
There is a red village in Miyang - Guanzhuang Chengou Village!

author:Fusion of the sun

The cradle of the revolution Red Monument

-- An account of the revolutionary history of Chengou Village, Miyang County, where the Second Prefectural Committee of Tongbai District of the Communist Party of China is located

Inscription: From January 1948 to January 1949, the local remnants of the Kuomintang in Miyang were unwilling to defeat and were still dying. Under the leadership of the party organizations at the prefectural and county levels, a generation of veteran revolutionary comrades led the people in the old area to unswervingly and heroically struggle, effectively striking at the enemy, defending the hard-won new people's democratic regime, and making indelible contributions to the final victory of the people's democratic liberation.

The History of Piyang County of the Communist Party of China (Volume 1) and the Chronicles of Piyang County (1987 edition) clearly record that from January 1948 to January 1949, the Second Prefecture Committee of Tongbai District of the Communist Party of China set up Guanzhuang and Chengou in Mixi County, and the second branch office set up the ancient city and Jialou of Yangshu in Mixi County, but there was no more detailed record in other relevant party history and literature and history documents in Miyang County. Time flies, the years are handsome, and in the flick of a finger, the second prefectural committee of Tongbai District has been working in Chengou Village for 76 years. In order to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, fully excavate and rescue the red historical and cultural resources, better continue and inherit the red gene, and supplement and enrich the historical memory, recently, the author and his entourage braved the scorching heat to conduct in-depth field visits and research many times, interviewed the local elderly in Chengou Village, the parties and the old leaders and comrades of the local township and village committees, and consulted the documents of the county archives, party history, veterans' affairs and other business departments, and compiled them into documents for the benefit of readers. Due to the rush of time, the long history of the historical events, the limited grasp of the literature and the author's level, etc., omissions, deficiencies and mistakes are inevitable, please ask the majority of party history, literature and history lovers and leaders and colleagues from all walks of life to help and correct!

There is a red village in Miyang - Guanzhuang Chengou Village!

"Biography of Henan Party History Figures" (9 volumes), "History of the Communist Party of China in Piyang County" (1 volume), examples of documents related to the history of the Party in Miyang

In the middle of the famous mountain in the middle of Miyang - the beautiful scenery of the former foot of the Zushiding in Miyang County, the upper reaches of the Sanshan Reservoir, there is a well-known ancient village - Chengou Village (including East and West Chengou Village) in Guanzhuang Town. Chengou Village is located at the junction of Huangshankou Township, Chunshui Town, Yangxi Town and Guanzhuang Town, at the foot of Dajian Mountain and Zushiding Mountain, and downstream of Dushan Reservoir. The whole village area is 12 square kilometers, the cultivated land area is 4760 acres, the forest land is 6690 acres, the village land is more than 500 acres, the terrain is mainly mountainous, hills, barren slopes, woodland area is more, the total population is 750 households, 3075 people, the overall topography is east, west and north surrounded by mountains, east and west are facing water, the terrain is dangerous, it is located in the remote, overlooking from the top of the ancestor, it is a mountain chong in the northeast and southwest direction, it has been regarded as a strategic place by the government and the bandit since ancient times. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a tall walled wall was built, and hunters were organized, and a death squad was built to protect the village. The people of Chengou have the traditional fighting spirit of not fearing strong enemies, and the local saying is still spread that "the people of East Chengou love to fight, and the people of West Chengou will 'raise the bar' (reasoning, adhere to the meaning of justice)". Chengou Village has a long history, and it is rumored that its name comes from the ancestor of the surname Chen, Chen Delu, who moved here from the big locust tree in Hongdong, Shanxi Province in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, and then named it "Chengou Village" with his surname. But now the main surnames are Liu, Wang, Mei and other surnames. Before the middle of the Qing Dynasty, Chengou Village was originally an independent village, but later due to the living habits and convenience of production and life, some villagers successively moved to the old site of East and West Chengou Village (in the middle of the current site of East and West Chengou), which were separated into two natural villages of East and West Chengou.

There is a red village in Miyang - Guanzhuang Chengou Village!

