
Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

author:Erle Literary Society

In the Chinese cross talk world, Hou Baolin's name is like a monument, which has always stood tall. As his only son, Hou Yaohua has carried extremely high expectations since he was a child. Under his father's strict teaching, he showed an unparalleled talent for cross talk, as if he was born for the stage.

At the age of 12, Hou Yaohua ushered in an important moment in his life - performing on stage for the first time. At this age, most children are still worried about schoolwork, and Hou Yaohua is already in the spotlight.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

The audience held their breath and looked forward to what kind of surprises this rookie from the "cross talk family" could bring them.

The moment Hou Yaohua spoke, everyone present felt a shock - his excellent eloquence, astute reflexes and in-depth understanding of the art of cross talk made everyone praise this young man.

It is really remarkable that this young artist can grasp the essence of cross talk so accurately, and his performance not only won the warm applause of the audience, but also let the seniors of the industry see a rising star.

Soon, Hou Yaohua was named the "golden boy of the cross talk industry". Everyone praised the Hou family's family style, believing that the talents of this generation are already very outstanding, and their next generation is beyond imagination.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

Hou Yaohua's talent and potential have been warmly loved by audiences across the country, laying a solid foundation for his future career development.

However, just when everyone was amazed by Hou Yaohua's talent, Hou Baolin, as a father, was extremely calm. He knows that on the road of art, although talent is very important, moral character is the foundation of an artist's life.

Looking at his confident son, Hou Baolin solemnly warned him: "Be a down-to-earth person, not a lifetime."

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

It's a pity that Hou Yaohua was immersed in the joy of career success at that time, and he didn't take his father's reminder to heart. He misinterpreted his father's concerns as overprotective, not knowing that this sentence would be an important turning point in his future life.

At the beginning of his career, the young Hou Yaohua was full of enthusiasm, but he was not sure where the road ahead would lead.

As he grew older, Hou Yaohua's talent became more dazzling. His cross talk performance skills have gradually improved, and he is like a fish in water on the stage. However, for the young artist, the cross talk stage no longer seems to be able to satisfy his ambitions.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

Hou Yaohua began to set his sights on the broader film and television industry, seeking new breakthroughs.

Opportunity is always more inclined to favor those who are prepared. Hou Yaohua soon received an invitation to participate in "The Story of the Editorial Department", a popular TV series that opened the door for him to enter the film and television industry.

Although he only played a small role in the play, his excellent performance left a deep impression on the audience.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

In "The Story of the Editorial Department", Hou Yaohua played a dynamic young man. He skillfully incorporated the humor and wit of the art of cross talk, giving this small character a unique charm.

The audience was surprised to find that this cross talk actor can be so natural and calm on the screen.

This successful attempt allowed Hou Yaohua to successfully enter the film and television industry and received many invitations. His name frequently appears in various film and television works. From the cross talk stage to the big screen, Hou Yaohua's career has shown a momentum of vigorous development, and no one can beat the limelight.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

However, after Hou Yaohua tasted success, he began to revel in it and get carried away. He indulged in the pleasure of fame and fortune, and his vanity swelled. The once ambitious young man was gradually covered up by a flashy appearance.

He began to frequent social situations and enjoyed the sensation of being in the limelight.

At the height of his career, Hou Yaohua thought that he had finally surpassed his father's aura and became a star in his own right. However, he ignored his father's admonition, forgot his original intention, and forgot the importance of artistic virtue.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

Sadly, Hou Yaohua was intoxicated with the joy of his success, but he did not realize that he was walking towards the abyss of depravity step by step. The qualities that once sustained him in his journey—humility, diligence, self-discipline—are being eroded by vanity and pride.

At the peak of this career, it looked glamorous, but in fact it was full of dangers. Hou Yaohua's story is like a satirical drama in progress, but he himself is unaware of it, and even remains obsessed with it, playing the role of a protagonist who is about to fall.

Fame and fortune are like a glass of spirit, which makes people intoxicated and also makes people lost. Hou Yaohua gradually fell deeper and deeper into the whirlpool of success, and as his fame grew, he began to frequent various social occasions, and alcohol gradually became his inseparable partner.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

Initially, Hou Yaohua's alcoholism was just a topic of private chat. However, as time passed, his drunken gaffes began to be frequently exposed to the public, attracting public attention and criticism.

Sometimes, he will show obvious drunkenness and confusion during performances, which will greatly disappoint the audience, and even worse, he will miss important business activities due to drunken gaffes, which will have a great impact on his career.

However, alcoholism was only the cause, and the real trigger for Hou Yaohua's moral decline was the growth of his identity and influence. As his fame grew, so did the temptations around him.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

Some young women, in the name of "learning from him", approached him, Hou Yaohua, instead of being vigilant, fell into it and had improper relationships with many women.

Some of these so-called "apprentices" are sincere learners, while others are ill-intentioned, but in Hou Yaohua's view, they are just tools for him to satisfy his vanity. He likes to be surrounded by young women, as if he has returned to the glamorous days of his youth.

During the filming of "The Story of the Editorial Department", the scandal between Hou Yaohua and a young actress in the crew spread widely, causing a lot of turmoil.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

However, he has forgotten his identity, his father's teachings, and his responsibilities as a public figure. His actions not only hurt these women by mistake, but also brought indelible pain to his family.

Hou Yaohua's fall was extremely fast, like an acceleration movement that could not be stopped. He sank deeper and deeper, barely able to extricate himself. The cross talk actor who once showed extraordinary talent is being devoured by his own desires at the moment.

