
Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

author:Xiaozhu Literature
Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

In the ever-changing entertainment industry, a casual word can set off a storm for 20 years. The well-known dancer Jin Xing and the famous director Chen Kaige, the former best friends, because of the short sentence "People like you live quite nourishingly", have been on the same page since then.

The pain that flashed in Venus's eyes, and the arrogance that loomed on Chen Kaige's face, heralded the end of a deep friendship. What kind of story is hidden behind this seemingly ordinary sentence? Why did Venus linger on this for 20 years? Let's work together to uncover this long-sealed past and explore the ups and downs of emotional entanglements together.

In the mid-80s of the 20th century, a seemingly impossible friendship quietly sprouted. Jin Xing, a talented dancer, met Hong Huang from a prominent background in the art world.

Although the two came from different fields, they cherished each other because of their common artistic pursuits, and soon became best friends who talked about everything. Hong Huang's eyes flashed with a love for art, and Venus attracted this famous daughter with her unique personality.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

At this moment, the high-spirited young director Chen Kaige broke into Hong Huang's sight. His sharp artist's temperament deeply attracted Hong Huang, and the two quickly fell in love.

In 1990, Chen Kaige and Hong Huang entered the marriage hall hand in hand. As Hong Huang's best friend, Jin Xing naturally became the guest of honor of the couple, and thus became acquainted with Chen Kaige, and the relationship network of the three was formed.

Interestingly, Venus also got married in the United States in the same year. She candidly admitted that the main purpose of the marriage was to obtain permanent residency in the United States. In contrast, Chen Kaige and Hong Huang's marriage motives seem to be less pure, and they are also rumored to be related to obtaining a U.S. green card.

However, Chen Kaige, a self-proclaimed artist, has never publicly admitted this.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

In that era of burning passion, the three often got together to chat about art and share life insights. Jin Xing admired Hong Huang's intelligence and independence, and was also impressed by Chen Kaige's talent.

Hong Huang sees an indomitable vitality in Venus, and is also proud of her husband Chen Kaige's artistic pursuit.

However, the passage of time is always accompanied by changes. Venus looked at the couple, her eyes flashing with envy, but with a hint of indescribable complexity. She knew that deep down she had an unfulfilled dream, a dream about identity.

As time goes by, the relationship between the three is also quietly changing. Hong Huang is focused on his career, Chen Kaige's directing career is beginning to emerge, and Jin Xing is silently preparing for his dream.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

On the surface, they are still inseparable friends, but each has their own hearts and minds.

This triangular friendship formed by Hong Huang's matchmaking seems to be harmonious, but in fact there is an undercurrent. No one could have predicted what kind of storm awaited them in the future.

And this friendship will also withstand the test of time and fate.

1995 was a year full of turning points for Jin Xing, Chen Kaige and Hong Huang. Everyone faces major life decisions that ultimately change the course of their destiny.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

For Venus, this year is the most crucial moment in her life. For years, she has had a strong desire for female identity. Finally, she made up her mind to undergo sex reassignment surgery and resolutely went overseas.

Venus knew that this decision meant a huge risk, and she might never be able to stand again, let alone dance, after the surgery. However, Venus's eyes burned with determination, and even in the face of the fear of the unknown, she chose to move forward.

The road to recovery after surgery was extremely difficult. Venus gritted her teeth and relearned to walk and dance step by step. Her sweat soaked her dance dress and tears blurred her reflection in the mirror, but she never gave up.

Venus's perseverance is admirable, and she proves her dedication to her dreams with practical actions. In the end, Venus returned to the stage with a new identity, interpreting the love of life with beautiful dancing.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

At the same time, Chen Kaige's life is also undergoing great changes. In the spring of 1995, he met actor Chen Hong, and the two quickly fell in love. This new relationship undoubtedly cast a shadow on Chen Kaige's marriage.

Chen Kaige's eyes flashed with a complex light, both anticipation of new feelings and reluctance to the past. However, he finally chose to end his marriage to Hong Huang and embark on a new life journey.

Hong Huang showed admirable strength in the face of the failure of his marriage. Instead of dwelling on grief, she devoted all her energy to her career. Hong Huang's eyes became more resolute, as if she had experienced the baptism of wind and rain, and she became more mature and independent.

This strong woman proved with her actions that the end of marriage does not mean the end of life.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

In this era full of uncertainties, the life trajectories of the three people began to drift apart. Venus, after realizing her self-identity, embraces the stage with a new attitude; In the midst of the changes in his emotional life, Chen Kaige continues to pursue the pinnacle of art; And Hong Huang rebuilt his career kingdom on the ruins of marriage.

However, the gears of fate did not stop turning. Venus's transgender experience has given her a deeper understanding of life and has also made her more sensitive and strong. Chen Kaige found inspiration in his new relationship, but he also faced the ups and downs of his career.

Hong Huang has gone further and further on the road of independence and self-determination, and has become an admirable female role model.

This year's choice not only changed the trajectory of the lives of the three people, but also laid the groundwork for various disputes in the future. Their respective transformations are not only a testimony of personal growth, but also a microcosm of the changes of the times.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

In this era full of opportunities and challenges, Jin Xing, Chen Kaige and Hong Huang all interpret the meaning of life in their own ways.

As his career climbed, Chen Kaige's words and deeds gradually revealed some unpleasant qualities, which undoubtedly cast a shadow on his friendship with Jin Xing and Hong Huang.

