
6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

author:Ding Ding said Finance

The future is here! While we are still lamenting the great changes brought about by 5G technology, 6G, the next generation of communication technology, has quietly arrived.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

6G communication not only means faster network speeds and lower latency, it is expected to bring about an unprecedented technological revolution that will reshape the way we live, work and think.

In this future-critical technological innovation, the battle for patents has begun.

According to statistics, the United States and Japan occupy 35.2% and 13% of 6G patents respectively, and China, which is becoming increasingly powerful in science and technology, will occupy what position in the battle for this "new generation of communication standards"?

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

1. The concept and characteristics of 6G technology

6G, the sixth generation of mobile communication technology, is the next generation of communication technology after 5G. It is like a "superhero of the future technology industry", with more powerful "superpowers" than 5G.

Imagine if 5G is a "high-speed train" with a speed of 500 kilometers per hour, then 6G is a "supersonic spaceship" with a speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour.

Not only is it faster, but it is also capable of achieving more "superpowers" that 5G can't match.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

So, what are the "superpowers" of 6G? First of all, 6G transfer speeds will reach a staggering 1Tbps, which means that 1TB of huge files, such as an Ultra HD movie, can be downloaded in 1 second.

To use a figurative analogy, if 5G is the download speed at the level of "spike", then 6G is the download speed at the level of "teleportation".

This ultra-high transmission speed will completely disrupt our digital life experience.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

6G has ultra-low latency, and can even achieve sub-millisecond end-to-end latency. This means that the signal transmission and feedback on the 6G network is almost real-time without any delay.

For example, if you play an online game on a 6G network, your actions and the response of the game screen will be completely synchronized, and there will be no lag.

This ultra-low latency feature will promote the revolutionary development of cloud gaming, remote surgery, and other fields.

In addition to ultra-high speed and ultra-low latency, "wide connection" is also a highlight of 6G.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

In the 6G era, the Internet of Everything will no longer be a dream. It is estimated that 6G networks will be able to support more than 1 million connected devices per square kilometer, more than 10 times that of 5G.

This means that everything from smartphones and wearables to sensors, robots, drones, and more can be seamlessly connected to 6G networks.

Imagine that in a 6G smart city, every street lamp, every car, and every building will become a smart terminal, interacting with people and the cloud in real time.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

Of course, the application of 6G technology is much more than that. In terms of spectrum, 6G will open up the terahertz (THz) frequency band and explore more spectrum resources.

According to scientists' estimates, the spectrum resources of the terahertz band are more than 100 times richer than the millimeter wave spectrum used in 5G.

It's like 6G not only has one "highway", but also 100 "highways"! This will greatly alleviate the shortage of spectrum resources in the 5G era and provide a broad imagination for the development of the future communication industry.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

In addition, 6G will also adopt new network architectures and key technologies, such as smart surfaces, satellite communications, artificial intelligence, etc., to make the network more flexible, intelligent, and efficient.

For example, smart surface technology can greatly improve network coverage by adjusting the propagation path of electromagnetic waves, so that the signal can reach the destination "as you like".

Satellite communication technology can use low-orbit satellite networking to provide stable communication services in remote mountainous areas and deep oceans.

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology enables the network to have capabilities such as automatic configuration, intelligent management, and personalized services, greatly improving network performance and user experience.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

6G technology is like a "technology magician" from the future, with its "magical" concept and "extraordinary" characteristics, it is attracting the attention of global technology giants and communication companies.

In this 6G competition for the future, how do countries lay out?

2. The current situation of 6G patent layout in various countries

On the "super track" of 6G technology, global technology giants and communication companies are competing fiercely. They are like a bunch of "gold diggers", frantically "digging" on the "bonanza" of 6G patents. So, in this 6G patent battle, what kind of layout do countries present?

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

The United States is undoubtedly the "bellwether" in this patent battle. According to the statistics of the German company IPlytics, the United States ranks first in the world with a share of 35.2% in 6G-related patent applications. This is like that in the "bonanza" of 6G patents, the United States has "dug up" the most "gold mines".

And a large part of this is due to the "gold rush" efforts of American technology giants such as Qualcomm, Samsung, and Apple.

Take Qualcomm as an example, the world's leading chip manufacturer has "spared no effort" in 6G patent applications.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

As early as 2019, Qualcomm announced the launch of 6G research and development and the establishment of a 6G research center.

At this year's Mobile World Congress, Qualcomm even "high-profile" demonstrated its 6G technology vision and launched a 6G-enabled test platform. It can be said that Qualcomm is working fast on the "track" of 6G patents and striving to "lead" the world.

The United States is followed by Japan, which accounts for 13% of 6G patent applications. As one of the world's technological powerhouses, Japan has always had strong strength in the field of communications.

In the 6G era, Japan is "determined to win" and vows to take a share of this patent battle.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

Last year, the Japanese government announced the establishment of the "6G Promotion Strategy Headquarters", which aims to accelerate the development of 6G technology and the development of standards.

At the enterprise level, Japanese technology giants such as Sony and NTT are also increasing their 6G patent layout. Sony Corporation said it will invest about 900 billion yen in 6G technology research and development by 2030.

