
Armory 5000 War Bonds Gold Coin in Tan! What is its combat power of "mislabeled models"?

author:World of Tanks
Armory 5000 War Bonds Gold Coin in Tan! What is its combat power of "mislabeled models"?
Armory 5000 War Bonds Gold Coin in Tan! What is its combat power of "mislabeled models"?
Armory 5000 War Bonds Gold Coin in Tan! What is its combat power of "mislabeled models"?

▲ Turret IV upgrade from World of Tanks

Hello World of Tanks players, War Bonds are a special in-game currency that you cannot purchase directly in the Sale Store or in-game, but can only be obtained through various in-game activities and events, or by earning certain medals. Such a rare War Bond can be used to purchase unique items that cannot be obtained with other currencies, such as improved accessories, directives, and rare tanks. In this article, we will introduce you to a Tier VI D Tier VI medium tank that requires a 5,000 War Bond to purchase, and it is the IV Turret Upgrade.

Tank fire

Armory 5000 War Bonds Gold Coin in Tan! What is its combat power of "mislabeled models"?

▲The main gun of the upgraded version of the No. IV turret

Compared to the ordinary IV tank, where is the "upgrade" of the IV turret upgrade? Right on its turret and main guns: The IV turret upgrade uses the Panther's turret and main gun for greater firepower and turret protection, but its hull protection is still poor and its mobility is reduced. In World of Tanks, the IV turret upgrade uses a D-series 70x 75 mm anti-tank gun, with an average damage of 135 HP per shot and a penetration depth of 150/194 mm. The 75mm gun has become almost a symbol of the D-series tank, and there are different versions of this gun used by a large number of D-series tanks/tank destroyers, including the III Assault Gun G, the "Panther", etc. The IV turret upgrade has a faster reload rate, and the base DPM of the tank is 2011, which is equivalent to 4.03 seconds to reload one shell.

Armory 5000 War Bonds Gold Coin in Tan! What is its combat power of "mislabeled models"?

▲ The tank is suitable for sniping at medium and long distances

Although the 135 HP damage per shot makes the "deterrent" of the Turret IV upgrade not so sufficient, even if an opponent of the same level receives 1-2 shells, it will not feel "flesh pain". However, the rate of fire of the Turret IV Upgrade is relatively fast, and the accuracy of the main gun is quite high, making it very easy to snipe enemies at medium and long distances. The triple expansion coefficient of the gun of the No. 4 turret upgrade is relatively average, and the expansion circle of the gun of the No. 4 turret upgrade type appears to be larger in actual combat, but the performance of the gun of the No. 4 turret upgrade is still satisfactory when careful aiming is carried out in a stable situation. It has a maximum gun depression angle of 8 degrees, which is quite good, allowing the car to snipe easily on most maps in the current version.

Tank defense

Armory 5000 War Bonds Gold Coin in Tan! What is its combat power of "mislabeled models"?

▲The defense of the tank is not good

Thanks to the replacement of the Panther turret, the turret of the Turret IV Upgrade has good protection, as if it were a "hard hat" for a tank. The tank's HP of 810 HP is fully qualified, and its Panther turret performs well against low-tier tanks, with the slopes on either side of the turret ricoching ricoching when the turret is facing incoming fire. However, the frontal thickness of the turret is only 120 mm, which can be penetrated even by some Tier V tanks. The turret frontal of all D-series medium tanks is basically a weak point.

Armory 5000 War Bonds Gold Coin in Tan! What is its combat power of "mislabeled models"?

▲The defense of the car body is relatively poor

The Hull Defense of the IV Turret Plus is quite poor, and although the front of the hull is 80 mm thick, it is already poor for a Tier VI medium tank. Even more worrying, the sides of the hull are only 30 mm thick, and although there are side skirts for additional armor, it is still extremely penetrable. Therefore, it is best not to fight the enemy in close quarters with the Turret IV Upgrade, as it will be easily penetrated by the enemy.

Maneuver, Visibility and Concealment

Armory 5000 War Bonds Gold Coin in Tan! What is its combat power of "mislabeled models"?

▲ The mobility of the tank is not good

The mobility of the IV turret upgrade is relatively poor, compared to the medium tanks of the same class, which is a bit better than some heavy tanks. The maximum power of the engine on paper is 300 horsepower, the actual maximum power is 317 horsepower, and its own weight is nearly 30 tons. The unit power of the tank is only about 10 hp/ton, which is lower than many heavy tanks. The tank travels at a top speed of 48 km/h and reverses at a top speed of 18 km/h. The base concealment value of the IV Turret Upgrade is 12.94%, which is poor for a Tier VI medium tank, and camouflage nets are recommended. The base view is 370 meters, which is not bad for a Tier VI tank.

Accessories & Gameplay

Armory 5000 War Bonds Gold Coin in Tan! What is its combat power of "mislabeled models"?

▲A Field Modification option

After reaching the maximum level of Field Modification, the IV Turret Upgrade permanently gains a 3% engine power bonus, with a choice of 3 upgrades. Light alloy hardpoints, reinforced scopes, and anti-reflective headlight coatings are recommended, which make the IV Turret Upgrade more suitable for sniping enemies from a distance. In terms of accessories, you can consider accessories such as improved rotating devices/bomb losers/camouflage nets/improved ventilation systems/gun mirrors to improve the combat efficiency of the No. 4 turret upgrade. Due to its rather weak engines, the Turret IV Upgrade had the worst mobility among the D-series Tier VI medium tanks. It doesn't accelerate or turn fast. Coupled with the slow turret rotation speed, the IV Turret Plus is very easy to outflank or surround, and it is unable to react quickly to attacks from multiple angles.

Armory 5000 War Bonds Gold Coin in Tan! What is its combat power of "mislabeled models"?

▲ Be a sniper with peace of mind

The IV turret upgrade excels at long-range sniping, using its main gun accuracy and rate of fire to wear down opponents over time. However, the player's position in a Level VI room often allows it to fight at closer distances, which requires great caution. In general, it's best not to drive the IV Turret Plus in close-quarters combat unless it's in a position where you can hide a weak hull. The gun's depression angle allowed it to take advantage of the terrain, making the "head-selling tactic" feasible to a certain extent. If you're a big collector of tanks, consider getting this IV turret upgrade.

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