
Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

author:Your family is already envious


The national comic "Divine Seal Throne" has been updated, how many people have been handsome by Cai'er of this word? Looking at the whole battle, it can be called a rush to occupy the C position, and even the actor Long Haochen has been reduced to a supporting role, purely a flower messenger who supports the façade, and the young lady's boyfriend is bursting A!

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

This animation has adapted a lot of plots, and the fourth son of the snake demon god appeared, and he added drama to the villain again, which also caused many fans to think that they were too favored, and Long Haochen and others, who were the protagonists, had combat scenes in Haocai CP.

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

The others are simply background boards, although Cai'er has a lot of highlight pictures that are quite comforting, but the direction of the story is a little confusing, maybe this can add a sense of mystery to the audience, right? And the four sons of the newly debuted snake demon god feel like a tool man to set off Haocai?

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

The plot of the child of destiny is an ambush pen, and the four sons of the original snake demon god appear

At the beginning, there was a very confusing clip, Haoyue destroyed the Demon God Pillar and his friends fell to the ground, which once made the audience look forward to and pay attention, but it turned out to be only a part of Long Haochen's dream, and the character of the child of fate was brought up again.

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

I feel that this is an ambush for the later plot, just because of the identity of the child of destiny, it has brought convenience to Long Haochen, but also brought many responsibilities and missions, and the follow-up battle between him and Austin Griffin is also a heavy responsibility that he must bear.

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

And at this time, it was only a flash, which can be regarded as leaving suspense for the audience in advance, and also sending the four sons of the snake demon god who are not in the original book, is this to add drama to the villain's side? But I feel that the audience is not too buying, and he complained a lot after he came out.

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

Sheng Caier's C-position combat handsome cried, and the double shape was so beautiful that there were no dead ends

It is estimated that the fourth son made the most profit from his debut, just because she was the person who interacted with him the most in these words, although Long Haochen was the main combat force of the protagonist group, but Cai'er's strength should not be underestimated, and he was just considerate of the object to give him prestige before?

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

Now Cai'er, who is amnesiac, did not hesitate to go down in person, not only stabbing the four sons of the snake demon god in a regular state, but also switching to the state of death halfway, and switching between the two shapes silky, making the audience feel double the happiness!

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

The double shapes are so beautiful that there are no dead ends, and Cai'er, who fights in the C position, is really handsome and crying! The screen is full of long legs flying, and the figure of legs below the waist is too enviable, and the combat effectiveness is terrifying, and he can be killed again by being raided by the four sons!

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

Long Haochen became a flower messenger, and the single dog BOSS was abused

As the male protagonist, Long Haochen feels that he has been reduced to her flower messenger, or the kind that doesn't need to make much effort, Haocai CP secretly poked and poked dog food, and the degree of affection blinded the single dog opposite, and the little villain was almost depressed?

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

The original character Snake Demon God Sizi feels like a tool man, and he made it out for Haocai CP to show his affection, and after verifying his identity as a little couple in public, he was almost abused as a single dog, and then he was attacked by Cai'er's beauty many times.

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

The body and mind were attacked like crazy, which made Ma Baonan's four sons collapse, although he added drama to the villain, he was too vegetable, at most it was to tickle the protagonist group? Maybe it was just for Cai'er's performance that appeared, and the arrogant little handsome guy went offline in one episode!

Sheng Caier crushed Long Haochen in a play, switched to the Grim Reaper girl and was super silky, and the single dog boss was abused

There are really a lot of the latest words of Shenyin Animation, Sheng Cai'er C position is handsome and crying, the double shape switch is silky and attractive, Long Haochen, the flower messenger, can paddle, the poor single dog BOSS was abused, and the original appearance was to highlight Haocai CP?