Once, Chen Kaige and Hong Huang were invited to an important occasion. As a sign of respect, the organizers specially arranged a luxurious extended Lincoln to pick them up. Who knows, Chen Kaige, who has always shown himself as an artist, is like a child who has never seen the world when he gets in the car, looking around, not knowing where to put his hands and feet.

What is even more jaw-dropping is that he turned his head to Hong Huang and said, "From now on, we will be superior people." As soon as these words came out, Hong Huang's expression instantly froze, and a trace of disappointment and disgust flashed in his eyes.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

This scene happened to be witnessed by Venus. She was surprised to find that the artist, who had once been so talented and temperamental in her eyes, cared so much about status.

A hint of bitterness welled up in Venus's heart, and she began to wonder if she really knew this friend.

Not only that, when Chen Kaige was filming the movie "Singing While Walking", he also had an affair with actress Xu Qing. These things have made Hong Huang's impression of Chen Kaige worse.

She began to realize that her image of a talented, artist-focused husband was crumbling. Hong Huang's eyes showed deep disappointment, and she began to re-examine the marriage.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

However, what really chilled Jin Xing's heart was what Chen Kaige said to her: "People like you live quite a nourishing life." This sentence sounds ordinary at first glance, but it implies obvious discrimination.

A hint of hurt flashed in Venus's eyes, she didn't expect her friend of many years to say such hurtful words. This sentence is like a sharp knife, piercing deep into Venus's heart.

These words and deeds are like a sharp blade, constantly cutting the original harmonious relationship. Jin Xing and Hong Huang's eyes showed disappointment and pain, but Chen Kaige seemed to be unaware of it, still immersed in his own world.

As time went on, the rift between the three grew. Hong Huang chose to leave, ending the marriage that disappointed her. Jin Xing buried this hurt deep in her heart, which became the fuse for her criticism of Chen Kaige in the future.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

Chen Kaige's words and deeds not only hurt the people around him, but also greatly reduced the public's impression of him. The once talented director is now a little more arrogant and worldly in people's eyes.

These events became a severe test of their friendship and laid the groundwork for future public confrontations.

As time passed, Venus's pent-up grievances finally found an outlet for catharsis. With his keen insight and sharp words, Jin Xing successfully transformed into a high-profile talk show host.

In 2015, "Venus Show" was launched and soon became a hot topic program in the entertainment industry.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

Jin Xing mercilessly criticized all kinds of chaos in the entertainment industry on the show, which naturally included sharp criticism of Chen Kaige. When asked what he thought of Chen Kaige's work, Jin Xing bluntly said that "The Taoist Priest Descends the Mountain" is a disappointing bad movie.

There was a sharp glint in her eyes, and her tone was full of sarcasm and disdain. The remarks caused an uproar in the entertainment industry, with many applauding Venus's courage and others thinking that her words were too mean.

Venus's criticism didn't stop there. When she learned that Chen Kaige won the award for "Changjin Lake", she couldn't help but ask: "Many actors have starred in friendship with zero pay, and how much of the money in this box office masterpiece has flowed into the pockets of some people?" Her words were sharp as knives, straight to the heart of the matter, and sparked a widespread public discussion about the distribution of interests in the film industry.

In the face of Jin Xing's public criticism, Chen Kaige seemed a little powerless. He tried to improve his public image by participating in some variety shows, and even considered inviting his current wife Chen Hong to appear with him.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

However, when someone asked Jin Xing if he was willing to invite Chen Kaige and his wife to be guests on "The Venus Show", Jin Xing gave an unexpected response: as long as Chen Kaige can give satisfactory answers to all the questions she asked, she is very welcome to come to the show.

This answer not only shows Jin Xing's self-confidence, but also hints at her many doubts about Chen Kaige.

This confrontation quickly became a big topic in the entertainment industry. Venus's eyes sparkled with victory, and she finally found an outlet to vent her years of grudges. Chen Kaige, on the other hand, looked a little embarrassed, and the reputation and status he had accumulated over the years seemed to be crumbling under Venus's sharp words.

There was also a strong public interest in the standoff. Some people appreciate Jin Xing's courage and outspokenness, believing that she has injected a breath of fresh air into the entertainment industry; Some people also think that Venus's rhetoric is too harsh and has the suspicion of taking the opportunity to hype.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

In any case, this confrontation not only revealed many problems in the entertainment industry, but also allowed people to see the grievances accumulated between Jin Xing and Chen Kaige for many years.

This public confrontation between the two has become a major attraction in the entertainment industry. It not only reflects the personal grievances between two people, but also reflects the complex ecology of the entire entertainment industry.

Jin Xing uses her own interpretation of what is meant by the "artist's conscience", while Chen Kaige's silence sparks more speculation and discussion.

The lesson of this story is that true friendship needs to be based on mutual respect and understanding. An unintentional word can cause an irreparable rift.

Jin Xing has publicly ridiculed Chen Kaige many times! Because of these words, Venus did not forgive him for many years!

In this complex world, each of us should learn to cherish the people around us, treat others with kindness, and resolve conflicts with tolerance. At the same time, we must also maintain the ability to think independently, not be swayed by the words and deeds of others, and adhere to our own values and life pursuits.

The story of Jin Xing and Chen Kaige is not only a legend in the entertainment industry, but also a mirror that reflects the attitude of each of us in the face of success, friendship and life choices.

It reminds us that no matter where we are, we should always stay true to our original intentions, respect others, and cherish our friendships.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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