
In the rainy season, the property is warmly reminded

author:Real Estate & Property

The rainy season is coming

—Rainy season is coming, travel cautiously—

Property warm reminder

Pay attention to strengthening the moisture and mildew proof of the home

Please pay attention to safety when entering and exiting the park

Slow down in and out of the underground garage

Beware of falling objects

Beware of "cannibalistic" manhole covers

In the rainy season, the property is warmly reminded

Moisture-proof indoors

●Spread some waste cardboard boxes or newspapers at the door of the house to reduce the moisture brought in by external shoes.

● Heat the water to about 40°C, then add a large spoonful of salt to the water, stir to dissolve, and mop the floor with salt water to accelerate the evaporation of water.

● Close the windows facing south and southeast, the most important period of moisture prevention is the morning and evening every day, the air humidity during these two periods is higher than the noon, if you do not close the doors and windows in time, moisture will seriously penetrate into every corner of the home.

In addition, if you feel that the doors and windows are closed and the indoor air cannot circulate, it is recommended that you open the windows for ventilation for a short time at noon.

● Resolutely do not mop the floor with a wet mop, the garbage can be cleaned with a dry broom, endure for a few days, reduce the chance of mopping, otherwise walk back and forth on the wet floor, and the room is full of footprints.

●Many air conditioners have a dehumidification function, and the proper use of the dehumidification function of the air conditioner to keep the indoor air dry can help dehumidify and prevent moisture to a certain extent.

● Sprinkle baking soda in the corners of kitchens and bathrooms where there is a lot of water to help absorb moisture and improve hygiene.

Household appliances and furniture are moisture-proof

●Always turn on electrical appliances: Household appliances should be dusted frequently.

● Wood floor: Dehumidify the interface between the wood floor and the baseboard in time.

● Solid wood furniture: To deal with the water droplets on wooden furniture, you can dip a dry cloth with a special wood furniture cleaner.

● Carpet: You can first lay a soft, absorbent tissue paper skin in the carpet laying area, and then cover the carpet on it.

Five requirements for flood control

●Early arrangement: Formulate emergency plans for flood control as soon as possible, clarify responsibilities and work measures, and set up emergency response teams.

●Early inspection - strengthen the investigation of potential safety hazards, clean up the drainage system in advance, and keep the drainage system of the community unblocked.

●Timely reporting - establish a 24-hour duty system, keep communication unimpeded, and report in time when encountering danger.

●Prepare enough materials - prepare enough sandbags, water pumps and other flood control materials.

●Diligent maintenance - strengthen the maintenance of the common parts of the house, common facilities and equipment, and ensure the normal operation of the secondary water supply and elevators.

In the rainy season, the property is warmly reminded

Property Tips

● When you go out, please close the doors and windows of your home and office, turn off electrical appliances, and preferably cut off the power supply.

●It is strictly forbidden to place items outside the window and on the outdoor unit of the air conditioner to avoid falling and injuring others.

●Please pay attention to travel safety, try not to walk against walls and buildings, and prevent dangers such as building collapse and falling objects from high altitudes.

● In rainy days, the road is slippery, pay attention to vehicle driving safety, control the speed of the vehicle to prevent accidents such as rear-end collisions.

●Please pay attention to the safety of electrical appliances, cut off the outdoor power supply in the danger zone, try not to use electrical appliances such as televisions, indoor water heaters, computers and other electrical appliances during thunderstorms, and unplug the power plug.

●When traveling in rainy weather, you should pay attention to observation, avoid places with water whirlpools, prevent falling into manholes and pits, and do not stay in deep waters.

●Avoid walking in stagnant water, and pay attention to observe whether there are wires broken in stagnant water near the road section to prevent electric shock; Children and the elderly should try to avoid danger by minimizing outdoor activities.

● Do not place flower pots or other shelves on the balcony to avoid strong winds, causing falling objects from high altitudes and causing safety accidents.

●For the owners who are decorating, please remind the decoration staff to check whether the indoor water, electricity and valves are closed when leaving the site to avoid accidents caused by accidents.

● In unnecessary cases, do not open the windows of the elevator front room passage to avoid rainwater flowing directly into the elevator through the elevator front room passage, resulting in damage to the elevator.

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In the rainy season, the property is warmly reminded

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