
Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

author:No. 2 Explorer
Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

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Text|No. 2 Explorer

Editor|Explorer No. 2

Ji Xueping's mysterious rich husband finally appeared! Netizens are not calm at all, no wonder they can marry CCTV celebrities!

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!


The most painful thing in the world is that a white-haired person sends a black-haired person, and the host Ji Xueping suffered this pain. When her daughter died of illness at a young age, she was devastated, and she later wrote a book in her honor.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

Unexpectedly, this book brought her a "catastrophe", and netizens' evaluation of her was even more unsightly.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

However, as the host, her heart is extremely strong, and after experiencing a lot of criticism and negative emotions, she still chooses to face life squarely, and some time ago she also posted a video of a family on social platforms.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

In the video, her mysterious wealthy husband finally shows up, and the family of five travels to Singapore for a vacation, staying in his friend's house for a while, so that they can buy their own groceries and cook, spend a simple and fulfilling summer vacation with their children, and then return to Shanghai.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

This life is truly the envy of the public.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

Video: When the family went out to play in Singapore, they also chose the most common mode of transportation, taking the bus. In this way, although the family is extremely wealthy, they still teach their children to be frugal and not wasteful.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

It is worth mentioning that in the process of buying vegetables, her eldest son communicated with the locals in English throughout the whole process, and netizens praised her for cultivating such an excellent son.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

Humorous and knowledgeable, the family atmosphere is excellent at a glance.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

It's just that when the family of five is happy, some netizens said that it was a pity that the daughter who had passed away a long time ago, otherwise in such a happy family, how much more favored.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

But unfortunately, the wish of heaven and man can no longer be realized.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

The death of her daughter was a lifelong pain for her, but it was also her daughter's pain that made her reinvent herself and have the comfortable and relaxed life she has today. But then again, if she hadn't given up her work at CCTV at that time, would she not have the grief she has now.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

Even she herself said that she was an extremely selfish person, so selfish that she would never go on stage if she didn't pay her appearance fee to her account in advance. As a young woman, she didn't think it was a bad thing to be selfish, because she had limited time.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

Even her friend Jin Xing called her too arrogant, and her husband bluntly said that her personality was too selfish and too out-of-the-box.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

But all this changed after the death of her daughter, and the arrogant Ji Xueping disappeared completely.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

It's just that she was valued by CCTV at that time, but why did she abandon CCTV?

And what was the reason for her daughter's death? Why didn't she save her daughter when her family conditions were not bad?

I obviously wanted to commemorate my daughter and wrote a book, but why did I usher in abuse?

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!


In fact, for Ji Xueping, leaving CCTV is not a regret, but can be said to be a kind of "self-release".

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

At the age of 14, she successfully entered the crew with her smart appearance and starred in the TV series "Sixteen-year-old Flower Season".

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

The "Bai Xue" played in the play made her famous overnight, but she herself didn't realize this at all.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

It can be said that if she continued to follow the path of an actress at that time, she would have a bright future. But apparently she didn't, in her opinion, what to do at any age, at that time she had to focus on her studies.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

This choice was not wrong, and later she was admitted to the drama with excellent grades, but she chose not to major in acting, but to be a TV editor. The reason for this decision was the advice given by his teacher.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

Her appearance will be a little limited to follow the path of an actor, but the host will suit her.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

Ji Xueping, who is already independent, thinks that the host is more challenging and attractive, so she chose this profession without hesitation. She was invited to be the host of the Shanghai TV program in college.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

With her on-the-spot and precise answering style, she has become the favorite host of the people of Shanghai.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

also because of her excellent hosting style, CCTV noticed her, and CCTV happened to be short of a female host in "Zhengda Variety Show", and Ji Xueping became the best choice. When CCTV threw an olive branch to her, she chose to accept it.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

After all, CCTV and "Zhengda Variety Show" are more attractive to the host, and when she arrived at CCTV, she used her professional advantages to make the show more watchable.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

Even in order to make the audience feel better, she also served as a location host for interviews all over the country. It's hard work, but it's all worth it for the sake of the audience. Originally, the public would have thought that she would become the successor of CCTV. But no one expected that the change would come so quickly.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

After a period of time in CCTV, she deeply felt the importance of knowledge, and she herself realized the lack of knowledge reserves, so she decided to go abroad for further study, but at that time the foreign country was too chaotic, and this matter could only be shelved.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

At this time, she was faced with two choices, go or stay.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

In the end, she decided to return to her hometown Shanghai for development, because it coincided with the major reform of the TV station, and in order to attract talents, the program made great "concessions". And Ji Xueping is excellent in her own right, and she is a CCTV celebrity, so she will naturally be given the greatest respect by the TV station.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