The editorial team of this article and the cadres of the two village committees investigated and interviewed the old man Liu Yunjing (93 years old) in Dongchengou

First, the wind and thunder are turbulent, and the thick cultural heritage is shocking

In the mid-to-late thirties of the last century, under the leadership of the CPC Miyang County Committee, Marxism-Leninism was sown in the mountainous villages of the Chengou generation, and the flame of revolution began to take root here. In January 1937, the Chengou branch of the Communist Party of China was established, and Liu Yuncheng, the head of the Chengou branch, served as the branch secretary. Zhang Wangwu, member of the CPC Miyang County CPC Committee, Wang Dingsan and Shen Xinmin, secretaries of the CPC Guanzhuang Branch, Liu Huichuan, Su Fengzhang, and Yu Mingdian, secretaries of the CPC Guanzhuang Yang (Book) District Committee, and other early underground revolutionary workers successively propagated revolutionary ideas and organized mass revolutionary activities here. In June 1938, the Henan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China moved from Kaifeng to Zhugou, Peng Xuefeng, Minister of Military Affairs of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the United Front Work Committee, and Wang Guohua, Director of the Zhuxin Fourth Army Gou Left-behind Office, and Wang Youmei, a wealthy gentleman of Miyang, successfully united with the "Miyang Youth Wartime Work Group" in Guanzhuang Town, Miyang, and cultivated a group of outstanding party members and progressive youths for the Chengou branch. In the same year, the CPC Miyang County Party Committee set up 20 grassroots party branches in Guanzhuang, Chunshui and Gaoyi 3 district committees, of which there were 19 party members in the Chengou branch, Liu Yuncheng, branch secretary, Wang Lanting (Wang Shishi), propaganda commissioner, and Liu Pengsheng, a member of the United Front Work Committee, became the grassroots branch organization with the largest number of party members in the county at that time. A large number of early outstanding underground CPC members such as Liu Yuncheng (Chief of Chengou Jia, Secretary of the Chengou Branch of the Communist Party of China, and Deputy Mayor of Meilin District, Midong County), Wang Lanting, Liu Pengsheng, Mo Jinglan, Wang Pengyang, He Xizhang, He Xiyun, He Xikun, He Xirui, Qin Yongbing, Qin Fujiu, Qin Tianbao, Li Zezhen, Zhang Wenhua, Zhang Shiming, Liu Pengsheng, Quan Xingzhou, Wang Yunzeng, Liu Guozhao, Qin Yongli, Qin Chengliang, Qin Ximing, and Yan Xiliang have emerged one after another.

There is a red village in Miyang - Guanzhuang Chengou Village!

The editorial team of this article investigated and interviewed Qin Laozhuang and Qin Guangzeng (92 years old)

On November 11, 1939, after the "Zhugou Incident" occurred, the Kuomintang reactionaries frantically suppressed the people in our base areas. Wang Youmei, a wealthy gentleman from Miyang, colluded with Zhang Hucen, secretary general of the Kuomintang Piyang County Party Department, and sent Chao Binwu to join the "anti-communist joint defense office" in the four counties of Xin (Yang), Mi (Yang), Qu (Shan), and Tong (Bai), and sent Jiao Yunfu to join the "military and police inspection office" of the 68 th Army of the Kuomintang to arrest communists and progressive masses everywhere. Bei Tingfang, the anti-communist leader of Wanxi, also sent heavy troops to garrison Miyang, implemented the "armor protection system" and the "joint sitting method", implemented the Great Qing Township, wantonly slaughtered Communist Party members and soldiers of the New Fourth Army, and many local party organizations were brutally suppressed, and a large number of underground party members were purged, or broke away from or quit the party organizations. At the same time, under the instructions of the Central Plains Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in order to preserve the living revolutionary forces, the Miyang County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the policy of "concealing and being capable, laying in ambush for a long time, accumulating strength, and waiting for the opportunity", and the Chengou branch temporarily suspended its revolutionary activities. From 1937 to 1949, 18 comrades in the Chengou area, including Wang Lanting, Chang Xueyi, Wang Jiantian, Mei Peifang, Qin Qin, Qin Faqun, Wang Mingqin, Li Jinzhao, Li Mingguang, Li Dahe, He Xifu, Zhang Changzhi, Li Guirong, Li Guiming, Li Wenbin, He Qingfu, Hou Taifa, and Mei Yangqun, died heroically for the revolution, sacrificed their precious lives for the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people, and were posthumously regarded as revolutionary martyrs.