This is like Sony, the "technology warship", is moving at full speed towards the "treasure island" of 6G patents.

Compared with the United States and Japan, China started late in 6G patent applications, but it has caught up and developed rapidly.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

According to statistics, China ranks third in the world in the number of 6G-related patent applications, accounting for about 13%, which is on a par with Japan.

This is like China's "dark horse", which is catching up on the "track" of 6G patents and is bound to surpass its opponents.

In fact, in the 5G era, China has already demonstrated strong scientific and technological strength and patent advantages. According to IPlytics, China ranks first in the world in 5G standard essential patents (SEPs) with a share of 15.7%.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

In the 6G era, China is even more "ambitious" and has elevated 6G to a national strategy.

It is reported that Huawei has established a 6G research team, and is expected to invest 200 million US dollars in 6G technology research and development by 2030.

This is like Huawei, a "technology giant", is marching towards the "new continent" of 6G patents, vowing to expand its territory and establish its own "patent kingdom".

Of course, in addition to China, the United States and Japan, South Korea, Europe and other countries and regions have also sprung up in the battle for 6G patents.

South Korea's Samsung, LG and other companies, European Ericsson, Nokia and other communication giants, are increasing the layout of 6G patents.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

This battle for 6G patents has become a competition for global scientific and technological strength, in which all countries are showing their strength and ambition.

3. The significance and enlightenment of the 6G patent dispute

On the "battlefield" of 6G patents, countries and regions such as China, the United States, Japan, Europe, and South Korea are launching a fierce "offensive and defensive war".

This patent battle is not only a competition between enterprises, but also a contest of national scientific and technological strength. It is like a "demon mirror", reflecting the changes in the global scientific and technological innovation map.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

In this "demon mirror", we see a picture of "a group of heroes competing for deer". The United States, Japan, China and other major technology countries are vying to deploy 6G patents and seize the opportunity.

This is like a "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", where all countries are competing for "Jingzhou", "Xiangyang" and "Sichuan" for 6G patents.

Among them, the United States is undoubtedly the strongest "Cao Cao", with the advantages of technology giants such as Qualcomm and Apple, it is far ahead in 6G patents; Japan is like "Liu Bei", although it started earlier, it lagged behind slightly in the 5G era, and is now catching up;

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

China, on the other hand, is like "Sun Quan", although its "foundation" is slightly weaker, but with the "courageous competition" of Huawei and other companies, it is catching up behind and forming a "three-legged" trend with the United States and Japan.

This 6G patent battle is also like a "weather vane", indicating the future trend of global scientific and technological innovation.

As we all know, in the modern economy, intellectual property has become the most valuable "strategic resource". A country's patent advantage in the field of key technologies often means that it will dominate the future industrial development.

Taking 5G as an example, the leading edge of Chinese enterprises in 5G patents has given China more say and dominance in the development of the 5G industry.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

In the 6G era, patent advantages will become more important. As some experts have pointed out, the 6G patent battle is actually "the next decade, or even longer, the global scientific and technological innovation map".

Whoever has an advantage in 6G patents is likely to occupy the "commanding heights" in the future of global scientific and technological innovation and industrial development.

Therefore, it is a crucial strategic goal for countries to gain an advantage in the battle for 6G patents. It is not only related to the global status of a country's scientific and technological strength, but also related to the initiative of a country's future economic development.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

As Xiao Yaqing, Minister of Industry and Information Technology of China, said: "6G is a strategic leading technology related to national development and security, and seizing the commanding heights of 6G technology research and development and standardization is of great significance to promoting high-quality economic development and ensuring national security."

It can be said that in this 6G patent battle, all countries are fighting hard to occupy the "first hand".

So, for China, which is still in the "second echelon" of 6G patents, what are the implications of this patent battle? The key is to carry forward the "late-mover advantage" and accelerate the pace of independent innovation.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

On the one hand, it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of the "new national system", concentrate on conquering 6G core technologies and key patents, and narrow the gap with leading countries as soon as possible;

On the other hand, it is necessary to give full play to the spirit of "embracing all rivers", strengthen international cooperation, actively participate in the formulation of 6G international standards, and enhance the status and voice of Chinese enterprises in the 6G patent landscape.

Only in this way can we win our own place in this 6G patent battle that is related to the future.

The battle for 6G patents is not only a competition for scientific and technological strength, but also a choice for development. In this battle of "the future has come", only by striving to innovate and standing at the forefront of the tide can we be worthy of this great era.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?


6G, this "superhero" from the future, is beckoning to us. With dazzling "superpowers" such as "ultra-high speed", "ultra-low latency", and "wide connection", it is opening an unprecedented technological revolution.

In this revolution, China, the United States, Japan, Europe, South Korea and other countries and regions have sounded the clarion call for 6G patent battles.

6G patent battle? The United States 35.2%, Japan 13%, and China?

This battle is not only a wrestling between enterprises, but also a contest of national scientific and technological strength. It will reshape the global landscape of scientific and technological innovation and determine the direction of future economic development.


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