
A 17-year-old girl was kidnapped to lead the way, and the man imprisoned her in the basement for 158 days: he just wanted money

author:Tang Xiaotang Story House

This article is a real case, source: NetEase News "17-year-old high school girl imprisoned in basement for 158 days"

The materials used in this article are from the Internet, and some of the pictures are not real portraits of events, and are only used for narrative presentation, please be aware. Statement: The author's exclusive original article, reprinting and handling without authorization will be investigated to the end!

In a basement of nearly 20 square meters, a young girl in the flower season is chained to a tire wheel weighing 70-80 kilograms.

In this dark basement, Xiaowen screamed and broke her throat, and no one came to save her, she was very scared and helpless, she just wanted to go back to her parents, and felt sorry for her parents.

However, such inhuman torture has only just begun......

A 17-year-old girl was kidnapped to lead the way, and the man imprisoned her in the basement for 158 days: he just wanted money


Little girl, how did you get to this place? I just got here and don't know the way.

A black car stopped in front of Xiaowen, and the man opened the door to ask her for directions. Zhao Pin just got out of the back seat of the car, took a piece of paper, and pointed to the address on it and asked.

The opposite road is the school, Xiaowen is not in a hurry, out of kindness, she still wants to help, and the guidance is just a gesture.

However, he was still a little scared when he looked at the strange man, but when Xiaowen approached the car, he found that there was a man's wife in the cab, and a little girl in the co-pilot, who slept soundly.

At this time, Xiaowen completely let down his guard, this is a family coming to the city and getting lost.

So, Xiaowen patiently showed Zhao Pingang the way and said two or three times how to go, but Zhao Pingang still scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly, as if he didn't understand.

"Why don't you show us the way, and we'll drive you back later?" Zhao Pingang said.

"Yes, little girl, we are not familiar with this side, wait for Auntie to send you to the school gate, okay? Otherwise, we can give you money, we're in a hurry! Zhao Pingang's wife Li Min also said.

Seeing that they were so enthusiastic, they didn't seem to be bad people, and the place they went to was not far away, Xiaowen hesitated for a moment, but still got in the car.

Xiaowen thought in the car that her table mate was still waiting for her at the school gate, so she quickly took out her mobile phone and sent a message to her tablemate, asking her to go back to the classroom first, and then go back to school later.

However, when the car drove out of the city, Zhao Pingang attacked Xiaowen......

A 17-year-old girl was kidnapped to lead the way, and the man imprisoned her in the basement for 158 days: he just wanted money


"What are you doing? Let go of my ......"

Zhao Pingang took out a pair of handcuffs, and before Xiaowen could react, he handcuffed her, Xiaowen shouted for help, Zhao Pingang directly covered her mouth, and then sealed it with transparent glue, pressed her down at her feet, and then covered it with a snakeskin bag, and stepped on Xiaowen with his feet.

Xiaowen moved, and he used it to step on her, threatening her not to resist, otherwise she would have no good fruit to eat.

Zhao Pingang sped all the way, drove the car back to his hometown in the countryside, and drove the car into the yard.

He was not in a hurry to get Xiaowen out, but waited until the evening to pull Xiaowen out of the car, blindfolded her, and then forced her into the house and took her to the basement.

By the time the black cloth on Xiaowen's eyes was revealed, she was already in the basement, her hands were still handcuffed, her feet were locked by chains, and the other end of the chain was tied to a large tire, which was made of iron and weighed 70-80 kilograms.

In this dark basement, Xiaowen cried and shouted, but no one heard it, let alone responded, and fell asleep when he was tired of crying.

A 17-year-old girl was kidnapped to lead the way, and the man imprisoned her in the basement for 158 days: he just wanted money


"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry for you, you give him the money, I want to go home......"

Zhao Pingang forced Xiaowen to record a video, and he wanted to give the video to Xiaowen's parents to extort money.

"If you don't cooperate obediently, you will starve to death!"

The basement was dark and damp, Xiaowen ate and drank in this basement, and the musty smell and stench were mixed together, making people vomit.

And what to eat, except for water, is only millet and bread, and it is a big bag thrown here, and in a humid environment, millet and bread are moldy.

Not only that, sometimes, Zhao Pingang didn't show up for 10 or 8 days, and Xiaowen had nothing to eat and could only drink water. She doesn't want to die yet, she still wants to see her parents.

In this way, Xiaowen was imprisoned in the basement for 158 days, and things finally took a turn for the better......

A 17-year-old girl was kidnapped to lead the way, and the man imprisoned her in the basement for 158 days: he just wanted money


Zhao Pin was just on the way back from placing the memory card (the memory card contained a video of him shooting Xiaowen), and the police found a clue.

There is surveillance at that location, and it's a dead-end road, and anyone and car passing by needs to turn around.

The surveillance clearly photographed Zhao Pingang's license plate and the black car he drove, and the police looked through the surveillance records, during this time, only his car had been to that location, which was the location where the memory card was placed.

In this way, Zhao Pin was intercepted by the police on the way home, but the police did not see Xiaowen in his stay in the city, let alone the basement that appeared in the video.

A 17-year-old girl was kidnapped to lead the way, and the man imprisoned her in the basement for 158 days: he just wanted money

The police also quickly went to Zhao Pingang's hometown, but they turned inside and outside the house, and couldn't find where the basement was?

And Zhao Pingang's wife, Li Min, also refused to admit that they kidnapped Xiaowen.

Eventually, one of the police officers thought they could ask their daughter if there might be any clues. The little girl didn't speak, but she turned her eyes to look at the wardrobe in the room, and the police immediately became alert with this small action.

Sure enough, the passage to the basement was finally presented in front of everyone, and Xiaowen was finally saved.

A 17-year-old girl was kidnapped to lead the way, and the man imprisoned her in the basement for 158 days: he just wanted money


Follow-up: When asked why Zhao Pingang kidnapped Xiaowen for extortion, his answer made people feel speechless.

The reason is that he built a house, has no money, and owes a lot of debts, and was collected for debts, so he made this decision.

As for why the target was Xiaowen, he said, "Seeing that Xiaowen was dressed very beautifully, or alone at the school gate, I attacked her, it was random." ”

But Xiaowen was very wronged, because her parents were both workers on the construction site, and their family background was very ordinary. It's just that the second elder is more generous to his daughter and gives her good food and good clothes.

The most distressing thing is that after more than 150 days of torture, Xiaowen became timid and afraid, and his spirit was greatly stimulated, and he failed even a simple math test.

can only say that people like Zhao Pingang harm others and themselves!