Second, do not forget the original intention and recall the eventful events of the beacon years

On November 18, 1947, Chen Geng and Xie Fuzhi's Li Chengfang Brigade went south from Fangcheng County to liberate Miyang for the first time. However, in order to liberate Tongbai County, the southbound army only stayed in Miyang for a short time, and Xue Zizheng's pseudo-county government and security regiment quickly retreated and defended the county seat of Piyang. At the end of 1947, Liu Deng's army leaped thousands of miles into the Dabie Mountains to achieve a strategic victory, and implemented a strategic extension to the local power of the Kuomintang. In mid-December, Wang Guohua, member of the Tongbai District Committee of the Communist Party of China and commissioner of the Second Special Administration, (that is, Wang Laohan, who was reappointed as the secretary of the second status and the first political commissar of the Second Army Division in September 1948) led the troops of the Second Prefectural Committee, the Second Special Administration and the Second Division of the Tongbai District of the Communist Party of China to conquer Miyang again, but Xue Zizheng was unwilling to fail, and collected more than 3,000 people including the Kuomintang scattered personnel, ruffians, and bandits to set up a security brigade with four regiments, and appointed himself as the brigade commander, taking the opportunity to sneak attack our local government organs and kill local cadres and progressive masses. The situation of struggle and banditry in the county is still very grim.

There is a red village in Miyang - Guanzhuang Chengou Village!

On January 5, 1948, the patriotic and democratic government of Mixi County was established, Shi Leifeng, secretary of the county party committee, Cheng Jianhua, county magistrate, and Sun Kehua, deputy county magistrate (replaced Cheng Jianhua as county magistrate in August), under the jurisdiction of Guanzhuang, Shuangmiao, Raoliang, Yangshu, Damo five districts. At the same time, due to the needs of the struggle situation at that time, the county party committee, the county government, and the two prefectural party committees and administrative organs adopted separate offices and acted as horns for each other, and the organs of the two prefectural party committees and county party committees were stationed in the mountainous villages around Guanzhuang and Chengou.

According to Liu Kejian, a 92-year-old old man in Dongchengou Village and former secretary of the old party branch of Chengou Village, his father Liu Yuncheng joined the underground party organization in the thirties of the last century. Comrade Shen Xinmin, secretary of the CPC Guan(Zhuang) Yang (Book) District Committee, was Liu Yuncheng's direct contact, and often went in and out of Chengou as a barefoot doctor. In 1939, Wang Guohua transferred Liu Yuncheng to work in Zhugou and served as the secretary of the New Fourth Army in Zhugou.

There is a red village in Miyang - Guanzhuang Chengou Village!

The editorial team jointly investigated and interviewed Wang Decheng (97 years old), Liu Kejian (92 years old), Liu Yuncai (94 years old), Liu Meishi (91 years old) and other veteran comrades in Dongchengou

In November of the same year, the "Zhugou Incident" occurred, Wang Guohua led most of the personnel to evacuate Zhugou to Xinyang Siwang Mountain to meet Li Xiannian's New Fourth Army troops, Liu Yuncheng and three other comrades broke through the west gate of Zhugou and evacuated to the west. Due to the tense situation in Miyang at that time, the Kuomintang Bei Tingfang troops and the Miyang militia went everywhere to eliminate the underground party, and the county party committee instructed to let the hidden struggle, and Liu Yuncheng temporarily hid in the house of a friend in Wuyang. In the winter of 1947, the troops of the Second Army Division arrived at Xiangheguan, and after Wang Guohua's introduction, Liu Yuncheng concurrently served as the deputy head of Meilin District, and at the same time presided over the work of the Chengou branch. In the winter of 1944, Wang Shishi (Wang Lanting, a native of Linpan Village), a former United Front Committee member of the Chengou Branch, died fighting with the Japanese army in Yingcheng, Hubei, and the skeleton was brought back to Linpan, and Liu Huichuan (a native of Yangshu Street, who served as the deputy head of the Miyang Armed Corps in 1945, and later worked in the National Earthquake Administration) worked in Laoyanjia Village, Dongshan, and personally went to the door to deliver the pension to his family. In 1948, Wang Guohua, secretary of the Second Prefectural Party Committee, and several other leaders were stationed in Dongchengou and Liu Liancheng became a family. On March 3 of the same year, the troops of the Second Army sub-division attacked Shaobei Temple in Tanghe County, and the Second Prefectural Committee set up a rear hospital in Dongchengou, and many wounded PLA soldiers were transported to Dongchengou and Xichengou for rescue treatment.

There is a red village in Miyang - Guanzhuang Chengou Village!

