
Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor emphasized: the elderly with high blood pressure, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when drinking water

author:Colorful cow science

Mr. Liu was shocked when he heard that someone near his home had a heart attack because of drinking water.

He really couldn't figure it out, so he happened to be a guest at the doctor's friend's house in the afternoon, and when he remembered it, he asked him for advice. After my friend found out, he said that this phenomenon exists, don't make a fuss.

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor emphasized: the elderly with high blood pressure, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when drinking water

Mr. Liu expressed his shock: "Drinking some water can cause a heart attack, why can't I figure it out?" ”

Is heart attack related to drinking water? Are you sure

My friend patiently explained: "You don't understand this, this water does not refer to room temperature boiled water in a narrow sense, but includes room temperature boiled water, as well as ice water, tea, coffee, etc." ”

"I inquired carefully, it was an elderly man with high blood pressure, he drank ice water after strenuous exercise in the afternoon, and within a few minutes he had a heart attack, and he died after being sent to the hospital in time."

Mr. Liu didn't understand: "What is the principle?" ”

"Because the body is very hot after exercise, drinking ice water will make the blood vessels shrink rapidly, and the blood pressure will suddenly rise."

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor emphasized: the elderly with high blood pressure, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when drinking water

"When blood vessels constrict, blood flow to the heart and brain decreases, and the heart doesn't get enough blood supply, and then a heart attack occurs."

"Therefore, it is best to avoid drinking ice water immediately after strenuous exercise, and you should replenish water slowly."

Mr. Liu was stunned: "The elderly, there are underlying diseases, and it is common for them to leave after being stimulated." ”

A friend glanced at him: "Don't underestimate the ice water, young people will also be stimulated." ”

"There are also news reports that a boy who has just finished the college entrance examination was very hot during the break from playing basketball, poured ice water wildly, and died of a heart attack within a few minutes."

Therefore, in the summer, when the temperature is high, do not exercise vigorously when the temperature is high, do not drink ice water after exercise, and drink room temperature water in small sips.

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor emphasized: the elderly with high blood pressure, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when drinking water

Elderly people with high blood pressure, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when drinking water

My friend said, "Your father's high blood pressure, I went to see it last time, and his physical condition is okay." ”

"But I saw that you have tea at home, so I have to tell you that there are '3 don'ts' when drinking water for patients with high blood pressure, you have to remember to pay attention to it."

1. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water

If you feel thirsty and drink water, it means that your body has been dehydrated for some time.

At this time, the blood will become more viscous and more difficult to flow, the blood volume will decrease, and the blood viscosity will increase, which will increase the burden on the heart and is not conducive to the control of blood pressure.

Therefore, people with high blood pressure remember to drink water regularly.

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor emphasized: the elderly with high blood pressure, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when drinking water

2. Don't drink strong tea

There is a lot of theophylline in strong tea, which will make the nerves become excited, the heart beat faster, and the blood pressure will go up.

Moreover, some ingredients in strong tea will also accumulate in the blood vessels, making the blood vessels hard, which is not good for patients with high blood pressure.

Strong tea may also cause headaches and panic, so it is better to drink less strong tea.

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor emphasized: the elderly with high blood pressure, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when drinking water

3. Don't drink salt water

Some people like to add a little salt to their water, believing it will clean their mouth, relieve toothache, and replenish electrolytes. But for people with high blood pressure, drinking salt water will make blood pressure rise higher, which is not good for physical health.

Therefore, try to drink less salt water and put less salt when cooking, so that you can better control your blood pressure.

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor emphasized: the elderly with high blood pressure, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when drinking water

The friend added: "The usual diet should also eat less condiments with more salt, eat more vegetables with high potassium content such as mushrooms, leeks, and amaranth, and eat more fruits with high potassium content such as bananas, oranges, and avocados, which is conducive to the control of blood pressure." ”

brief summary

Drinking ice water immediately after strenuous exercise can cause serious consequences such as heart attack in older people with underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure.

When patients with high blood pressure drink water, do not wait until they are thirsty to drink water, do not drink strong tea, and do not drink salt water, which helps patients with high blood pressure to better control their blood pressure.

Is heart attack related to drinking water? The doctor emphasized: the elderly with high blood pressure, keep in mind the "3 don'ts" when drinking water

In terms of diet, patients with high blood pressure should consume less condiments containing more salt and eat more vegetables and fruits with high potassium content, such as mushrooms, leeks, amaranth, bananas, and oranges, which are conducive to the control of blood pressure.


[1] "Drink more water if you have nothing to do, but if it is these 2 kinds of water, it is best not to touch it for people with high blood pressure". Journal of Family Doctors.2019-03-08.