
US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"

author:Transcript of Xiao Sun's war
US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"

The conflict between Israel and Allah in Lebanon has reignited tensions in the region.

The Israeli military has declared that it will carry out a "complete clearance" operation.

US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"

Lebanon has issued a stern warning that Israel will face even more serious retaliation if it crosses the border.

Faced with this complex geopolitical situation, the United States initially supported Israel's resolute position.

US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"

With the rapid change of the situation, especially after the intensification of diplomatic mediation between Israel and Lebanon, the United States has had to adjust its attitude and try to push the two sides towards reconciliation.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced that he would push Israel and Allah to seek a diplomatic solution to their differences, providing a "step-down" path for both sides.

US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"

For Israel, the military operation did not go as smoothly as expected.

In the course of its assault on Gaza, the Israeli army encountered unexpected resistance and difficulties and failed to make the progress expected earlier.

US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"

In the Rafah region in particular, the continuation of the fighting failed to meet the Government's initial expectations, leading to tensions and eventual dissolution of the Israeli wartime cabinet.

Protesters are increasingly dissatisfied with the prolongation of the war and demand that the government end the conflict as soon as possible so that the country can return to a peaceful and stable life.

US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"

Israel also faces challenges from the "second battlefield" on the battlefield.

Whether it is a tactical response or a strategic plan, the current dilemma needs to be solved in a more decisive and effective way.

US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"

The United States has sought to ease tensions with Arab countries by reducing military strikes against Allah, a move seen as a positive effort for peace in the Middle East.

The Israelis, however, insist that they will consider suspending military operations only if the attacks in Gaza cease to attack, making the prospects for reconciliation look very slim.

US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"

The positions of the United States and Israel are not entirely aligned either.

Another key player in the great power game in the Middle East is China.

Recently, the Saudi defense minister's visit to China has attracted widespread attention, marking a new height in military cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia.

US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"

U.S. attempts to co-opt Saudi Arabia and Israel have not worked out, especially in the Middle East, where the competition for influence between the United States and China has intensified.

The stability of the region is not just about the safety and well-being of the local population.

US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"

As an important player in traditional Middle East policy, the military presence and economic assistance of the United States have profoundly affected the political landscape of the region.

As China's growing economic power and diplomatic influence grow, so does its role in the Middle East.

Through the Belt and Road Initiative and economic cooperation, China is gradually expanding its influence in the Middle East and contributing to local development and stability.

US-Israel statement: Give Allah a step down! Because the Israeli army is incapable of opening up a "second battlefield"
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