints.

With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

The formation of "residents' autonomy" is sustainable,

Building a Better Home Together "Participate Together"

Anyong Community has set up a team of environmental protection volunteers to continuously improve residents' awareness and participation in the creation of a "quiet community" through the distribution of publicity materials, listening to residents' opinions and suggestions, and daily patrols.

With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

At the same time, the community also carried out publicity activities with the theme of "creating a 'quiet community' and guarding the 'tranquility of the ears'", so that residents could become the main force in the creation of the work through training, exchanges, and mentoring. In response to residents' complaints, the neighborhood committee, property management and security teams will come to the door in time to deal with them to ensure that the problem is resolved.

With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

"In the process of creating a 'quiet community', the community is more committed to intervening in 'people', guiding residents to change from 'I want to do' to 'I want to do', so that residents can change from bystanders to participants, so that residents become the main force in the creation, and create a good atmosphere for everyone to participate, care and maintain." Gong Yan, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Anyong Community, said that in the next stage, Anyong Community will continue to deepen the creation of "Quiet Community", explore more effective noise reduction measures, stimulate the endogenous power of maintaining harmony and tranquility in the community with high standards, and create a more livable, workable and tourist-friendly living environment for residents.

With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

Correspondent: Xu Ye Editor: Zhuo Mingxia

With multiple measures to reduce noise, how can Jiading, a "quiet community", be quiet?

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