
Beef prices plummeted, and cattle lost more than 1,000 yuan, so why not restrict beef imports?

author:Ziyuan TAlk

Recently, rumors about Huawei's beef business have been flying and it has been dubbed "the largest beef importer in China". However, this is not a new business expansion for Huawei, but a misunderstanding. In fact, Huawei only imports some beef in limited quantities to take care of its employees' stomachs. Let's talk about the story behind this and see where this beef storm came from.

Beef prices plummeted, and cattle lost more than 1,000 yuan, so why not restrict beef imports?

When you think of beef, you probably think of those juicy steaks, or slices of beef in a steaming hot pot. But recently, beef has been on the hot search because of a "misunderstanding" by Huawei. Some netizens who don't know the truth even rumored that Huawei wants to impact the local beef market by selling beef. As soon as this news came out, it was like ice cream in summer, and it melted everyone's reason at once.

Huawei has a platform called Moser Mall, which was originally an internal service platform, mainly to provide convenience for Huawei employees, including daily necessities such as food. But suddenly, some people said that Huawei had become the largest beef importer in China, and even the price of beef in the market was implicated, saying that it was because of Huawei's large imports that caused the price to fall. As soon as the news came out, it was even more sudden and violent than a summer thunderstorm.

Beef prices plummeted, and cattle lost more than 1,000 yuan, so why not restrict beef imports?

Huawei officials quickly came out to clarify that they did import some beef from abroad, but that amount was not much at all, and it was only a part of the supply based on employee welfare considerations. Therefore, the hat of "the largest beef importer in China" is obviously wearing the wrong head. But even so, this turmoil has also made Huawei's gratuitous end the focus.

Let's take a look at the truth about beef prices. I don't know when beef prices began to decline. But this is not Huawei's "credit", but the natural adjustment of market supply and demand. From a global perspective, beef from places like South America and Australia has gradually occupied a place in the market because of its high quality and low price.

Beef prices plummeted, and cattle lost more than 1,000 yuan, so why not restrict beef imports?

Coupled with the increase in domestic beef production, the supply of beef in the market has naturally risen. After the epidemic, people's consumption habits are also quietly changing, with the arrival of summer, everyone is more inclined to light food, and the demand for heavy flavors such as beef is relatively reduced, and the situation of oversupply naturally leads to a decline in prices.

And that's not all, some professionals have revealed that the drop in beef prices is only a temporary phenomenon. With the self-regulation of the market and the gradual recovery of consumer demand, prices are likely to return to normal in the near future. Therefore, those who are worried that the beef market will collapse because of Huawei's "brain" imports are really too much.

Beef prices plummeted, and cattle lost more than 1,000 yuan, so why not restrict beef imports?

As for domestic cattle farmers, it is true that the current market environment is a little distressing. But the solution is not simply restricting imports, which could complicate international trade and a host of other problems. A more practical solution is to improve the competitiveness of domestic beef through technological upgrading and cost control. After all, quality and cost are the keys to long-term competition in the market.

Speaking of Huawei, although this beef turmoil has put Huawei on the cusp, it also reflects the public's sensitivity to information and the speed of response. Although Huawei has no intention of stepping into the deep waters of the beef market, this incident also reminds all companies that they need to be more careful in information disclosure and transparency to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and fluctuations.

Beef prices plummeted, and cattle lost more than 1,000 yuan, so why not restrict beef imports?

This story about Huawei and beef is actually a farce caused by a misunderstanding. The natural laws of the market and the changes in consumer demand are the real reasons for the fluctuation of beef prices. In this era of information explosion, understanding the whole picture of things and maintaining rational judgment is the attitude we should have.

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