
The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention

author:Guangzhou Zengcheng release
The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention

Hold a goose feast, dance a goose-shaped dance, and enjoy the goose lanterns......

February 2023

Edou Village, Paitan Town, held the first "Goose Loves You" garden activity

With the theme of "goose".

Integrate folk gameplay, traditional culture, and interesting games

1,000 people participate in the inhalation

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention
The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention

Among the participating tourists

From time to time, a woman uses her mobile phone to record wonderful scenes

Recommend the cultural charm of "one village, one product" in Edou Village to the outside world

She is the driving force behind this event - Ye Xuecai

Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Edou Village

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention

From a cadre of the "two committees" of the village to a "leading goose" of rural development, in the past 10 years, she has always been rooted in the grassroots, served the villagers, has no regrets, and has made extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions. She used her actions to make the villagers believe that as long as they work hard, the development of the village will get better and better, and the days will become more and more prosperous.

01Create "one village, one product" to help rural revitalization

Edou Village is located in the middle of Paitan Town

Surrounded by green water, the land is fertile, and the folk customs are simple

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention

Moistened by the sun and moon of the water of the Paitan River

It has created a beautiful and poetic pastoral scenery

It has nurtured a rich and delicious variety of special agricultural products

One of the most representative is the gray goose in Edou Village

Goose Dou Village has always been famous for "goose", since the opening of the house, goose traders along the upper and lower reaches of the Paitan River to sell geese, excellent terrain conditions let the goose traders like to stop trading here, communicate with each other to compare the quality of the goose, each batch of high-quality geese, the ancestors of the goose bucket will give priority to stay to do goose species, so the gray goose bred in the village of the goose is deeply loved by everyone.

In recent years, Ye Xuecai has led the "two committees" of the village to focus on the implementation of the "Millions of Projects", actively explore the creation of "one village, one product", and develop and enhance the "Goose" IP brand food and peripheral products by highlighting the theme characteristics of "Goose" culture, building online promotion platforms such as e-commerce live broadcasts, and holding activities such as "Village Evening" and cooking competitions, so as to tell the story of "Goose" and help rural revitalization.

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention

In addition, by further revitalizing idle resources, Guangzhou Chuangsheng Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. will be introduced to invest in the construction of the agricultural and cultural tourism complex of the Getan Goose Cultural Food Plaza in Wuxiang, to create a restaurant with the theme of "goose" culture and a training base for Cantonese chefs, and to develop a new form of rural tourism integrating agricultural tourism, leisure and vacation, picking and catering.

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention

The handmade brown sugar production technology also has a history of more than 50 years in Edou Village, and the green, environmentally friendly, and additive-free pure handmade sugar making method has been retained to this day, which retains the fructose, glucose, vitamins and other nutritional elements of sugarcane to the greatest extent. In 2023, with the strong support of the town party committee and government, Ye Xuecai will actively promote and inherit the handmade brown sugar making skills and promote the successful declaration of this skill as an intangible cultural heritage of the district.

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention

The goose house has sugar

02Implement little things and serve the villagers with heart

Since taking office

Ye Xuecai gave full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members

Serve the villagers with heart and affection and improve people's livelihood

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention

"One Porridge and One Joy" public welfare activities

Under the leadership of Ye Xuecai and the "two committees" of the village, in recent years, Edou Village has carried out in-depth public welfare activities of "one porridge and one music", using porridge as a medium to convey service and care, express care for the elderly, and at the same time educate children to respect the elderly, gather big love with small love, and gather the hearts of the people with small projects. So far, 5 activities have been carried out, benefiting more than 600 elderly people, and 20,083 yuan has been raised with the support of kind-hearted people from all sessions.

Mobilize women volunteers to carry out volunteer services

Ye Xuecai actively mobilized women volunteers to carry out volunteer service activities, offering love to the elderly over 60 years old and the disabled in Edou Village, so that the masses can truly feel the party's true care and social warmth, and carry forward the traditional virtues of filial piety and respect for the elderly. At the same time, we will actively promote the construction of family education, tutoring and family style culture to create a harmonious rural atmosphere.

Care for the needy

In addition, Ye Xuecai also always keeps the difficult people in the village in mind. In August last year, Pan, a difficult person in Edou Village, died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, leaving his wife and four children waiting to be fed. After learning of the situation, Ye Xuecai actively assisted him in handling the aftermath, and took the lead in raising more than 36,000 yuan for Pan's family, solving the urgent need. In May this year, Ye Xuecai successfully applied for the subsistence allowance for Pan's family, ensuring their basic life.

Edou Village is actively building a women's head goose village in Guangzhou

Ye Xuecai also put forward higher requirements for future work

She said that it is necessary to take the in-depth implementation of the "Millions and Millions Project" as an important starting point

Closely focus on the goal of building a "beautiful goose pocket".

In accordance with the principle of "enterprise leading, key breakthroughs, demonstration driven,

overall promotion and integrated development".

Create a product with food, education, culture, agriculture, live broadcasting,

A check-in place for local cultural landmarks that integrate sales and other functions

Promote the high-quality development of Edou Village

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention
The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention

Wuxiang Paitan Goose Cultural Food Square Agricultural, Cultural and Tourism Complex

Ye Xuecai said

At that time, the collective economy of the village continued to grow

It can also develop the rural tourism industry

Provide jobs for villagers and increase income

That's what we're working towards

It is also everyone's expectation

Source: Chen Huiyu, reporter of the District Rong Media Center

Editor: Ji Yuting

Editors-in-charge: Huang Jiarong, Zheng Dehong

Review: Zhu Zhuodong, Zhang Huifang

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention
The power of women's role models is highlighted | Ye Xuecai: Take root in the countryside for development, love the masses and keep the original intention