
Do you know your heart? These 3 functions may give you a new understanding of heart health

author:Lingtai released

As the most important organ of the human body, the heart has a vital role in the human body, but people's understanding of this viscera is not profound, some people say that the heart can replenish the blood veins, but this is only one of the characteristics of the heart, the heart as the main organ of the human body, but also the master of human life. The heart is included in the Tibetan image of traditional Chinese medicine, and the so-called five organs usually refer to the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, which have the role of metaplasia and storage of essence and qi.

The heart corresponds to the summer of the four seasons, so the five elements belong to fire, and the yin and yang are the yang organs in the yang, and they are the main organs of the human body, but many people do not know these three functions of the heart.

1. The main blood of the heart

Do you know your heart? These 3 functions may give you a new understanding of heart health

We all know that the beating of the heart will promote the flow of blood, so that the blood can reach other organs along the meridians of the whole body, so the main blood vein of the heart includes two aspects: the main blood and the main vein. The main blood of the heart depends on the action of heart yang qi, and the heart yang is sufficient, which can maintain the normal physiological activities of the human body and protect the normal operation of the heart, and the operation of blood also depends on heart yang.

The main blood vessels of the heart can transport nutrients through the blood, so that other organs can obtain sufficient nutrition and maintain the normal function of the human body.

In "Su Wen", it is said that "the heart gives birth to blood", so that the blood is constantly replenished. The food ingested by the human body is digested and absorbed by the spleen and stomach to form a nutrient-rich water valley subtlety, which travels up to the heart and lungs through the transportation of the viscera and is converted into blood, so it is also said that "blood is born in the heart".

2. Shinto Zhi

Do you know your heart? These 3 functions may give you a new understanding of heart health

The main consciousness of the heart usually refers to the heart can maintain the thinking consciousness of the human body, and the source of the "god" in the human body is the essence of the water valley, which depends on the generation of the innate kidneys and the nourishment of the acquired essence. The mind is the center of the human body's vital activities.

Its physiological function is mainly to receive and process external information, and to respond, dominate the human body's thinking, consciousness and spirit, and make judgments on it; If the heart is compared to the general in ancient times, then the other viscera are the generals under the general's command, so that the normal life activities can be carried out in a unified and coordinated manner.

The brain is the house of the gods, as the center of human life activities, the essence in the cerebral marrow comes from the qi and blood, the heart is the god, the essence of the god is our brain, the heart is the blood of the blood, and the brain is fed by our brain.

3. The heart is dominated by yang energy

Do you know your heart? These 3 functions may give you a new understanding of heart health

Because the heart is the yang organ of the human body, the main yang energy. The yang energy of the heart can promote the operation of the human blood and maintain the life operation of the human body. The yang heat of the heart not only maintains the physiological function of the heart itself, but also has a warming effect on the whole body. "The heart is the fire and dirt, and the candle illuminates all things", so the decay and transportation of the spleen and stomach, and the metabolism of water and fluid in the whole body all depend on the role of the heart and yang.

As a unified whole, man and nature will be affected by the external environment, and the yin and yang in the body will also change. Because the heart corresponds to the four seasons of summer, the main fire in summer, so it is said that the heart yang is the most vigorous and the function is the strongest in summer, and understanding the characteristics of the heart is very helpful for the treatment of seasonal diseases.

Source: Yishui release

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