
Wary! Don't take chest pain seriously!

author:Guangxi Film and Television Channel
Wary! Don't take chest pain seriously!

Health science financial media columns

Health Avenue

There is a seemingly inconspicuous aspect of life

Pain that is easy to overlook

And this pain if you don't pay attention to it

It can be life-threatening

What are the symptoms of chest pain?

What are the symptoms of chest pain

It is a high-risk chest pain

How do we need to pay attention to it?

Lock in Guangxi Film and Television Channel

This Friday, June 28, at 20:20

"Health Road" tells you

How to do it in a scientific way

Treatment of "high-risk chest pain".

Wary! Don't take chest pain seriously!

Guangxi Film and Television Channel

Premieres every Friday at 20:20

It is replayed every Saturday at 18:10

1 issue per week 52 issues throughout the year

Health is always with you

Introduced in this episode

Experts of this issue

Wary! Don't take chest pain seriously!

Nong Chaolei

Deputy Director of the Emergency Department of Ruikang Hospital Affiliated to Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Director of Guangxi Medical Rescue Association, Standing Committee Member of Guangxi Emergency Quality Control Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Member of Standing Committee of the Chinese Medicine Emergency Professional Committee of Guangxi Medical Doctor Association, Member of the Emergency Branch of Guangxi Medical Doctor Association, and American Heart Association (AHA) Cardiac Resuscitation Training Instructor.

Main content of this issue:

Director Nong pointed out that high-risk chest pain usually refers to life-threatening chest pain. The clinical presentation and symptoms of high-risk chest pain vary depending on the cause. However, it usually includes the following aspects:

1. Sudden, severe abdominal pain: the pain is severe, lasts for a long time, and cannot be relieved by rest or taking nitroglycerin and other drugs.

Wary! Don't take chest pain seriously!

2. Dyspnea: Some patients with high-risk chest pain will experience shortness of breath and wheezing, which is caused by compression of the lungs or insufficient oxygen supply.

Wary! Don't take chest pain seriously!

3. Chest tightness: Patients with high-risk chest pain can feel symptoms such as chest pressure, chest tightness, which is caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart and compression of the lungs.

Wary! Don't take chest pain seriously!

4. Dizziness and fatigue: Patients with high-risk chest pain may experience symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue, which are caused by a drop in blood pressure and lack of oxygen.

Wary! Don't take chest pain seriously!

5. Other symptoms: Patients with high-risk chest pain may also experience symptoms such as sweating, nausea and vomiting, which are due to pain or other reasons.

Wary! Don't take chest pain seriously!

The causes of chest pain are complex and varied, involving multiple systems and organs. In the program, Director Nong introduced the causes of chest pain:

1. Heart-related causes

(1) Coronary heart disease: myocardial ischemia caused by insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries, often manifested as chest tightness, chest pain, pain can radiate to the shoulder and arm, and sometimes manifested as a feeling of squeezing or tightening.

(2) Angina pectoris: caused by narrowing or blockage of coronary arteries, often occurring during physical activity or emotional agitation, manifested as acute and severe pain.

(3) Myocardial infarction: myocardial ischemia and necrosis caused by coronary artery occlusion, persistent chest pain, accompanied by sweating, dyspnea and other symptoms.

2. Lung-related causes

(1) Pulmonary embolism: Blockage of the pulmonary artery or its branches, resulting in severe chest pain, dyspnea, hemoptysis and other symptoms.

(2) Pleural diseases: such as pleurisy, pneumothorax, etc., resulting in chest pain and dyspnea.

(3) Pulmonary infection: such as pneumonia or bronchitis, which may be accompanied by respiratory symptoms such as chest pain and cough.

3. Digestive system-related causes

(1) Gastroesophageal reflux disease: Stomach acid reflux into the esophagus causes chest pain, often accompanied by acid burning, cough and other symptoms.

(2) Gastric ulcer: Stomach pain caused by damage to the gastric mucosa, which can sometimes radiate to the chest.

(3) Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis: Pain in the gallbladder area caused by cholecystitis and gallstones may radiate to the chest.

4. Chest wall and musculoskeletal related causes

(1) Intercostal neuralgia: pain caused by compression or damage of intercostal nerves, often manifested as pinprick pain in the chest, back and waist.

(2) Muscle strain: Muscle strain around the rib cage can cause chest pain.

(3) Thoracic spine diseases: such as thoracic vertebra fracture and dislocation, which may lead to chest pain.

5. Neuro-psychiatric factors

Emotional factors such as anxiety, depression, and nervousness may lead to chest pain, which manifests as chest tightness, feelings of pressure, etc.

6. Other factors

(1) Trauma: Chest injuries and puncture wounds may cause chest pain.

(2) Aortic dissection: High blood pressure can lead to tearing of the aortic intima and cause severe chest pain.

(3) Pericarditis: chest pain and fever occur at the same time, the pain is located in the precordium or behind the sternum, and can radiate to the neck, left shoulder and arm.

If you encounter a patient with chest pain, Director Nong also gave advice to everyone and introduced five first aid measures:

Wary! Don't take chest pain seriously!

After understanding the causes and symptoms of high-risk chest pain, Director Nong also provided several health tips to avoid chest pain as much as possible.

1. Stick to a regular sleep schedule: Maintain good sleep habits and avoid excessive fatigue. Avoid strenuous exercise or activity to reduce the load on your heart.

2. Manage emotional stress: Avoid excessive anxiety, tension, or agitation, and try relaxation, meditation, and other methods to relieve stress.

3. Diet: Avoid high-fat, high-cholesterol foods and consume fiber-rich foods in moderation, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Monitor blood pressure and blood sugar regularly, and for people with high blood pressure or diabetes, measure and control blood pressure and blood sugar levels regularly.

4. Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which are habits that can adversely affect heart health.

5. Take medication according to the doctor's instructions: If you have been diagnosed with heart disease or other related diseases by the doctor, you need to take the medication prescribed by the doctor on time and have regular follow-up visits.

Stay tuned for more details

Guangxi Film and Television Channel

It premiered this Friday night at 20:20

Health science financial media columns

Health Avenue

Wary! Don't take chest pain seriously!

This program is sponsored by Ruikang Hospital affiliated to Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Special broadcast