
Discussion: How to use the targeting function of Meiyu advertising promotion better

author:Juyi Media Network

  Meiyu is an application designed for female users to provide menstrual period, pregnancy preparation, pregnancy, postpartum and other menstrual cycle management and health information services, and its ad targeting function is designed to help merchants reach the target user group more accurately, so as to improve the effect of advertising.

  How to effectively use the targeting function to achieve marketing purposes

  1. Understand demographics

  Before using the Meiyu ad targeting feature, you must first have a deep understanding of the user groups in the app. Meiyu's users are mainly women who are concerned about their own health, life rules and family planning, and the age group is mainly between 15 and 45 years old, and they have a higher demand for menstrual cycle knowledge, maternal and child care, healthy diet, etc. Therefore, there are a few key dimensions that you should focus on when setting up ad targeting:

Discussion: How to use the targeting function of Meiyu advertising promotion better

  1. Gender: Meiyu's main users are female, so you only need to select "female" when targeting.

  2. Age: Set an age range between 15-45 years old to ensure that your ads reach potential customers who have a strong need for a relevant product or service.

  3. Life stage: According to the type of product or service of the advertiser (such as menstrual health products, maternity nutrition products, parenting books, etc.), users who are in related life stages such as menstrual management, pregnancy preparation, pregnancy, and postpartum are screened.

  4. Interest tags: Use the built-in interest tags of the Meiyu platform to segment, such as "physical health", "pregnancy and parenting", "meal matching", "sports health care", etc., to find user groups with clear needs and interests.

Discussion: How to use the targeting function of Meiyu advertising promotion better

  2. Behavioral orientation

  In addition to basic demographic information, users can also achieve more refined targeting through data such as search history, browsing history, and interactive behavior:

  1. Search keywords: Monitor the relevant keywords that users have entered into the search box, such as "menstrual cramp relief", "pregnancy preparation recipe recommendations", etc., to find users who are interested in specific content and push corresponding ads.

  2. Content browsing history: Analyze the content categories that users have recently viewed in Meiyu, such as "menstrual cycle calculator", "pregnancy dietary taboos", etc., and recommend relevant product ads for these hot topics.

  3. Action path tracing: Observe the user's action path in Meiyu, such as entering the pregnancy preparation guide from menstrual management and then checking the details page of a certain product, and then send ads to these users who have shown purchase intent, and the conversion rate is higher.

Discussion: How to use the targeting function of Meiyu advertising promotion better

  3. Time orientation

  Taking into account the changes in users' lifestyle habits and attention, reasonable time period targeting can also optimize advertising performance:

  1. Physiological cycle time: According to the characteristics of female users' menstrual cycles, such as ovulation period, safe period, etc., formulate targeted advertising push strategies to improve advertising exposure and click-through rate.

  2. Holidays and special dates: For example, "World Breastfeeding Day", "International Women's Day" and other holiday nodes, customize ads with corresponding themes to improve brand recognition and emotional resonance.

Discussion: How to use the targeting function of Meiyu advertising promotion better

  It is a continuous process that requires regular monitoring and evaluation of advertising data indicators, including but not limited to click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate (CVR), ROI (return on investment), etc., among which ROI is an important indicator to judge whether advertising is worth the money, and accordingly make budget allocation and strategy adjustments.

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