
Review: The man picked up a dying yellow dog and brought it home to get more and more strange, and the neighbor was so frightened that he secretly called the police

author:A Brief History of Genius


One day in 2008, Li Nan, who went home, picked up a dying yellow dog on the road, and suddenly felt compassion and decided to take it home to take care of it.

Review: The man picked up a dying yellow dog and brought it home to get more and more strange, and the neighbor was so frightened that he secretly called the police

However, because the yellow dog is too smart and can basically learn anything, Li Nan doesn't care much, but the neighbors can't stand it, the size of the dog looks wrong, and he was so frightened that he secretly called the police, and the police who arrived at the scene were also shocked by the yellow dog, it turned out that this thing was not a dog at all, but a "prison beast"!

This time, let's review the story of the yellow dog "Niu Niu".

Kindly picked up a stray dog

Li Nan is a warm-hearted person, his family background is quite good, and his relationship with his wife Xue Liping has always been very good, and he gave birth to a lovely daughter after marriage, and the family lives very happily.

Although he often liked to tease cats and dogs when he was a child, when he grew up, he basically had no time to raise small animals, and Xue Liping didn't like pets too much, and felt that there were bacteria on animals, so he didn't recommend her husband to raise cats and dogs at home.

On the day of the incident, Li Nan was having dinner with a group of good friends, and was in a very happy mood, on the way home, he suddenly saw a fluffy thing moving on the side of the road, Li Nan hurriedly got out of the car to check, but he didn't expect it to be a big yellow dog, and he was already dying, if he left it alone, he would definitely not be able to live.

Review: The man picked up a dying yellow dog and brought it home to get more and more strange, and the neighbor was so frightened that he secretly called the police

Seeing someone approaching, the yellow dog subconsciously wanted to run away, but its body was too weak, and it looked like it hadn't eaten for a long time, not only was it hungry and had no strength, but it was also more or less injured.

Xue Liping, who heard the sound of the door opening, knew that her husband was coming home, and took the initiative to greet her, but when she saw her husband holding a dirty puppy in his hand, she was immediately unhappy, Xue Liping was a little speechless, this dog is thin and ugly, how did her husband go home with this thing, in case there are bacteria and insects, won't it make the house very dirty?

However, before Xue Liping complained, her daughter ran over, she seemed to like the yellow dog very much, and took the initiative to tease it, Li Nan smiled, he told his daughter that the puppy had been injured, and he would play with it when it got better, the daughter stopped sensibly, looked at the yellow dog with curiosity, coquettishly to Xue Liping, and kept the dog at home.

Xue Liping, who couldn't stand her daughter's coquettishness, looked at her daughter helplessly, and could only agree, and then the family began to do their best to help the yellow dog, in addition to feeding, but also responsible for the treatment of injuries and vaccinations, during this period, the daughter also gave the yellow dog a cute name, called "Niu Niu".

Review: The man picked up a dying yellow dog and brought it home to get more and more strange, and the neighbor was so frightened that he secretly called the police

However, Li Nan, who was bathing the dog, suddenly smiled, Niuniu looked soft and weak on the outside, and she was still a little male dog, but Niuniu's name was used to being called by the whole family, so she didn't plan to continue to change it, and Niuniu seemed to like this title too, and she was grateful to Li Nan's family for saving herself and treating the people in the family very kindly.

Whether it is shaking hands, touching the head, or following behind Li Nan like a fart, it seems that there is no need to deliberately teach, it is natural to learn many instructions, Niuniu's cleverness makes Xue Liping impressed, she used to be the person who dislikes Niuniu the most in the family, and gradually began to take the initiative to touch Niuniu's dog head, and the latter cooperated.

Niuniu's arrival brought a lot of joy to Li Nan's family, but some of Niuniu's habits made the family feel more and more strange.

Dogs that are behaving more and more bizarrely

First of all, there is Niu Niu's diet.

In order to make Niuniu eat healthier, Li Nan bought a lot of dog food, the price is not cheap, replaced by ordinary puppies, must be very fond of eating, but Niuniu is a particularly picky eater, after smelling a bite, she doesn't even want to lick it, but is very interested in big bones, and can't wait to swallow a bone whole.

Review: The man picked up a dying yellow dog and brought it home to get more and more strange, and the neighbor was so frightened that he secretly called the police

Li Nan, who realized that Niuniu was a picky eater, felt that this was not a good sign, and immediately launched a special training for Niuniu, if she didn't eat dog food, then her favorite big bone would be gone, and Niuniu was naturally not stupid, so she could only eat dog food very reluctantly, and eating little by little became a habit.

In addition, Niuniu also has the habit of protecting food, as long as Li Nan is at home, she will tease the dog, once she deliberately owes her hand and took away Niuniu's rice bowl, but Niuniu actually grinned at him, Li Nan was instantly angry, you can't get used to protecting food, you must get rid of this problem, otherwise you won't be able to teach it when you grow up.

So, Li Nan remembered the memories of his childhood, using the local methods of the countryside to train dogs, beating the dog's mouth if he dared to protect food, or starving it, so that Niuniu knew how to be a low-key dog correctly.

After Li Nan's training, Niuniu got rid of the habit of protecting food at a very young age, no matter how her family moved her rice bowl, she didn't dare to bare her teeth and turn her face, and in terms of eating, she was no longer picky eater.

Secondly, it is Niuniu's living habits.

