
Ultimatum? James may give the Lakers another 3-5 years, and if they can't compete for the championship, they will leave

author:Lao Wang talked about sports

After the end of this season's season, James also quickly participated in the preparation for the Olympics, after previous media reports that James jumped out of contract to become a free agent, which may be putting pressure on the Lakers management, hoping that the Lakers management will put the team up this summer, so as to achieve the strength of the championship team.

Ultimatum? James may give the Lakers another 3-5 years, and if they can't compete for the championship, they will leave

Second, James could sign a new contract with the Lakers, which would allow him to sign a multi-year contract with a maximum salary. For James, this may be his last max contract in the league. When asked by reporters whether James would play in the league for a few more years, James did not specify the exact time.

Ultimatum? James may give the Lakers another 3-5 years, and if they can't compete for the championship, they will leave

For James, it's entirely possible that he will play in the league for another three to five years, if his body allows. And for James, it was a big desire to win a championship before he retired. If the Lakers can't compete for a championship next season, perhaps James will leave the Lakers to find his championship team.

Ultimatum? James may give the Lakers another 3-5 years, and if they can't compete for the championship, they will leave

This kind of ending is also something that Lakers fans don't want to see, so for Lakers management, it is completely necessary to improve the depth of the team's roster this summer. The league's free agency market will open on July 1, and in recent media reports that multiple teams have completed deals, they are waiting for the official announcement to be made after the free agency opens on July 1.

Ultimatum? James may give the Lakers another 3-5 years, and if they can't compete for the championship, they will leave

At present, the Lakers have not made any moves, and the newly appointed Lakers head coach Redick said that he will increase the team's interior intensity and bring in some role players to improve the team's roster depth. Lakers management also said that the team's chips are limited at present, and they will make targeted reinforcements in terms of reinforcement.

Ultimatum? James may give the Lakers another 3-5 years, and if they can't compete for the championship, they will leave

For Lakers fans, the Lakers management's hints may have poured cold water on Lakers fans, after all, for Lakers fans, they hope that the Lakers can continue to compete for championships next season. At present, the Lakers' chips are limited, and other players in the current roster except for James and Davis can be traded, but the value of the transaction is not very large, which also leads to great difficulties on their way to recruitment.

Ultimatum? James may give the Lakers another 3-5 years, and if they can't compete for the championship, they will leave

After all, the asking price of the teams with the strength of the players in the league will be very high, and for the Lakers, what they can trade is the next two first-round picks, and the Lakers said that these two draft picks will not be used until the critical moment. And this summer, for the Lakers management, maybe they can only sign some veterans in the free market, or maybe look for some players who want to compete for a championship and are willing to take a pay cut to come to the Lakers.