
For patients with chronic renal failure, how to add or subtract medication when using Liuwei Dihuang decoction?

author:He Xuehong, a Chinese medicine nephrology expert

Chronic renal failure is a serious kidney disease, and the treatment of patients needs to comprehensively consider their condition, constitution and the principles of TCM syndrome differentiation. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, Liuwei Dihuang decoction, as a classic Chinese medicine prescription, has the effects of nourishing yin and kidney, nourishing essence and blood, etc., and has a certain adjuvant treatment effect for patients with chronic renal failure.

For patients with chronic renal failure, how to add or subtract medication when using Liuwei Dihuang decoction?

Liuwei Rehmannia Soup is composed of six flavors of Chinese medicine: Rehmannia Rehmannia, Yam, Cornus officinalis, Ze Yuan, Poria Cocos, and Danpi. This formula has the effect of nourishing yin and kidney, nourishing essence and blood, and has a good therapeutic effect on symptoms such as soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, hot flashes and night sweats caused by kidney deficiency. At the same time, Liuwei Dihuang soup can also enhance the body's immunity and promote good health.

Patients with chronic renal failure mostly belong to the category of "deficiency syndrome" in TCM syndrome differentiation, which can be divided into various types such as kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, and yin and yang deficiency. According to the specific condition and constitution of the patient, corresponding syndrome differentiation treatment is required.

For patients with chronic renal failure, how to add or subtract medication when using Liuwei Dihuang decoction?

Patients with chronic renal failure should use the addition or subtraction of Liuwei Dihuang decoction, as follows:

1. Chronic renal failure with kidney yin deficiency, for patients with chronic renal failure with kidney yin deficiency, the main manifestations are soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, hot flashes and night sweats. When applying Liuwei Rehmannia soup, you can increase the amount of Rehmannia and Cornus officinalis in an appropriate amount to enhance the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidney. At the same time, traditional Chinese medicines such as wolfberry and ligustrum can be added to strengthen the effect of tonifying the kidney.

2. Chronic renal failure with kidney yang deficiency, patients with chronic renal failure with kidney yang deficiency mainly present with symptoms such as chills, cold limbs, paleness, and cold pain in the waist and knees. When applying Liuwei Rehmannia soup, you can appropriately reduce the amount of Rehmannia and Dogwood to avoid being too greasy and hindering the growth of yang energy. At the same time, aconite, cinnamon and other warm yang drugs can be added to warm and replenish kidney yang and improve symptoms.

3. Chronic renal failure with yin and yang deficiency, patients with chronic renal failure with yin and yang deficiency have both the manifestations of kidney yin deficiency and the symptoms of kidney yang deficiency. When applying Liuwei Dihuang decoction, it is necessary to adjust the balance according to the specific situation of the patient. You can increase or decrease the dosage of rehmannia and dogwood in an appropriate amount, and at the same time add warm yang drugs such as cinnamon branches and deer horn gum and yin nourishing drugs such as wolfberry and ligustrum to achieve the purpose of yin and yang supplementation.

4. Other methods of addition and subtraction

(1) For patients with dampness and obvious edema, water-diluting drugs such as psyllium and Zhu Ling can be added to promote water metabolism and reduce edema symptoms.

(2) For patients with damp heat and yellow urine, heat and dampness drugs such as Phellodendron and Coptis chinensis can be added to clear dampness and heat and improve urine condition.

(3) For patients with blood stasis obstruction and obvious waist and knee pain, peach kernels, safflower and other drugs can be added to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis to dredge the meridians and relieve pain symptoms.

4. Precautions

1. When applying Liuwei Dihuang decoction, syndrome differentiation and treatment should be carried out according to the specific condition and constitution of the patient, and blind medication should be avoided.

2. When adding or subtracting drugs, the principle of compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine should be followed, and attention should be paid to drug interactions and side effects.

3. Patients with chronic renal failure should maintain good lifestyle and eating habits during the treatment process to avoid damage to the kidneys caused by overwork and poor dietary habits.

For patients with chronic renal failure, how to add or subtract medication when using Liuwei Dihuang decoction?

To sum up, when patients with chronic renal failure apply Liuwei Dihuang decoction, they need to be treated differentiated, plus or minus medication according to their condition and constitution. Only under the guidance of the correct principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment, reasonable drug combination and adjustment can achieve better treatment results.

Note: The specific medication should be carried out under the guidance of a professional TCM doctor, and patients should not self-medicate!

I am He Xuehong, a professor of Chinese medicine, and if you have any questions related to kidney disease, please leave a message to me in the comment area.