
Novel: The Useless Husband

author:Brother Yao's little teacher Tom

Shanshan covered her nose with a tissue, choked up, and babbled: "I have never seen such a useless man, I don't have enough wallet and I start thinking about women's money, really, how did I choose such a person when I was blind!" ”

Looking at the way she looks, I can't seem to do anything but helplessness.

As a sister, I handed her a cup of coffee and said softly, "What's the matter, isn't your family building army very good?" I go to work during the day and drive Didi at night, what a man who cares about his family! ”

"Gu family? That's he didn't use it, okay! If I hadn't been pregnant, I wouldn't have lived with him, and I would want to divorce now? Sansan's tone was a little hysterical.

"Sanshan, you're not kidding! Divorce? What about your two children? "I suddenly had a feeling of being angry and funny.

"You think that man can give you a good life? Even if he has 10 million, he will think about his own flesh and blood, how can he buy a house and a car for your children to go to college? Wake up! My tone was calm and unmistakable.

Novel: The Useless Husband

Shanshan met her ex some time ago, time flies, and they meet again after 10 years, Shanshan is a grizzled housewife, and her ex is a well-dressed successful businessman, in contrast, Shanshan regrets her abandonment of her ex, and always says that if she had followed him at that time, the person who has a few houses now is me.

So the more she looked at her husband during this time, the more unpleasant she became, and she didn't even want to talk to her husband.

The contrast is too obvious, the woman's sensitive heart becomes more and more uncomfortable, and her ex has just divorced, always shushing her, sending some small red envelopes from time to time, and buying bouquets of flowers to be ambiguous, causing her to lose her judgment on the current situation of the family.

As a sister, I can accept that she is a bad wife, but I cannot accept that she is an irresponsible mother.

I looked at her and said, "Your ex! Just like a stock, or an innovative stock, the risk is high and the return is high, so you don't need to waste time on him at all, he is Shen Wansan today, and he may be a poor egg tomorrow, I don't recommend you to dedicate yourself to this ambiguity! It's not worth it at all! ”

Novel: The Useless Husband

Shanshan was silent and muttered, "It's all my husband's fault!" It's so useless! ”

I smiled coldly: "It's you who don't use it!" You can't bear the consequences of divorce at all, you don't have a house, you don't have a car, and your salary is only a few thousand yuan a month, what do you take to raise your children? What do you take to support your family? Take your ex's unfinished love for you? Eldest sister, you are 35 years old, and you are almost 40 years old, why don't you think? ”

Shanshan is not a person who does not listen to persuasion, she is also very smart, although her husband has a low salary, but he has a house and a car, and he is still a small civil servant, although he can't be rich and expensive, but there is no problem with living a dull life, and she doesn't dare.

She looked at me, sipping the coffee I gave her, curled up on the couch in silence.

Say slowly: I know, I know, but how do I make money? Make more money?

I have always been straight, and after a few years, we have tacitly understood each other.

Novel: The Useless Husband

"You study! Research! Ascension! Or you're going to rob a bank? If the money comes quickly, you can't see your lazy and don't want to pay, and you want to reciprocate the idea, what kind of pattern! If this continues, I don't want to be sisters with you anymore! I didn't say angrily to her!

Sansa suddenly laughed, and so did I.

"You're right! Maybe it's time for me to change myself, I'm like a mess of mud, I can't do anything, except to complain is to complain! Or I'm too weak. The words revealed a bit of desolation, and Sansa drank the rest of the coffee.

The sunset from the floor-to-ceiling windows slowly sinks westward, and the whole city is as soft and yellowish as if drunk.

Tomorrow must be a good day.

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