
What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

author:Entertainment Assault
What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Today's topic: What's the worst smell you've ever smelled?

Text丨Entertainment Assault

Editor丨Entertainment Assault

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel


This article is long and is based on the personal experience of netizens, which will definitely shock you!!!

Smell is a very important sense of the human body, and we can smell many things through our sense of smell!

There are some unbearable stenchs in it, and the smell is so simple that you will die on the spot when you smell it!


No, netizens have shared their real experiences, and I can smell the smell across the screen!

Oh my God, how did her family manage it, how sick they were to be like this!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel


What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

I feel sorry for you for a second... She's really a ruthless person, isn't she afraid of infection if she doesn't change for so long?

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

I'm curious about what's going on...

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Can't you apply for a dormitory change or move out?,I really can't imagine how rushed this taste is.,I actually gave up my job in the system because of this!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Hahahaha, the good atmosphere was ruined like this, is it because of this that I became an ex?

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Honestly, what exactly did you eat?

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

If you don't understand, just ask, this is the same as dental calculus, the taste is too good, don't ask me why I know...

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

I just want to know if it's so difficult to take a shower and change clothes, it's so heartbreaking that such people have lovers!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

No, I'm paying for my cheap hands, I'm going to vomit out my overnight meal when I see this...

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Poof, forgive me for laughing unkindly, this picture is funny enough to think about!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Okay, okay, I don't even have to sleep now...

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Dentists are like this, how difficult it is to forensic medicine, anyway, your brain is spinning very fast, so the reason is to open your mouth!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

It's been how many days you've been in the kettle to get like this, and you said you couldn't help but pour it no matter how lazy you are...

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

I can't imagine how long this has been at home, and it's still summer, I really admire the perseverance of his family!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Hahaha, you can describe! The key is that we don't dare to say it yet, no matter how stinky it is, we have to endure it ourselves, who makes the family the boss!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

It's no wonder that you live so uncleanly and can't get sick, even if you pity you, you have to suffer with it...

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

What is allicin for, it's the first time I've heard of it, is it so powerful?

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Maybe that's true love... Hahahaha!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

It turned out to be a smelly foot, and it was really hard for you, and you put a lot of effort into finding this taste, and the smell of cotton drag is not breathable, and the smell has to be fermented in it!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

I haven't felt this before, but I've seen the power of pork in the refrigerator (without electricity) for half a month!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Hahahaha, I guess they're thinking: I must have done something wrong to make me bear such a weight!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

An hour is already amazing, okay! Network administrator: Woo woo, who's going to save me, it's not easy to do work these days...

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Well, after reading this, I didn't dare to eat MSG...

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

Hahaha, this has caused a psychological shadow for everyone!

What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel

The content of the above pictures is all comments from netizens, and there is a certain inauthenticity and plot fabrication, I hope that the majority of netizens will eat melons rationally.

Since ancient times, talents have been produced in the comment area! And what do you think of it after reading it? Feel free to join the discussion!

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What's the smelliest smell you've ever smelled? Netizen: I kissed my ex, and I vomited directly when I got to the navel