
The in-laws were washed away by the flood, and the daughter-in-law was smiling when she was interviewed, and netizens continued to discuss it

author:Huaxin Entertainment said

1. Family tragedy in the midst of disaster

Recently, floods in Anhui province have caused floods in many villages, causing severe losses to local residents. Houses collapsed, roads flooded, and entire villages were in shambles. In this natural disaster, the tragedy of a family has aroused widespread concern and heated discussions.

The in-laws were washed away by the flood, and the daughter-in-law was smiling when she was interviewed, and netizens continued to discuss it

The family lived in a two-story building, with the daughter-in-law and husband on the second floor and the elderly in-laws on the first floor. The flood was menacing, the wall of a building was broken by the flood, and the in-laws were swept away by the flood, and there was no trace for several days. It all happened so suddenly, it's shocking and heartbreaking.

The in-laws were washed away by the flood, and the daughter-in-law was smiling when she was interviewed, and netizens continued to discuss it

#### Second, the course of the incident

The in-laws were washed away by the flood, and the daughter-in-law was smiling when she was interviewed, and netizens continued to discuss it

During the continuous rainstorm in those days, the water level in the house continued to rise, and the daughter-in-law was worried that the flood would flood the house, so she went downstairs to get her mobile phone and went to the kitchen to get a rice cooker to prevent these items from being flooded. When she returned to the kitchen, she found that the water had reached the kitchen, and the water was so fast that she could not get out of the kitchen and had to climb onto the stove.

The in-laws were washed away by the flood, and the daughter-in-law was smiling when she was interviewed, and netizens continued to discuss it

The water level rose rapidly, and the woman had to stand at the interface between the stove and the chimney. In order to save her life, she dismantled the exhaust fan and prepared to lie on the mouth of the exhaust fan to breathe when she couldn't escape. Just as the woman panicked and tried to save herself, the water level finally dropped, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

The in-laws were washed away by the flood, and the daughter-in-law was smiling when she was interviewed, and netizens continued to discuss it

At this time, the woman remembered her in-laws on the first floor, and she hurriedly waded into the water to check. When she and her husband went to her in-laws' room, they found that a wall had been broken by the flood, and her in-laws were gone. They were shocked by the sight of the wall of their in-laws' room being breached by the flood.

The in-laws were washed away by the flood, and the daughter-in-law was smiling when she was interviewed, and netizens continued to discuss it

#### 3. Ambivalence in the interview

The reporter interviewed the couple, and the husband was emotionally broken by the disappearance of his parents, crying in a low voice, saying that he had not fulfilled his responsibilities. The woman showed a positive and cooperative attitude, answering the reporter's questions with a smile, which made the reporter feel puzzled and dissatisfied.

The in-laws were washed away by the flood, and the daughter-in-law was smiling when she was interviewed, and netizens continued to discuss it

Towards the end of the interview, the reporter couldn't help but remind the woman: "Your in-laws are still missing, I see that you have been smiling, this is not good......" After hearing this, the woman immediately put away her smile and explained: "There is such a big event in the family, I feel more sad than anyone else, but what can I do?" My husband is in a bad mood every day, I can only hold up this family, I can't fall down, what should I do or what to do, I can't help it! With that, she smiled wryly.

#### Fourth, the heated discussion of netizens

As soon as this interview video was released, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens. Everyone had different opinions about the woman's performance and the reporter's question.

Some netizens think that the reporter's question is impersonal and is rubbing salt on the wound, and the woman is strong enough and should not be questioned like this again. Other netizens expressed their admiration for the woman's strength, thinking that she had to force a smile and show her strong side for the sake of family stability.

However, some netizens questioned the woman's behavior, believing that she and her husband actually regarded mobile phones and rice cookers as more important than their in-laws, causing their in-laws to be washed away by the flood. Others believe that the relationship between the woman and her in-laws may not be close, which is why she reacts so calmly.

More netizens believe that the smile shown by the woman is a sign of respect for the reporter and helplessness for life. Even in the face of such great misfortune, she was still able to smile at life and show her love and hope for life.

#### Fifth, the helplessness and strength of life

Through this incident, we can see that people in disasters not only have to face the pain of losing their loved ones, but also have to bear the burden of their families. The woman's performance shows us her strength and sense of responsibility to her family. In the face of disaster, everyone reacted differently, but she chose to face it strongly and continue to support the family.

#### 6. Reflection on Responding to Disasters

This flood disaster reminds us that we need to be more aware of and prepared for natural disasters. The government and relevant departments should strengthen the construction of flood prevention facilities and improve disaster early warning and emergency response capabilities. At the same time, family members should also strengthen communication and mutual assistance to deal with sudden disasters together.

#### VII. Conclusion

The flood has hit many families hard, but it has also shown us the resilience and hope of humanity. I hope that in the future, more people will be able to remain calm and strong in the face of disasters, and support the hope of their families with love and responsibility. At the same time, it is also hoped that the relevant departments can strengthen preventive measures against natural disasters to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. Let's work together for a better future.