
Wang Sicong turned out to be the final winner, and his total assets ranked among the top ten on the 2024 rich list

author:Half a pot of cloudy wine pro

Oh, everyone who eats melons, this Internet has been very lively recently, and a fierce news about Wang Sicong and Huang Yiming is like thunder on the ground, and the big guys are dumbfounded!

That's right, it was Wang Sicong, who was named the "national husband", who was revealed to have an illegitimate daughter, and this mysterious heroine is the well-known celebrity in the Internet celebrity industry - Huang Yiming! This plot is full of ups and downs, and it is a hundred times more exciting than any bloody drama!

At first, Huang Yiming called for full firepower, pointing out that Wang Sicong was irresponsible, claiming that he had tried to communicate with him many times, but the result was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no news. In the end, she decided to pierce this layer of window paper and make the relationship between the two and the children public. This melon exploded on the Internet in an instant, and there was a lot of heated discussion!

But Huang Yiming's move was by no means simply to gain popularity, she made it clear that making all this public was not for money, because she was fully capable of raising her children alone. At the same time, she also resolutely denied the rumors that she wanted to marry into a wealthy family, claiming that she was by no means the kind of person who climbed the dragon and attached the phoenix. This backbone is really convincing!

Wang Sicong turned out to be the final winner, and his total assets ranked among the top ten on the 2024 rich list

Wang Sicong responded

And what about Wang Sicong's side? As the "national husband", his ex-girlfriend team is huge, but no one has ever been so publicly accused. This time, he met an ex who didn't play according to the routine, which was really surprising!

However, for Wang Sicong, the wisest choice at the moment may be to "keep a low profile". If the paternity test confirms that the child is indeed his flesh and blood, then he will have to take responsibility, but only if the matter is passed quietly. Otherwise, once it gets bigger, it will be a storm for everyone.

Having said that, Huang Yiming, this child, is Wang Sicong's nine times out of ten. And she seems to be planning to take advantage of this east wind to make her Internet celebrity career reach new heights.

Wang Sicong turned out to be the final winner, and his total assets ranked among the top ten on the 2024 rich list

After all, now she is so red that she can attract the attention of countless fans, whether it is live streaming or other activities. From this point of view, Huang Yiming's trick is really clever!

Of course, there are also people who sympathize with Wang Sicong's situation. After all, in recent years, Wanda Group has transformed into an asset-light group and sold off core assets one after another, even the Wanda headquarters in Beijing has not been spared.

At the end of last year, Wang Jianlin transferred 51% of Wanda Investment's shares, giving up actual control of the company. This scene is really embarrassing!

Wang Sicong turned out to be the final winner, and his total assets ranked among the top ten on the 2024 rich list

Wanda's performance is also particularly conspicuous

But you know what? What's even more surprising is that among the many private real estate companies, Wanda Group's performance is particularly eye-catching! Recently, Wang Jianlin and Wang Sicong have increased their wealth by 56.8 billion yuan through the transfer of the equity of Wanda Commercial Management! Yes, you heard it right, it's 56.8 billion yuan! With total assets of 140.8 billion yuan, they successfully ranked among the top 10 on the 2024 rich list, ranking ninth! It's a gorgeous counterattack!

Back in 2021, the father and son were only ranked 36th on the rich list. Today, they are in the top 10, which is truly breathtaking! Having said that, although Huang Yiming failed to become a wealthy man, her life is already complete.

Having your own children and a successful career at a young age is not a model of a winner in life?

So, all the people who eat melons, let's not just stare at the money bag. After all, money is something outside the body, you can't bring it in life, you don't take it away in death, only fame can last forever!

Having said that, although Wang Sicong encountered a turmoil this time, he can be regarded as one of the winners in life. After all, he has such a huge family fortune and family support behind him!

Let me end with one sentence: "The little fairy fell from the sky, and with a wave of her little hand, the small goal was easily achieved." Does this sentence appropriately describe the story of Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong? #王思聪#

Wang Sicong turned out to be the final winner, and his total assets ranked among the top ten on the 2024 rich list

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