The editorial team investigated and interviewed Xichengou, Mei Mingshan (95 years old) and other veteran comrades

In April 1948, after Xue Zizheng's bandit unit was almost completely annihilated by the 87th and 89th regiments of the 28th Brigade of the Tongbai Military Region in Shaobai Temple, because the 85th Division of the Kuomintang Army was stationed in Zhugou and the 11th Division was entrenched in Shahedian and Xiangheguan, the bandits and official poles in the central and eastern areas of Miyang rose again and became active, and half of the border in Piyang County was a bandit area, and the situation became grim again. Liu Yuncai, an old man in Dongchengou Village, is 94 years old this year, according to him, since he was a child, he immediately heard that his elder brother Liu Yuncheng propagated the revolution, and his two elder brothers, Liu Yunchang (later the head of Chunshui Township, Meilin District), and Liu Yuncang were very progressive in their thinking, and they were well-known hunters in the village, and often went to the nearby mountains with the village hunters to hunt (hunt).

There is a red village in Miyang - Guanzhuang Chengou Village!

In 1948, Comrade Wang Guohua, Secretary of the Second Prefectural Party Committee of Tongbai District, etc., and other offices (Dongchengou Liu Liancheng's home)

He followed his two older brothers from the age of teenagers to practice a good marksmanship, he once caught three wild wolves in Dongshan in one night, and raised seven children by hunting to grow up. The house of Liu Yuncai's family is the house of his second grandfather in the early years of the Republic of China, and the housing is very spacious, close to the office of Comrade Wang Guohua of Liu Liancheng's family in the west courtyard. One day in the summer of 1948, Liu Yuncai's father, Liu Yide, suddenly received a notice that the county magistrate Sun Kehua (a native of Julu, Hebei, who served as vice governor of Shaanxi Province and director of the Provincial Economic Commission in 1982) needed to live in his home and office, along with two other comrades.

There is a red village in Miyang - Guanzhuang Chengou Village!

In 1948, the office of Sun Kehua, the magistrate of Xixi County, and other comrades (Liu Yuncai's house in Dongchengou)

Liu Yuncai was still a seventeen or eighteen-year-old half-year-old, and at first he was confined to his yard for several days, and he wanted to go out at night. In order to prevent their brother from going out, a few days later, County Magistrate Sun sat inside the gate every night to work. County Magistrate Sun Kehua is very simple, approachable, and humorous, and whenever he has free time, he will talk to his brothers and ask them to give him advice. The brothers were very embarrassed when they asked for their opinions, and they wanted to avoid the county magistrate like a plague god, because with the style and conduct of the county magistrate Sun, there was really no opinion to mention. County Magistrate Sun said with a smile that he was still young and wanted to be promoted, but there was ash on his face, and he couldn't see it, so he needed to help him wipe it and look at his face in a mirror. As soon as he said this, Liu Yuncai thought about it, and opened the conversation box bluntly, saying that there were already two opinions, but he didn't dare to mention them, one was to propose that County Magistrate Sun didn't sleep at night and worked all night, which affected everyone's sleep. Second, the amount of food is too small. County Magistrate Sun laughed from ear to ear when he heard this, and suddenly tightened his face again, and slapped Liu Yuncai on the back of the head. At that time, the county magistrate Sun had a history of malaria for two years, and he was sick twice in three days, and every time he had a malaria attack, he had fever and chills all over his body, and shivered one after another, but he still insisted on working late at night with his illness every night. Liu Yide saw it in his eyes, hurt in his heart, one day, he took his youngest son Liu Yuncai to the mountains silently to cut back a big oxcart yellow berry grass (the building material for building the roof of the grass house in the countryside), the next day, after pulling it to the Guanzhuang Street Chai He Store to sell it, he went to the Chinese medicine shop to buy back a large package of Chinese herbal medicines for the county magistrate Sun, and personally boiled it, three pairs of traditional Chinese medicine in a row, and actually helped the county magistrate Sun to eradicate malaria for many years. In order to repay the Liu family, in the 60s of the last century, he also helped Liu Yide's second son Liu Yunchang to open a small civil broadcasting equipment factory (producing small speakers) in Zhengzhou, but unfortunately, due to poor efficiency, the Cultural Revolution was closed after the start of the Cultural Revolution.

There is a red village in Miyang - Guanzhuang Chengou Village!

3. Flesh and blood are connected Fox fur coats witness fish and water conditions

Dongchengou is relatively close to the mountain, since the twenties and thirties of the last century, the villagers rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, almost all the families have a strong labor force to hunt, no more than one or twenty people with good marksmanship, these good hunters are also organized into the village militia team, responsible for standing guard day and night, protecting the safety of the leaders of the prefectural party committee and the county party committee. The villagers hunt in an organized and disciplined manner, and have accumulated rich hunting experience over the years, with wolves, foxes, and wild boars being the most common in the nearby mountains. In winter and spring, there are few crops in the fields, and most of the prey is close to the village to harass activities. Villagers often choose to hunt in the first half of the night after 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening, because at this time, the prey is hungry and sleepy, and it is easy to find the reflection of the eyes at night, which is convenient for the hunter to observe in concealment. When hunting, the hunting team is organized in an orderly manner, with a captain, a trapping group, an observation commander, an ambush group and a sniper. There are generally two or three good snipers, and the prey is also the most divided after the prey. The Chengou hunting team generally starts to trap prey from Dongshan, the wolves often move along the ridge, the ambush group ambushes in the Beiyagou of Beishan, once the wolves are lured over, the sniper team shoots together, and the prey is all hunted.

One night in the middle of 1948, when the snow closed the door, the wind was bitter, and the weather was freezing, Chen Yuncang and four or five hunter militiamen were responsible for patrolling the village that night. At eight or nine o'clock, the team leader Chen Yunchang and another team member were standing guard at the edge of the village, squatting under the eaves and curled up their hands and feet, unable to stand up, and suddenly found a familiar burly figure staggering from the snow in the village. Someone came with a loud voice: "I, old man!" Take it easy! At this time, the two looked at each other and recognized at a glance that the person who came was the secretary of the second prefectural party committee that everyone admired in their minds - Comrade Wang Guohua (Wang Laohan).

There is a red village in Miyang - Guanzhuang Chengou Village!

They saw that Secretary Wang had a fluttering beard, thin clothes, and was obviously only wearing a shabby thin military uniform on the outside of his upper body, and a gray shirt on the inside, but he was still in good spirits and proud in the wind and snow. The two of them immediately cheered up, and suddenly they were even more in awe of the amiable and respectable secretary of the prefectural party committee and political commissar of the military region in front of them.

After Comrade Wang Guohua left, Chen Yuncang hurriedly reported to Comrade Liu Yuncheng, secretary of the village branch, about Secretary Wang Guohua's patrol and inspection in single clothes. At the same time, the news quickly spread among the Orion militia. That night, Comrade Liu Yuncheng immediately organized a hunting team to set out to Dongshan, and the team members scrambled to be the first, and their morale was high, and they shot down more than ten foxes in one go that night. The next day, Comrade Wang Guohua rushed to make a very warm and fitting fox fur coat. The hunters of Dongchengou who participated in the hunt of foxes in the mountains that night included Liu Yuncai (alive), Liu Kejian (alive), Liu Yunchang, Liu Yuncang, Liu Guande, Liu Ande, Liu Rongde, Liu Zunde, Liu Guilin, Wang Deshan and more than a dozen villagers. After that, Comrade Wang Guohua, a fox fur coat full of military and civilian feelings, was not willing to wear more. According to Mr. Wang Leisheng, the son of Comrade Wang Guohua, in his childhood memories, this coat was treasured by his father for more than ten years, and it looked shiny and warm and pleasant. In addition, according to the "Biography of Figures in the History of the Party in Henan Province" (Vol. 9, p. 32 and p. 34), after the liberation, Comrade Wang Guohua never forgot and cared for the people in the old areas, especially in Miyang and Qushan counties. During the three-year natural disaster, he not only paid attention to self-help in production, but also did not forget to cut down on food and clothing. In the winter of 1962, Comrade Wang Guohua, who was the vice governor of Henan Province, went to Piyang and Queshan counties to inspect the work, and saw that the old landlords and martyrs in the war years were very poor and pitiful, and could not help but burst into tears.


1. The editor of this article, Feng Jianhai; Photography, Zhang Yao, Cheng Xinqing.

2. Copywriting Editor's Reference:

(1) Biography of Figures in the History of the Communist Party of China in Henan (No. 9);

(2) "Chronicles of Piyang County" (1987 edition);

(3) "History of the Communist Party of China in Piyang County" (one volume); "Memorabilia of the History of Miyang County of the Communist Party of China" (one volume); "List of Underground Party Members of the Communist Party of China", "List of Martyrs in Piyang County" and other historical documents;

(4) Liu Yuncai, Liu Yunjing, Liu Kejian, Mei Mingshan, Liu Meishi, Wang Decheng, Qin Guangzeng and other veteran comrades over 90 years old of the Mazhuang Village Committee of Guanzhuang Town.

Source: Said Miyang