
Common diabetes myths and online debunking

author:Good medicine for health

With the improvement of everyone's living standards, the incidence of diabetes is also getting higher and higher, and overwhelming diabetes rumors are everywhere. At present, most diabetics will still believe these rumors to fall into the misunderstanding of treatment, which indirectly leads to their own blood sugar instability, and now diabetes rumors are everywhere, so for everyone's own health, how to learn to distinguish so that you can treat diabetes correctly.

Common diabetes myths and online debunking

Diabetes rumors are everywhere at the moment, but what have you heard?

1. Is diabetes due to eating too much sugar?

In daily life, many people think that diabetes is caused by high blood sugar caused by eating too much sugar. This is a misconception, although eating too much sugar is also one of the factors in the onset of diabetes. However, not all diabetes is caused by eating too much sugar, most diabetic patients are overweight due to dietary habits, excessive fat and reduced insulin function, which leads to diabetes, so don't think that diabetes is a disease caused by eating too much sugar.

Common diabetes myths and online debunking

2. Can fasting lower blood sugar?

As we all know, patients with diabetes usually need to control their diet, so many diabetic patients eat 2 meals a day, or eat one meal, so as to achieve the effect of lowering blood sugar, which is a wrong way. Although most diabetics need to control their diet to achieve an effective hypoglycemic effect, the nutritional carbohydrates needed by the human body need to be eaten on time, so three meals a day are also very important for diabetic patients.

3. Is it okay to only eat coarse grains every day?

Most diabetics will think that the carbohydrates contained in the staple food will affect their blood sugar, so many diabetic patients will eat coarse grains as staple foods, coarse grains can have a hypoglycemic effect in the short term, but coarse grains contain more dietary fiber, and taking too much for a long time will cause patients to have indigestion, and if they do not pay attention to it, it will lead to gastrointestinal diseases.

Common diabetes myths and online debunking

Fourth, can I let go of the hypoglycemic drugs and eat boldly?

Many diabetics think that they have taken hypoglycemic drugs, so they do not need to pay attention to their usual diet. Although it is self-medication on time, if you do not control your diet, it will lead to excessive accumulation of fat and calories in the body, and the burden of your pancreatic islets will increase if you accumulate for a long time, which will lead to a decline in your own pancreatic islet function, and the body cannot secrete enough insulin to decompose, absorb and convert the intake of sugar, so it cannot achieve the purpose of treatment.

Common diabetes myths and online debunking

Tips, patients with diabetes, do not believe the above rumors, to correctly distinguish these rumors, do not cause their own conditions to aggravate because of these rumors, scientific treatment on time, regular review, will make blood sugar down and stable for a long time, so rumors are not credible.