
You can't keep the people who are leaving

author:Under the greenery

Those who plan to leave have actually been planning for a long time.

No matter what you say or do, a seed has already been planted in his heart that he wants to leave. Even if you keep him with you for a while, sooner or later he will leave.

The fate between people is both mysterious and cruel.

When fate comes, even if two people with different life backgrounds can talk about everything and sympathize with each other; fate is gone, no matter how much they once loved each other, they will go to the state of drifting apart.

No matter how beautiful things are, there will be times when they disappear, and the colored clouds are easy to disperse and the glass is brittle.

In the end, any relationship is just an acquaintance, sometimes it is scattered, the love is voluntary, there is no regret, since he wants to leave, you let him go.

Anyway, people in this world, no one can live without anyone, only who doesn't know how to cherish whom, all those who pass by are the scenery, and those who pass by are guests.

You can't keep the people who are leaving

In this life, who you meet and who you fall in love with is God's arrangement.

In the vast sea of people, there is someone who has loved you and accompanied you, but failed to make it to the end, and that's not your fault.

Things are afraid to be released, feelings are afraid to forget, and some relationships have not been connected for a long time, and in the end they become okay.

People are just a fate, fate is, he will treat you as a treasure and hold you in the palm of his hand; When fate is gone, he will get bored when he sees you and want to escape.

People who are compatible with each other have the same three views, the same interests, and even the same taste of eating, and it is easy to accompany them for a lifetime.

People who can't get along, even if they are very affectionate in front of them, but after a long time, differences of opinion will make the two hearts that were originally very close get farther and farther apart.

Gathering and being separated is the normal state of life, and no one is destined to be with whom for a lifetime.

Since the relationship is gone, it's better to be okay with each other and don't bother anymore.

Stop walking with tears in your eyes, and don't dwell on people and things that don't make sense.

Standing at the end of fate, there is no need to suffer, there is no need to force, let go calmly, and really don't get entangled anymore.

You can't keep the people who are leaving

If your heart changes, don't force it; When people leave, don't stay.

You can't keep a heart that has changed, you can't keep someone who no longer sees you as a treasure.

After all, he made the decision after careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons.

Knowing when he is leaving, he will leave without looking back when the time comes.

I thought that I would be a couple for a lifetime, but in the end, I found that feelings are changeable, and it is the normal state of life to end up and scatter.

Sometimes, the division and combination in the relationship are all fixed numbers, and you can't ask for it, and even if you force it, it will not be complete, let alone happy.

It's not your fault, don't doubt yourself, and don't feel like you're not good enough.

In fact, you are very good, but you have sunk in the wrong relationship for too long, and you are used to taking all the fault on yourself, constantly pleasing the other party, but still can't change the fact that he wants to leave.

When you find that the person you love is determined to leave, what you should do is not to be sad and sad, not to cry bitterly, but to organize your thoughts and calmly think of a way out.

It is better to be a calm and calm person; It's better to be the best walker to accompany yourself.

You can't keep the people who are leaving

Love is a rival drama, and it takes two people to go both ways to go further.

You can't keep someone who is leaving, just like you can't wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep.

If you care too much, you lose, go with the flow, and you win.

For the rest of the day, you have to be happy and learn to break free from the whirlpool of this relationship.

You still have to believe in love, but don't believe that love will last for a long time, there are always some people who don't know how to cherish, wantonly trample on and hurt the dignity of others, and there are always some feelings that are destined to not last.

Falling in love with someone is just the feeling of falling in love with love, and loving is the gorgeous appearance of love.

One day, you will understand that love is not so important, but love yourself is more important.

Other things can be reluctant, but feelings can't, betrayal is because you don't love, you want to leave because you don't love anymore, only sincerity meets sincerity, can it last for a long time.

For the rest of your life, you will cherish it, let it go, love yourself well, and I believe that in the future, you will meet people who cherish you more and people who can accompany you for a lifetime!