
China has done its best, but Hamas and Fatah still haven't seized the opportunity!

author:The wind is strong and the grass is strong
China has done its best, but Hamas and Fatah still haven't seized the opportunity!

The reason why the Arab world is divided is because the Arab world has a characteristic and there are deep-rooted contradictions within it. Looking at the big picture, there is a contradiction between Shia and Sunni; Looking at it from a small perspective, there are also many factions within each faction, and they are not united with each other.

Some time ago, China mediated and successfully mediated the contradictions between Saudi Arabia and Iran. This has led to a unity among Shiites and Sunnis in the Middle East that has not been seen in a thousand years. This is very frightening for Americans, because an increasingly united Arab world will be a nightmare for the United States.

Therefore, the United States will try to promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, so that it can successfully divide the Arab world. What Biden didn't expect was that this intensified the contradictions between Hamas and Israel, and a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out quickly and has not stopped until now.

In fact, it is not particularly accurate to call this conflict a Palestinian-Israeli conflict. To be precise, it should be the conflict between Hamas and Israel, because Palestine is divided into three main factions: Fatah, Hamas and Jihad, and the international community generally recognizes that it is not Hamas but Fatah who represents Palestine.

China has done its best, but Hamas and Fatah still haven't seized the opportunity!

The contradictions between Palestine and Israel have a history of thousands of years, and I will not repeat them today. On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution officially known as the Resolution Adopted on the Report of the Select Committee on the Question of Palestine (also known as United Nations Resolution 181), which stipulated that Britain should end its mandate in Palestine and withdraw its troops by August 1, 1948; Two months later, two states, the Arab State and the Jewish State, were established on the land of Palestine, which totaled 27,000 square kilometers.

According to the blueprint of the partition resolution, the Arab State had a land area of 11,203 square kilometers, accounting for about 43% of the total area of Palestine at that time, with a population of 725,000 Arabs and 10,000 Jews, while the Jewish State had a land area of 14,942 square kilometers, accounting for about 57% of the total area of Palestine, with a population of 497,000 Arabs and 598,000 Jews. The resolution also provides for the establishment of a special international authority for the city of Jerusalem, to be administered by the United Nations.

However, the Arab countries have rejected UN Resolution 181 for the following reasons:

The distribution of Palestinian land is grossly unfair! What is even more intolerable to the Arabs is that the territory of the Arab State is fragmented and disconnected, mostly hilly and barren.

China has done its best, but Hamas and Fatah still haven't seized the opportunity!

Because the content of the resolution was clearly biased in favor of Israel, after the UN General Assembly announced the adoption of the partition motion for Palestine, the representatives of Egypt and six other Arab Leagues collectively withdrew from the meeting to protest and refuse to recognize UN General Assembly Resolution 181.

On May 14, 1948, the Jews proclaimed the state of Israel on the basis of Resolution 181. On the same day, the United States announced its recognition of Israel. The Arab countries refused to recognize it and declared war on Israel on May 15, 1948. Thanks to the support of the United States, after many wars, not only did Israel not be defeated, but the territory of Palestine became smaller and smaller, and it was divided into two major areas of the West Bank and Gaza, which are not connected to each other.

Currently, Fatah rules the West Bank, which occupies most of Palestine, and Hamas rules Gaza. This gives Israel the opportunity to split the attack, and more importantly, Fatah and Hamas are very conflicted, and there has even been a war. Therefore, even if Israel agrees to the establishment of a Palestinian state, there is a dilemma that will never be resolved: who will represent Palestine?

China has done its best, but Hamas and Fatah still haven't seized the opportunity!

In 2006, Hamas won the general election, but in 2007 armed conflict broke out between Hamas and Fatah. Hamas does not endorse a series of peace agreements signed by Fatah, which has demanded that the Hamas forces be brought under its jurisdiction. The two sides pointed to Mai Mang, and they did not give in to each other, and in this regard, the two brothers fought by themselves. In just five days, Hamas defeated Fatah in the Gaza Strip and expelled him, gaining absolute control of the Gaza Strip. Since then, Palestine has been divided into two political entities, which do not recognize each other.

After the start of a new round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, it was very difficult for Fatah. Failure to recognize Hamas will further divide Palestine and further undermine its own prestige, since Hamas is also its own brother. But if Hamas is recognized, it will offend the United States and Israel and undermine Fatah's plan for peaceful statehood.

China has done its best, but Hamas and Fatah still haven't seized the opportunity!

And if Hamas and Fatah do not put aside their past grievances, even if Israel agrees to a two-state solution, it will not be able to establish a united Palestinian state. Therefore, in April this year, at the invitation of the Chinese side, representatives of Fatah and Hamas came to Beijing for consultations and held in-depth and candid dialogues on promoting reconciliation within Pakistan. It has been learned that the two sides unanimously agreed to continue this process of dialogue and strive to achieve Palestinian unity and reunification at an early date.

Recently, it was reported that Fatah and Hamas were scheduled to send representatives to China to hold talks again on the issue of reconciliation. Unexpectedly, new contradictions between the two factions have emerged, which has led to the postponement of the dialogue. To make matters worse, both Hamas and Fatah issued statements at the first time, accusing each other of being responsible for the postponement of the meeting.

Eventually, however, Fatah admitted that it was they who offered to postpone the negotiations. After thanking China for its efforts to promote reconciliation, Fatah said he still sought to hold reconciliation talks in China, while accusing Hamas of being responsible for the failure of previous talks.

China has done its best, but Hamas and Fatah still haven't seized the opportunity!

Hamas accused Fatah leaders of refusing to attend the meeting without reason

It can be said that if Fatah and Hamas do not make concessions to each other, it may be difficult for them to reconcile. Because, the policies of these two factions are in opposition to each other. Fatah's current political platform advocates dialogue and reconciliation with Israel; Hamas, on the other hand, opposes any form of negotiation with Israel and insists on ending the Israeli occupation through sustained armed struggle. This led to the control of the whole of Palestine stretching from the Jordan River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, and established an Islamic state.

While many Palestinians support Hamas, Hamas's statehood plan is unlikely to come true with the United States and its allies supporting Israel. Previously, Fatah criticized Hamas for being "unworthy to speak for the national interests of Palestine."

In this way, it is troublesome. Whether it is internal reconciliation or the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, there are irreconcilable contradictions between Hamas and Fatah.

China has done its best, but Hamas and Fatah still haven't seized the opportunity!

It can be said that this situation of infighting is undoubtedly disappointing. Recently, the Gaza conflict has finally made progress in the UN Security Council, and the implementation of the ceasefire plan has also made preliminary hopes. Therefore, it was the time to strike while the iron was hot, and as a result, Hamas and Fatah dropped their chains at a critical moment.

As the saying goes, good words are hard to persuade damned ghosts, and compassion is not self-exterminating! If Hamas and Fatah don't give in to each other, the gods won't be able to help them! Now that Fatah has asked for a postponement of the meeting and is unwilling to provide a specific date, it is hard not to wonder if Fatah really wants to promote intra-Palestinian reconciliation!

China has done its best, but Hamas and Fatah still haven't seized the opportunity!

It's embarrassing! The priority of the internal struggle between the two factions in Palestine is even higher than that of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict! If Hamas and Fatah miss a good opportunity because of their struggle for power, they will not only be sorry for the international community, but also sorry for China as a mediator!

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