
These three skins are of high quality, and players have expressed their affection

author:Game e-sports breaking news station

Bai Qi's popularity in the game suddenly became very high, all because Bai Qi's popularity suddenly rose. After changing this hero, the planner has also become stronger, so it will be loved by everyone. Bai Qi also has three good skins, so let's take a look.

These three skins are of high quality, and players have expressed their affection

The modeling of this skin is very domineering, although it is a free skin, but the popularity is really high. Many players should also feel the advantages of this skin, in addition to the appearance of the advantage, even the special effects of the skin are amazing. However, there are many skins that are good-looking and have very good special effects, but they don't feel good in the game. The exception to this skin is that it feels pretty good in the game.

These three skins are of high quality, and players have expressed their affection

The second skin is the White Reaper, and everyone sees the advantages of this skin. From the perspective of modeling, it is really handsome enough, the price is not expensive, and compared with the original leather, the quality is also very high. This white Reaper, in fact, many people praise it not easily, and they think that the texture of the skin is very good. After Bai Qi became popular, in the game, the players who used the White Grim Reaper were also the most.

These three skins are of high quality, and players have expressed their affection

The third skin is the Starry Night Prince, which can be seen from the special effects, with a dark purple design and a very textured design. In terms of appearance, the skin has also been improved by several levels. The integration of one and two skills makes the special effects of the skin extremely powerful. Among all the skins, the skin of the Starry Night Prince is already popular and has many highlights. That's why it's so popular, and the popularity of its own white has only recently risen, so there are really not many people who use his skin.

These three skins are of high quality, and players have expressed their affection

However, on the whole, the white skin is quite good. Now that it's the S36 season, Bai Qi will continue to be strong for a while. If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that Bai Qi still has a lot of good skin, which everyone should also know. After reading the above three skins, which one do you like best?