Because Niuniu's physique is extraordinarily large, Li Nan can only keep the dog in the yard and tie it to the tree with a rope.

Several times, Niuniu pulled the rope and ran out, but it was very recognizant and didn't run too far, Li Nan didn't think there was anything abnormal, just thought that Niuniu was smarter, and her usual living habits were lively, also because of the characteristics of Niuniu's breed, after all, there are huskies in the dog world.

Therefore, Li Nan's family has never regarded Niuniu as an anomaly, they all treat it as a cute puppy, until the night of the full moon, Niuniu howled at the moon, and her eyes showed a cold light, which made Li Nan's family notice that something was wrong, but when Niuniu saw them, she immediately returned to her well-behaved appearance, and her suspicion dissipated again.

Review: The man picked up a dying yellow dog and brought it home to get more and more strange, and the neighbor was so frightened that he secretly called the police

However, Li Nan's family doesn't take it seriously, and they also treat Niuniu as an ordinary dog, and often take Niuniu out on a leash, how can the neighbors stand it?

The howl a few days ago, it didn't look like the movement of an ordinary dog, and Niuniu's physique really didn't look like a dog, the golden retriever who often played with Niuniu, standing next to Niuniu, looked so petite, attentive neighbors, felt that Niuniu was definitely not a dog, maybe it was a particularly dangerous and ferocious animal.

For this reason, the more I thought about it, the more scared the neighbor became, so frightened that he chose to call the police, saying that someone in the community had a particularly scary dog, and seriously suspected that it was a wolf, and after the police arrived at the scene, they couldn't believe their eyes, this dog called "Niu Niu" was not a dog at all, but a wolf!

What's more, this is not an ordinary wolf, it is a purebred Northwest wolf, which belongs to the national second-class protected animals! Absolute prison sitting!

In this regard, what should Li Nan's family do?

Review: The man picked up a dying yellow dog and brought it home to get more and more strange, and the neighbor was so frightened that he secretly called the police

Inevitable separation

After learning Niuniu's true identity, Li Nan's family was also dumbfounded, they couldn't have imagined that Niuniu was actually a protected animal.

However, thinking about Niuniu's past habits, it is indeed different from that of a dog, Li Nan consulted the information, and only then did he unravel the mystery little by little.

Niuniu is really a wolf, although the wolf is a social animal, but how Niuniu got lost in the first place, no one knows, of course, if Niuniu didn't meet Li Nan, she probably wouldn't survive.

Moreover, digging holes to sleep is a habit of wolves, although Niuniu and Li Nan's family have lived for a long time, the memories engraved in the DNA cannot be easily changed, including Niuniu has been deaf and pulling her tail, which is also a phenomenon that only wolves have, and dogs prefer to raise their tails when they have nothing to do.

Li Nan told the family the news, Xue Liping and her daughter looked at each other, they had lived with Niuniu for so long, and they had already regarded the obedient dog as part of their family, if it was a wolf, they would definitely not be able to keep it at home in the future, thinking of Niuniu's aggrieved appearance when she was locked in the car, her daughter was about to cry when she said it.

Later, the expert further confirmed Niuniu's identity and sent it to the zoo, the whole process, Niuniu was listless, the keeper fed, did not seem to have any appetite, eyes stared in the direction of home, until Li Nan came to the zoo with a family, Niuniu sensed the arrival of her relatives and jumped up and down in the cage.

Review: The man picked up a dying yellow dog and brought it home to get more and more strange, and the neighbor was so frightened that he secretly called the police

Seeing this scene, Li Nan couldn't help but shed tears, Niuniu was coquettish to them one by one, eager to grow wings and fly out, stretched out her head to let Li Nan touch herself, Li Nan and her daughter did so, Niuniu showed a look of satisfaction, and the breeder on the side was also touched by the feelings of Niuniu and Li Nan's family.

With the special approval of the zoo's superiors, an exception was made for Li Nan's family, and they may go to visit Niuniu at any time in the future, without buying tickets, including feeding Niuniu, and they can also feed them freely.

This news is also a blessing in misfortune for Li Nan's family, although they can't see Niuniu every day like they used to do at home, but at least they can visit it often, and Niuniu lives in a zoo, and the site is much larger than their own, which is not a good thing for a wolf.

In addition, the keepers of the zoo, in order to alleviate Niuniu's boredom, put a litter of dogs in Niuniu's residence, I believe that in the near future, Niuniu can regain the sense of social living in the genes, and at the same time, under the careful care of the breeder, Niuniu's life expectancy will also be extended, its body is very healthy, and it is not a problem to live 20 years old.

At this point, the fate of Niuniu and Li Nan's family has come to an end temporarily, Li Nan has never been able to take her family to visit Niuniu, and Niuniu will also have her own life, it has bred offspring and formed a new ethnic group, but the good memories of Li Nan's family will not disappear easily.

During the interview, the reporter asked Li Nan if he regretted raising Niuniu, and finally experienced the pain of separation.

In this regard, Li Nan smiled and said affirmatively, if there is really a chance to do it again, he will definitely do the same thing, even if he comes a few more times, the days when Niuniu and their family lived, I will never forget it in this life, even if the moment of separation is full of reluctance, I will not regret having such an unforgettable experience.


In fact, wolves and dogs are not much different in nature, not to mention that there is no reproductive isolation between the two, just the emotions of the benevolent people, as the old saying goes, everything has a spirit, and the wolf is naturally among them.

Perhaps, this is the real reason why humans love pets.