
I hope to give it to the sisters who are old people at home with babies, and we must pay more attention to this habit of the elderly


I want to remind my sisters that while handing over the elderly to the family to take care of the baby, we must pay more attention to the living habits and hobbies of the elderly. After all, bad things really matter about your baby's childhood.

My neighbor's grandmother is in her 60s and is an old fan, and she can't move when she sees playing cards, and she is even more fascinated when she plays cards, and she can forget everything. As long as she sat at the table, it was a dozen or so for most of the day.

At about half past eight this morning, I went to the supermarket to buy groceries, and when I went out, I saw my neighbor's grandmother and several elderly people in the village sitting in the shade of a tree playing cards.

Next to her is her one-and-a-half-year-old grandson, and when I passed by them, I saw the child sitting in a small cart with his mobile phone scrolling through Tik Tok.

At that time, I thought to myself, this grandmother is too irresponsible with her children, so she only cares about playing cards by herself, and lets such a young child look at the mobile phone and play.

I hope to give it to the sisters who are old people at home with babies, and we must pay more attention to this habit of the elderly

When I came back from shopping for groceries at the supermarket, I came home to pick vegetables, wash vegetables, wash clothes, and do housework, and I was ready to make lunch at about 11:30 noon. I inadvertently walked to the gate to take a look, and the old men were still playing cards, and they were not over.

The place where the child sat in the small cart was already under the sun, and the sun was shining directly on the child, and I found that the child was still in a posture and was scrolling Tik Tok.

The child sits there for about three hours, the baby is just over a year old, if this is an adult, the body and eyes can't stand it, right?

When the child was one year old, his parents went out to work, and he was left to his grandparents to take him, I don't know if the child's parents know about the behavior of the old man with the child? Do you know that grandma usually loves to play cards? Their hearts are really big, and they are handed over to such an old man with a baby.

I hope to give it to the sisters who are old people at home with babies, and we must pay more attention to this habit of the elderly

I remember that some time ago, this neighbor's grandmother was scolded by her wife once for not taking care of the child well because she played mahjong.

She took her grandson that day from one o'clock in the afternoon to play mahjong until half past six in the evening. She doesn't clean up the shit of the child in the middle, nor does she clean the child, and the one-year-old baby doesn't understand anything, and the shit is a mess. When the child is hungry, take a bottle and give the child some cold boiled water, chew a few mouthfuls of dry noodles, and feed the child mouth-to-mouth, there is no hygiene and nutrition at all. When the child was sleepy and wanted to sleep, she slept in her arms and continued to play mahjong by herself.

When her wife came back from working in the field, made dinner and told her to go back to eat, and when she picked up the child, she saw a butt of shit, and her wife scolded her like crazy and beat her.

She probably knew that she was wrong, and she swore and promised that she would change in the future, never play cards again, and definitely bring her little grandson well.

I hope to give it to the sisters who are old people at home with babies, and we must pay more attention to this habit of the elderly

But it's only been more than a month since this incident, and this grandmother has forgotten that the old problem of playing cards has been committed again. Such an old man is purely irresponsible, and a responsible person will not take his children to play cards.

I remember when my son was four or five years old, he didn't like me for a while, and he especially liked to eat and live with his grandmother. Later, I found out that the reason why children like grandma is that they can sleep without bathing or brushing their teeth. You can lie down and look at your phone for a day, and you can eat popsicles and snacks casually. It is not good for a child to develop such bad habits at all.

Hey, I just want to remind my sisters to pay more attention to the living habits of the elderly, after all, the baby's childhood influence is really important.

I hope to give it to the sisters who are old people at home with babies, and we must pay more attention to this habit of the elderly

I advise unmarried and childless sisters, and married mothers who have children and let the elderly take care of their children, they must think about it before giving birth, if they want to make their children's lives a little bit of quality, then, in this world, only mothers love children the most.

Giving birth to a child must be considered in all aspects, and unreliable family members must be cautious! Remember!