
How to register a PBE account for League of Legends pbe account

author:PC host evaluation little genius

How to register a PBE account for League of Legends pbe account

Many game friends are particularly interested in the United States test service and want to experience the latest game content for the first time. Watching those friends who have a U.S. test service account having a good time, is it also itchy in my heart, and want to download a pbe U.S. test service to play? But after downloading, I found out.,It turns out that you still have to have a game qualification to get in.,Xiaobian is here to tell you in detail about this qualification.,How to apply, let's take a look.。

How to register a PBE account for League of Legends pbe account

How to register a PBE account for League of Legends pbe account

First of all, we have to have an account for the United States. Just go to the official website of PBE. However, due to network reasons, there may be times when you can't open this official website. We can use a Qiyou acceleration tool, and the network is immediately smooth, and it is easy to open the official website.

How to register a PBE account for League of Legends pbe account
How to register a PBE account for League of Legends pbe account

After the acceleration is completed, you can open the official website smoothly, and start registering. Enter an email address and follow the steps, and you'll be ready to sign up in no time.

How to register a PBE account for League of Legends pbe account

After registration, don't forget to fill in all the account information, otherwise it will be troublesome to log in later.

How to register a PBE account for League of Legends pbe account

Then you can log in to the U.S. test service. After logging in, we have to see if we have the qualifications for the American test service. In fact, this qualification is very easy to get, and you only need to play in the official server of the American service for a period of time.

How to register a PBE account for League of Legends pbe account

Once qualified, we can download the game and start playing.

How to register a PBE account for League of Legends pbe account

The above is the account registration method and qualification method of League of Legends American Test Service PBE, I hope it can help you.

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