
Tang and Song Dynasty Pottery: Innovation is the life of Yaozhou kiln skill inheritance

author:Yaozhou Melter

Over the years, as a leading enterprise in the ceramic industry, Tongchuan Yaozhou Kiln Tang and Song Ceramics Co., Ltd. has innovated in terms of vessel type, process and pattern on the basis of inheriting traditional craftsmanship, so that the intangible cultural heritage of Yaozhou kiln ceramic firing technology can be inherited and carried forward.

Tang and Song Dynasty Pottery: Innovation is the life of Yaozhou kiln skill inheritance

Liang Yaping, a master of Chinese arts and crafts, said: "The pot we are making now is still a traditional pattern on the whole, and it is still relatively traditional in terms of shape. After visiting the Fuzhou exhibition this time, now every kiln is being done, and each kiln has some breakthroughs in shape and material. ”

Walking into Tongchuan Yaozhou Kiln Tang Song Ceramics Co., Ltd., a dazzling array of ceramic works, different forms, meticulously crafted, like a piece of art, makes people dizzy, intoxicated. These works not only show the charm of ceramic art, but also reflect the ingenuity and exquisite skills of the makers. In the workshop, the reporter happened to meet Liang Yaping, the company's art director who came back from studying in Fuzhou, to share his learning experience with the apprentices. In the more than 30 years of research on Yaozhou porcelain technology, Liang Yaping's ceramic art style has been constantly innovating on the basis of inheriting traditional craftsmanship. In the company's exhibition hall, the reporter also saw a lot of new Yao porcelain works that she innovated. Liang Yaping told reporters that this is a work that she goes to different kiln factories every year to study and observe, and combines other kiln styles to make bold attempts.

Tang and Song Dynasty Pottery: Innovation is the life of Yaozhou kiln skill inheritance

Liang Yaping, a master of Chinese arts and crafts, said: "As my personal words, I want to give them what I want to talk about, to teach, to let them understand more, how to use our tools, how to inherit the skills of our Yaozhou porcelain, but what really makes them understand is how to play some of their own ideas, some of their own good ideas, through our Yaozhou kiln skills and our carriers to present it, only in this way can more of our practitioners have some of their own ideas, You can make something innovative. ”

Tang and Song Dynasty Pottery: Innovation is the life of Yaozhou kiln skill inheritance

Liang Yaping knows that if she wants to make greater achievements in the field of ceramic technology, she must continue to learn from the strengths of others and hone her skills. She firmly believes that there is no shortcut to learning ceramic skills, and only through repeated practice and continuous comprehension can she gradually improve her technical level. Over the years, Yaozhou Kiln Tang Song Ceramics Co., Ltd. will organize relevant personnel to study in other major ceramic producing areas every year, strengthen communication and exchanges with the outside world, exhibit competitions, strengthen training and guidance internally, and optimize the personnel structure. Over the years, the company has cultivated more than 90 carved craftsmen, hand-in-hand out of the technical backbone of 35 people, most of them have become provincial and municipal arts and crafts industry art masters and technicians, in Yaozhou porcelain industry plays an important role.

Xu Jie, a master of arts and crafts in Shaanxi Province, said: "In the past ten years, I am most grateful to my teacher Mr. Liang. From the beginning when I didn't know anything, and then gradually I could paint and decorate design, until last year I was rated as the fifth industrial art master of Shaanxi Province. Teacher Liang taught me unreservedly, she taught me that in the design of Yaozhou porcelain, we must combine modern aesthetics, combined with the use of modern pottery, and constantly innovate and develop to produce exquisite Yaozhou porcelain that is more suitable for modern lifestyle. ”

It is understood that Tang and Song Dynasty Ceramics Company has 5 senior technical titles, 1 master of Chinese ceramic design art, 6 masters of arts and crafts in Shaanxi Province, and 10 masters of arts and crafts in Tongchuan City. The company has more than 30 new product design patents and utility model patents.

Tang and Song Dynasty Pottery: Innovation is the life of Yaozhou kiln skill inheritance

Liang Yaping, a master of Chinese arts and crafts, said: "Let's just say that we are now as an enterprise, not only to do a limited edition of pure manual embryo pulling, but also to do what the public needs, to do mass production." At the same time, we also carry out a free public welfare training for these people around us who need to come to learn and make ceramics, find some studios and some workshops, provide support and help for our raw materials and our craftsmanship, so that our entire ceramic industry in Tongchuan can be better inherited. (Reporter: Chen Wei reports)