He began to display arrogance and conceit on various occasions, and even lost respect for his former mentor and seniors.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

In the process, Hou Yaohua seems to have forgotten his true intentions, indulging in false prosperity, and not realizing that he is gradually sinking into a deeper abyss. The once beloved cross talk actor has now become a negative example that makes people sigh.

While Hou Yaohua indulged in a life of drunken money, his family life was like a volcano that could erupt at any time. His wife, Yan Xuejing, was also born in an artistic family, and she couldn't bear her husband's various behaviors for a long time.

Yan Xuejing chose patience at first. She hopes that through her tolerance and understanding, her husband's conscience can be reversed. However, as Hou Yaohua's behavior became more and more excessive, the conflict between the two finally broke out.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

Years of resentment are like a flood of beasts, and they are out of control.

Divorce, a word that they once thought was out of reach, is now in front of them. However, the complicated matter is not over yet, and the two need to face the problem of dividing huge amounts of property, among which the "Maojiawan Courtyard" worth more than 2 billion is undoubtedly the most eye-catching.

This courtyard house is not only a priceless real estate, but also carries the memories of many generations of the Hou family. For Hou Yaohua, it symbolizes the glory of the family. For Yan Xuejing, this old mansion is a testimony of her and her partner's many years of married life.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

However, when the temptation of money quietly hits, the former feelings seem to become insignificant.

The two sides engaged in a fierce legal battle over the quadrangle, which attracted a lot of media coverage and high public attention. Inside and outside the courtroom, the supporters of the two protagonists insist on their own opinions, and the scene is quite chaotic when it gets out of control at one point.

The protracted battle for property has further damaged Hou Yaohua's image, and the public has begun to question why the former famous comedian has been reduced to the point of going to court with his wife for money.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

However, what is even more embarrassing is that in this process, most members of the Hou family chose to side with Yan Xuejing, which was undoubtedly another blow to Hou Yaohua, and he began to realize that his greed and indulgence not only ruined his reputation, but also destroyed a complete family.

However, this awakening came too late. When Hou Yaohua stood in the courtroom and looked at the strange and familiar wife opposite, he had mixed feelings in his heart. He finally understood that he had lost far more than he had imagined.

Just as Hou Yaohua is troubled by family disputes, an even bigger storm is quietly brewing. A number of women have courageously come forward to accuse Hou Yaohua of sexually harassing them.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

These accusations are like a bombshell, completely shattering Hou Yaohua's already shaky public image.

These victims include his former "apprentices" and peers who have been in contact with him at work. Their accusations are strikingly consistent: Hou Yaohua used his position and influence to verbally and physically harass them.

The allegations spread quickly on social media, sparking a public outrage.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

In the face of overwhelming doubts and accusations, Hou Yaohua chose to remain silent at first. He probably thought that with his fame and influence, the turmoil would soon subside. However, he miscalculated the public reaction.

His silence did not stifle the discussion, but only made people even more angry at his irresponsible attitude.

In this storm of public opinion, Hou Yaohua's career suffered a heavy blow. The originally full schedule of performances was cancelled, and partners have drawn a line with it. used to stand in the center of the stage and was sought after by the cross talk actor, but now it has become the object that people have avoided.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

Since the authorities cleared up the mystery, Hou Yaohua woke up and realized the seriousness of the situation. However, when he tried to defend himself, he found that his words had lost credibility. His public image was completely subverted in this turmoil, and became a negative teaching material for others to take as a warning.

The incident not only ruined Hou Yaohua's career for many years, but also lost the trust and respect of the public. His experience has become a living cautionary tale in the entertainment industry, reminding all those who pursue fame and fortune: success without a moral bottom line will only be empty in the end.

The years are like knives, and they are the most ruthless. The once powerful Prime Minister Hou Yaohua now has to pay a rent of up to 200,000 yuan a month in order to continue to live in the "Maojiawan Courtyard" that carries too many memories.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

It's really embarrassing that this priceless place has now become a problem in his life.

For Hou Yaohua now, that huge rent is a heavy burden. He had few opportunities to perform, and his income was not as good as before. Sometimes, he would stand alone in the courtyard of the courtyard, thinking of the glory of the past, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help but moisten.

The once bustling mansion is now the only one left to accompany him.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

However, what makes Hou Yaohua most distressed is not the material gap, but the spiritual loneliness. The so-called friends and fans who used to surround him have long since disappeared without a trace.

He began to understand his father Hou Baolin's admonition back then: "Be a down-to-earth person, not for a lifetime" Unfortunately, this realization came too late.

Still, life goes on. Hou Yaohua began to try to get back on his feet, and he tried various ways to rebuild his career and life. However, once the public's trust is lost, it is very difficult to regain it.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

Every time he attempted, he was skeptical.

Hou Yaohua's story is a warning in the entertainment industry. Talent is important, but if there is a lack of integrity and perseverance, no matter how dazzling the star is, it will eventually be darkened. As Hou Baolin said, to be a down-to-earth person, not a lifetime.

These words, in retrospect, are undoubtedly a prophecy.

Hou Yaohua, who is "invincible", has fallen to this point, and Hou Baolin's former admonition has become a prophecy

Hou Yaohua's ups and downs are not only his personal tragedy, but also a microcosm of the entire era. This story tells us that on the road of pursuing fame and fortune, we must not forget our original intention and cannot lose ourselves.

Because only inner morality and persistence can become our support after the prosperity fades.

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