
E-law and e-peer escort a new journey丨Wisdom popularization of law, warm community

author:Tooth stone fusion media

On June 27, guests and media participating in the 2024 "National Network Law Popularization Tour: Inner Mongolia Station" gathered in Anju Community, Donghe District, Baotou City, to gain an in-depth understanding of how Anju Community has successfully set up a model benchmark of "Donghe e-Law Popularization" with its innovative measures and remarkable results, demonstrating the advanced model and excellent practice of community law popularization work.

  According to the staff, the Anju community integrates online law popularization into grassroots governance, and actively builds various functional rooms such as Cui Qiang Chat Bar, Red Lens Consultation Hall, and Douyin Live Incubation Base, and provides residents with diversified legal services through online and offline forms such as law popularization lectures, household law popularization, law popularization Allegro, and community grid group law popularization, so as to meet residents' needs for the rule of law, improve residents' awareness and literacy of the rule of law, and create a strong cultural atmosphere of rule of law. (Lou Kexin)

E-law and e-peer escort a new journey丨Wisdom popularization of law, warm community

  Cui Qiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Anju Community, introduced the work of popularizing the law in the community (Photo by Lou Kexin)

E-law and e-peer escort a new journey丨Wisdom popularization of law, warm community

  The ongoing red lens negotiation (photo by Lou Kexin)

E-law and e-peer escort a new journey丨Wisdom popularization of law, warm community

  Douyin live broadcast incubation base law popularization live broadcast (photo by Lou Kexin)

E-law and e-peer escort a new journey丨Wisdom popularization of law, warm community

  Lecture on Law Popularization (Photo by Lou Kexin)

E-law and e-peer escort a new journey丨Wisdom popularization of law, warm community

  Community workers are providing legal services to residents (Photo by Lou Kexin)

Source: China Central Radio and Television International Online

Editor: Liu Boyu

Editor: Zhao Zongjie

Final review: Li Enguang

Director: Zhao Huiru

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