
How unreliable is Dad? Bringing a baby is mistaken for a human trafficker! The big oolong is also really heartwarming

author:Chat in the palm of your hand

It is said that the father is unreliable with the baby, but I didn't expect it to be unreliable to this extent.

A father and daughter went out to walk their dog when passers-by mistook them for traffickers and called the police. Finally, after the police arrived at the scene to understand the situation, they called the child's mother to come and collect the person. What's going on here? Let's move on.

Event details

On June 26, a father went out to walk his dog with his daughter, which was a very warm scene. However, when the daughter saw the little rabbit toy on the street, the scene was suddenly not so warm, and even a little oolong.

How unreliable is Dad? Bringing a baby is mistaken for a human trafficker! The big oolong is also really heartwarming

It turned out that after the daughter took a fancy to the rabbit toys on the street, she had to ask her father to buy them. The father of the breed is buying toys after walking the dog, and the daughter of the breed is walking the dog by buying toys. At first, the father tried to comfort her, but the more she cried, the more she cried, the more her voice echoed in the street.

How unreliable is Dad? Bringing a baby is mistaken for a human trafficker! The big oolong is also really heartwarming

Passers-by on the side of the street see the cute little girl crying heartbreakingly, while the father seems indifferent. A kind passer-by asked: Is it lost? Is this your daughter? The dad next to him tried to explain, but to no avail.

The daughter cried beside her and couldn't reply, and the kind passer-by "chuckled" in her heart: "This can't be a human trafficker, right?" Thinking of this, passers-by immediately took out their mobile phones and called the police.

How unreliable is Dad? Bringing a baby is mistaken for a human trafficker! The big oolong is also really heartwarming

After a while, the police arrived at the scene. When the father saw the police coming, he was also confused, and quickly explained: "This is my daughter, I am really her father." The police did not dare to be sloppy and asked about the situation seriously. Dad reluctantly told me what had happened.

How unreliable is Dad? Bringing a baby is mistaken for a human trafficker! The big oolong is also really heartwarming

Subsequently, the police called the child's mother to verify the situation. On the other end of the phone, my mother couldn't cry or laugh when she heard this, and finally my mother arrived at the scene and took the two away.

How unreliable is Dad? Bringing a baby is mistaken for a human trafficker! The big oolong is also really heartwarming

On June 27, the mother of the party responded to the incident on the short video platform, and the mother said: "Through this incident, I found that there are still many well-wishers in the world, and everyone's vigilance is also very high. Thank you to the police in Xiangyang, they are very responsible and make us citizens feel at ease. ”

Hot comments from netizens

For this heart-warming oolong incident, netizens have spoken, and the children of many families have also encountered such a situation.

For example, this parent: My husband took the child on a plane alone, but was stopped at the airport, the reason is that my husband does not look like a good person, and the police ask the child if this is the father? The child said no, and was then taken away for questioning.

How unreliable is Dad? Bringing a baby is mistaken for a human trafficker! The big oolong is also really heartwarming

Some netizens shared a particularly funny one, which made the brains of onlookers run rapidly, just like a passer-by eating melons.

Netizen: My daughter was three years old and I were in the elevator, and she asked inexplicably, "Mom, who is my father?" I didn't even think about it, and replied, "How do I know who your dad is?" There was instant silence in the elevator, and everyone looked at me, embarrassed.

How unreliable is Dad? Bringing a baby is mistaken for a human trafficker! The big oolong is also really heartwarming

Some netizens shared incidents related to human traffickers that they might have seen or encountered, and 3 police cars came at that time, and snipers were also brought. It can be seen that the state attaches great importance to human traffickers and cracks down on them.

How unreliable is Dad? Bringing a baby is mistaken for a human trafficker! The big oolong is also really heartwarming

Many netizens think that this is a good thing, at least it can be seen that we are not indifferent, and the police are also dutiful. It's heartwarming.

How unreliable is Dad? Bringing a baby is mistaken for a human trafficker! The big oolong is also really heartwarming


Although this incident is just a small oolong, it allows us to see the warmth and justice of society. It also indirectly reminds parents to spend more time with their children, and if they save a few more photos with their children in their mobile phones, they will not let their mothers pick them up!

Enthusiastic passers-by have added a lot of warmth and touch to this society in this little oolong. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of what happens, and it is always right to be vigilant, especially for those bad guys who abduct and sell children, we must always be vigilant!

So what do you think about the fact that the father with the baby was mistaken for a human trafficker? Have you ever posted something like this in your life? Welcome to leave a message to share.