
Self-cultivation of leek cut prevention: learn a little critical thinking

author:Yuchuan reads

Books reviewed:

Title: The Leek Survival Guide: An Introduction to Minimalist Critical Thinking

Author: Su Dechao

Publisher: Shanghai People's Publishing House

Publication date: May 2024

Self-cultivation of leek cut prevention: learn a little critical thinking

Leeks are a strong-smelling vegetable with rich nutrients in their roots, so cutting off leek leaves can quickly produce new stems and leaves.

The concept of cutting leeks has also been used in the financial circle, such as the dealer to make a game, to create a concept, when harvesting the wealth of Xiaosan, but also continue to create an illusion, so that Xiaosan still does not discard illusions after heavy losses, just like leeks are constantly harvested.

Of course, Xiaosan, who is often harvested, is actually deceived because he hopes to find extraordinary inside information and obtain poor information to harvest others.

The concept of cutting leeks breaks through the investment field and can even spread to many other fields, such as various franchise businesses that seem to bring daily income. According to Su Dechao, a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Philosophy of Wuhan University, in his book "Leek Survival Guide: Introduction to Minimalist Critical Thinking", whether the harvest is fair or not can be judged according to the criteria of whether you are willing to do it at the moment and whether you regret it afterwards.

Unjust harvesting can be distinguished, one is resorting to violent harvesting, such as during the warlord melee, many powerful forces will force merchants to pay excessive taxes, and the other is harvesting through secret rhythm, and the latter is very hidden.

Self-cultivation of leek cut prevention: learn a little critical thinking

The person who is brought to rhythm is only concerned about feeling

According to the book "Leek Survival Guide: A Primer on Minimalist Critical Thinking", being led to rhythm is a very common phenomenon that has little to do with who you are, your educational level, and your professional identity. The key to rhythm is to influence and distort the actions of others, so it is generally focused on deflecting the target, providing a lot of distracting information, and messing up the brain processing.

The purpose of deflecting the target and interfering with the provision of information is easy to understand, while disrupting brain processing refers to deliberately poisoning and blunting the thinking mode of the misled person, and lowering the thinking level of the other party through a large amount of similar low-quality information. For example, if a candidate is determined to apply for a certain major, hoping to achieve his or her life ideals, but if he or she and his parents' social media continue to convey negative information about the major, such as aging knowledge structure and poor employment, even if these negative information is full of prejudice and is even likely to be recognized, it may still have a strong poisoning effect.

As the author points out, "Most people don't care about the truth most of the time, they only care about feelings". Therefore, being brought to rhythm will make people feel very happy in many cases, not only will they not be sad, but they will also resonate, such as an article or a book, "saying what you want to say but not saying". In your relationship, if you meet someone, it can bring you a very ideal emotional state, the other party is considerate, shh

The last step of the rhythm must be the goal that the rhythmist wants. For example, the stock market players hope to pick up junk stocks in a small way; For example, in the drumming fancy franchise business, the rhythmic person hopes that the franchisee will pay real money. In this process, every step and node arranged by the other party will even make you feel very happy.

How to assert/refute Greek pseudo-historiography?

The Leek Survival Guide: A Primer on Minimalist Critical Thinking provides an aid to readers in identifying the rhythm of being carried. The first is to put forward the "three axes" of the other party's narrative and proposition: what questions, what positions, and what supports (arguments). In other words, asking questions requires clarity and self-consistent, verifiable support.

For example, the author says that there are some people on the Internet who hold the Greek pseudo-historiography theory, arguing that most of the history of Greece is a forgery, on the basis that Aristotle was a fiction, because his work of at least three million words was difficult to find enough lambskin or Egyptian papyrus to write at the time. The Greek pseudo-historiography theory has not yet completed the argument, and the author of the book, as a professor of philosophy, still does not believe in and does not accept this view, but believes that netizens who are committed to argumentation rather than mainly using strong emotions to advocate Greek pseudo-history still follow the basic logic of argumentation; Therefore, he also believes that in order to refute the Greek pseudo-historiography, it is also necessary to provide evidence, such as how expensive and difficult to obtain writing materials in ancient Greece, and whether the grammatical characteristics of ancient Greek support a writer to write a work of at least three million words.

The book "Leek Survival Guide: An Introduction to Minimalist Critical Thinking" points out that in fact, Western philosophy, especially ancient Greek philosophy, has emphasized the meaning of reflection, that is, to check whether one's position is supported enough. In many cases, whether it is a view similar to that of a Greek pseudo-historiography or a refutation of an opinion, it is the person concerned who derives emotions from the point of view and lies flat on the point of view that has no roots.

In order to complete the basic expression of propositions and provide support for positions, there are three types of support, including factual support, rational support, and intuitive support, and the further you go, the greater the intensity. But the strength of support we feel as ordinary people is the opposite, that is, we will put intuitive support before factual support and rational support. If we want to raise our cognitive level and get out of being fooled and rhythmic, we should train ourselves to be self-conscious of factual support, replacing intuitive support with factual support and factual support for mathematical support as much as possible.

Self-cultivation of leek cut prevention: learn a little critical thinking

How to identify rhythmic routines?

The author of the book also puts forward warning suggestions for readers to recognize rhythmic routines. The common routines and mistakes with rhythm are, first, irrelevant. For example, even if you use a foreign product, the pacemaker will criticize you for not supporting the local economic development - if you replace this "foreign" with "foreign", the effect will be even more prominent. In many cases, people who criticize others for not using local products and domestic brand products will appreciate the news that outsiders use the products of their own local companies and foreigners use their own domestic brands.

Second, paradox. Many people hope to reduce imports and increase exports, believing that this will make the country strong and the people rich. But there is a terrible prospect that the exporting country is actually reaping a pile of paper money.

A more well-known example is the vegetarian advocacy of non-killing, which is based on the idea that killing animals is a sin and a cause of suffering. But some people countered that plants also feel it, and eating a vegetarian diet is also killing plants.

Third, the logic is missing. The book "A Leek Survival Guide: A Primer on Minimalist Critical Thinking" gives examples of how many of the pacist's claims are quietly hidden as a key link.

For example, someone said, "The school doesn't let high school students bring smartphones into school?" It's too wide. I'm a high school student, don't you know what you're doing? In fact, there is a missing link in this statement, that is, the rhythmist refuses to express it directly, "For high school students who know what they are doing, they don't care."

Similar logic lacks a link with rhythm, "(You're) a native of Sichuan, and you don't eat peppercorns?" "Isn't it eating dumplings on Chinese New Year's Eve?" "All the workers are very hard. My boss is also very hard. Look, I'm just like everyone else, I'm a worker. ”

Fourth, factual error. "Scientists care about facts, mathematicians care about self-consistency, and superstitious people pay more attention to what they feel in their hearts." Therefore, many pacemakers often give false factual narratives or only partially state the facts, whether they publish historical or political opinions, or advertise or marketing campaigns.

Fifth, the value is wrong. The author of the book pointed out meaningfully that "996 is a blessing, and I am grateful for the opportunity to work overtime" is the most famous value error with rhythm. The book also mentions that "beware of the storyteller", as storytelling can easily confuse and instill false facts and values.