After returning to Shanghai TV, Ji Xueping almost dominated the screen, almost all of her on major programs, seeing that her career was getting better and better, but at this time she made a surprising decision.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

On October 2, 2004, a particularly luxurious wedding was held in Shanghai, the bride was not Ji Xueping, and the groom was named Hai Lide.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

When this decision was made at that time, the audience was particularly surprised, not only surprised by the marriage at the peak of his career, but more importantly, the identity of his husband, the son of the chairman of the group, who was born rich and noble, and can be called a wealthy family.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

It's not uncommon to choose to marry into a wealthy family in the circle, but I just didn't expect Ji Xueping to choose this path.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

It's just that she is different from others in that she married love, and the two finally chose to enter the marriage hall after seven years of long-distance love. Although Ji Xueping's family background is far inferior to her husband's, her husband's family is extremely satisfied with her.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!
Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

After marriage, Ji gradually focused on his family, because he was pregnant, and in 2008, in a hospital in Shanghai, Ji gave birth to a baby girl after being delivered by a top midwife in the United States.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

Seeing the arrival of their daughter, the couple couldn't stop being happy, and Hai Lide, who loved his daughter, directly sent out a private aristocratic kindergarten, and gave his daughter the nickname "Black Pearl", which means the pearl in the palm of their hand, which shows their love for their daughter.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

After that, Ji Xueping put all her focus on her daughter, although she had three more sons later, her most precious was still the eldest daughter. But no one expected that the eldest daughter would die so suddenly.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!


It wasn't until Ji Xueping's current situation was exposed that I understood why Ni Ping faded out of the screen back then, and Jin Xing was right.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

After the birth of her daughter, Ji Xueping quit her job at many TV stations, not because she married into a wealthy family and wanted to be a rich wife, but because her daughter's body was inseparable from people, and her daughter was born because of congenital low lung function, resulting in repeated aspiration pneumonia.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

In order to let her daughter have a good body, she took her daughter to go all over the country to find famous doctors, but congenital diseases are always difficult to cure.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

The same was true of CCTV celebrity Ni Ping back then, after his son fell ill, he left CCTV's good career and went abroad to treat his son.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

It can be said that for the sake of the child's health, the mother is willing to give up everything. This is also the reason why Ni Ping faded out of the screen back then, but fortunately, her son finally recovered a lot, and his body was much better than before, and then she herself returned to the audience's attention.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

The show she prepared again was also very popular with the audience, and the regret of leaving the screen that year was also made up.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

But obviously Ji Xueping did not have this "luck", she had a smooth ride in the early years, but who would have thought that she suffered great pain in middle age, and she has been with her daughter since she was born, because she often has to go to the hospital to observe her daughter's condition.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

Later, in order to be able to treat her daughter's illness, her English speaking level skyrocketed in a short period of time, in order to communicate with foreign experts. In 2019, she sent her daughter to the hospital for injections, and later left a nanny to take care of her daughter, while she went to work first.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

However, the accident came quietly, and at about 6 o'clock in the evening, she received a call from the doctor, saying that her daughter needed to be rescued, but when she rushed to the hospital, the doctor had already issued a death notice.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

Later, she said that the 30 minutes she waited for her daughter's cremation at the funeral home felt unusually long, as if time stopped at that moment, and she didn't know how she could wake up.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

The pain of losing a middle-aged daughter is not something that ordinary people can experience, but when she holds her daughter's ashes, she is determined to live well, and she will walk for her daughter in the next way. It was also at this moment that she had an epiphany about the impermanence of life and death.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

And now she no longer escapes, officially facing the pain of losing a daughter, she said that not everyone has to experience such pain to perceive joy and gain strength, she wants to share what she has gained in her heart.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

So she wrote a book to commemorate her daughter, and her friend Venus was also happy for her, after all, this time she did not selfishly put these in the drawer, but chose to share them with everyone who is confused about life and family.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

In fact, Ji Xueping has always been on the road to growth, in the years when her daughter was sick, she began to learn psychological knowledge, and later was admitted to the doctor of psychology. As a worker in front of the stage, I have a sense of mission about education.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

But when the books went on sale, some people said that she was sucking the blood of her dead daughter.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

But she doesn't care about this kind of hateful comment at all, after all, she has three lovely sons, a husband who loves her, a happy family and a strategic career, which is enough.

Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!


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Disdain CCTV to marry a wealthy family? gave birth to four children in a row but lost her daughter in middle age, and was bluntly said by Venus: She is too arrogant!

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