
What difficulties do inmates face when they are newly admitted to prison?

author:Prison chatter

When they first enter the prison, the inmates have to join the prison team for a period of intensive training, which is used to adapt to prison life, so there are many things to learn and get used to, and many inmates have almost collapsed at this stage.

What difficulties do inmates face when they are newly admitted to prison?

The length of time spent in prison training varies from one month to two months in some places, with a maximum of three months. In order to facilitate management, the induction team is not necessarily carried out in the prison where the sentence is served, and in some places, the induction training is first carried out in a centralized manner, and then transferred to the prison where the sentence is served after the completion of the sentence.

In this case, it is generally indicated on the notice of imprisonment, and if the family wants to write a letter, the address must not be written incorrectly. If it is inconvenient to go to the post office, you can write a letter and send a photo online in the family mail applet, and you can send a letter without going out.

What difficulties do inmates face when they are newly admitted to prison?

There are many things to learn when joining the prison team, including queue training, supervision rules and discipline, housekeeping, and so on.

Platoon training is a test of physical fitness, similar to military training, and in the future life of serving a sentence, it is often necessary to gather together to go to the canteen and workshop, and some basic instructions must be learned by prisoners.

In fact, the training of young men is not too difficult, if the inmates who are old or do not exercise regularly, it is more uncomfortable, and the body is easily unbearable due to sun and rain.

When you enter the prison, you must abide by the rules of the prison, and in the inmates, the inmates are required to recite the prison rules and regulations. Even if you don't know how to read, you have to memorize it, and if you can't read, let someone else read it word by word, and then the prisoner will follow along until you can memorize it.

After all, many inmates are relatively lazy and free outside, but when they arrive in prison, many things are out of their own hands.

What difficulties do inmates face when they are newly admitted to prison?

The housekeeping in the prison requires inmates to abide by it at all times, and they must quickly make their beds after waking up, and their belongings must be neatly arranged.

Prison life is a collective life, and inmates must restrain their temper and learn to get along with others.