
It's so cute for babies to stick out their tongues! But don't be careless, frequent tongue sticking out may also be a sign of illness

author:Little bean sprouts parenting

Some careful mothers will find that babies especially like to stick out their tongues, sometimes as if they are playing, but why do babies like to stick out their tongues, do you know?

Top 3 reasons why babies like to stick out their tongues

First, newborn babies use their tongues to explore the world;

Babies are curious about the world from birth, and explore their surroundings by scratching, kicking, eating hands, eating toys, etc., and sticking out their tongue is also one of the ways to manifest themselves.

It's so cute for babies to stick out their tongues! But don't be careless, frequent tongue sticking out may also be a sign of illness

Especially for newborn babies, because the nervous system is still developing, the coordination of various parts of the body is not yet fully mature, so it is normal to stick out the tongue.

But as your baby grows and adapts, the frequency of tongue sticking out will gradually decrease. Mothers don't have to worry too much, this behavior can promote the development of the baby.

It's so cute for babies to stick out their tongues! But don't be careless, frequent tongue sticking out may also be a sign of illness

Secondly, the baby's saliva becomes more after 3 months;

Compared with newborns, three-month-old babies have developed to a certain extent in many aspects, such as the parotid glands have gradually matured, so the baby will have excessive saliva secretion.

When too much saliva accumulates, the baby will unconsciously lick with his tongue, resulting in the phenomenon of sticking out the tongue. This shows that the baby's intellectual development is good, and mothers don't need to be too nervous! However, you need to pay attention to keeping the area around your baby's mouth clean and wiping off excess saliva in time.

It's so cute for babies to stick out their tongues! But don't be careless, frequent tongue sticking out may also be a sign of illness

Finally, the baby is imitating the adult

Babies have a strong ability to imitate and begin to imitate their parents' behaviors at a very young age. If parents often make funny tongue-sticking movements to their baby, the baby will follow suit.

Therefore, once it is found that the baby's imitation ability is very strong, parents should pay attention to their words and deeds to avoid adverse effects on the baby.

The baby's every move reveals cuteness, but in these "cute" small actions, it seems to be a sign that the baby is sick, such as when the baby frequently sticks out his tongue, he may be telling the mother that he is not feeling well.

It's so cute for babies to stick out their tongues! But don't be careless, frequent tongue sticking out may also be a sign of illness

Your baby's frequent tongue sticking out can be a sign of illness

1. Abnormal IQ development

When the baby's IQ development is abnormal, it may manifest as frequent tongue sticking out, mouth opening, drooling a lot, indifferent and stiff facial expression, insensitivity to external stimuli and other symptoms, so when the baby frequently sticks out the tongue, accompanied by other symptoms, the mother needs to pay more attention.

2. Oral health problems

If your baby has an oral health problem, it can cause your baby to feel uncomfortable and your baby will stick out his tongue frequently. This usually happens to babies who are older than a month.

It's so cute for babies to stick out their tongues! But don't be careless, frequent tongue sticking out may also be a sign of illness

3. Gastrointestinal fever

When your baby is three months old, you may experience gastrointestinal fever. At this time, the baby will also stick out his tongue easily. This may be the case if your baby sticks out his tongue frequently and is accompanied by symptoms such as bloating.

Small bean sprouts are crumbled

Although it seems trivial for a baby to stick out his tongue, it cannot be ignored by the mother, especially the older baby who suddenly and frequently sticks out his tongue. The mother must carefully observe the baby's physical condition, because every detail of the baby is transmitting information to the parents.

Remember to pay attention to the little bean sprouts, there are a lot of little knowledge waiting for you!

(The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted)