
Folk Tales: The Orphan Child

author:The moon wakes up

Shui Xi was originally the daughter of a farmer in Pingzhou, and after her father's death, her mother remarried and did not want two daughters.

When life was difficult, she also took her sister Shui Yan to find her mother, but she was kicked out without even saying a word.

Folk Tales: The Orphan Child

The man of the family said viciously: "If you dare to come again, you will be tied up and sold to the kiln!" ”

No, the sisters had no choice but to come back and live on a few fruit trees planted in the family's early years. But the fruit is not easy to sell, because it cannot be sold, and many of them are spoiled in vain. They don't want to waste and often take matters into their own hands.

Once, the water geese fell asleep at night and suddenly said that their stomachs hurt badly, but they didn't have any money to go to the doctor. I picked some commonly used herbs and chopped them up, and the illness became even more serious.

It was freezing cold, and birds could occasionally be seen frozen to death outside. Shui Xi was even more worried, afraid that her sister would not survive the spring.

One day, I don't know which woman heard that there was a Zhengjiadun about ten miles away from here, and a colorsmith who had just died of his fifth wife was asking people to talk to matchmakers, in order to find a mother who could take care of his children.

This person's surname is Zheng Mingshen, who has been in the paper business for decades, and is a master with excellent craftsmanship and honesty. When people in the neighborhood encounter happy events, they are always the first to come to him for a deal. In this regard, everyone was surprisingly reassured about him.

Zheng Shen works diligently, and when he hardly rests throughout the year, he often doesn't even have time to look at his children when he is busy. Because of this, his paper shop has been continuously earning money, and his family is also a relatively wealthy family in the local area.

Such a family should be a fragrant bait, but in fact, when it comes to marriage, almost no local people would approve of marrying their daughters to his family.

The reason is that since Zheng Shen's wife died of illness, in the middle of the night, Zheng's wife often heard the sound of Zheng's wife crying and singing. This is not a rumor or two people, but a real hearing of many people.

Originally, because of the special business that Zheng Shen was engaged in, most of the locals with conservative folk customs were afraid that they would be contaminated with bad luck if they got close, and they would lean on if they had nothing to do on weekdays. Now that there is Zheng's wife again, everyone looks at Zheng Shen with a different kind of exploration.

Folk Tales: The Orphan Child

"After all, it's a dead man's thing, so it's better to avoid it......"

Because Zheng's wife's singing in the middle of the night is about to be staged from time to time, the people who are deeply disturbed are also annoyed.

didn't dare to say it in front of Zheng Shen openly, so he spread rumors outside that "Zheng's wife didn't blink a blind eye, just because she was persecuted by her husband before her death", and even said that Zheng's wife was killed by Zheng Shen's heavy yin qi because her life was not hard enough.

And Zheng's wife conceived a child not long after she got married, and since she gave birth, her body has been sick and bad, which happened to be regarded by many people as evidence that "Zheng Shen died as soon as she passed the door".

inexplicably saddled the crime of "wife-denial", but Zheng Shen, who was silent, still only knew how to bury his head in things and did not argue with outsiders. Sometimes when he heard those people scolding his children, he would retort a few words, but it was almost to no avail.

I didn't think about it for a while, and suddenly it reversed.

It turned out that all this was just a small trick of a halfway monk, who hired an acrobat to imitate Zheng's wife's voice and sing behind the house in the middle of the night, in order to make everyone feel that Zheng Shen's family was entangled by resentful ghosts, and they didn't dare to trade with him anymore.

After the matter was completed, rumors about Zheng Shen flew all over the sky. The peers were too proud, and they drank too much before confiding the truth to their wine and meat friends.

Originally, Zheng Shen's "grievances" should have been washed away, but the earlier rumor-mongers refused to bow their heads, not to say that Zheng Shen himself was how there was a problem.

Until Zheng Shen's later remarried wives passed away one by one, those people were even more arrogant, and they added fuel to the fire, saying that Zheng Shen's wife was a sure thing, and whoever wanted to sell their daughter for that dowry must prepare a coffin first.

In short, the news I heard was that Zheng Shen's reputation was not very good, but he had money, which could help Shui Xi solve his urgent needs. Even if she had to exchange her life for a life, she was willing.

This time, Rao is Zheng Shen himself was also surprised, the news that he was going to marry again was released, and someone came to the door so soon.

asked clearly, and sure enough, it was no different from the situation of the previous deceased wives, who were in urgent need of money. He didn't say anything, and talked to each other about the family situation and his own demands, and this family matter was decided.

It was also Shui Xi's good luck, with Zheng Shen's help, his sister was rescued at the last critical moment.

Folk Tales: The Orphan Child

After getting married, Shui Xi took care of the children at home and took care of housework. Because she is a life-saving grace, she always does everything with extra care, with all her might, and meticulous and thoughtful in all aspects.

It was originally a good thing, but after it was spread, there were few blessings for this family outside, and there were more direct ones - saying that they would mourn for the bride who had just passed the door, saying that she would die soon, and that she would not die for money, so she really deserved it.

Shui Xi is used to soaking in hard days, and this bit of rumors and rumors is really painless to her, and it is nothing compared to a full meal.

After marrying into the Zheng family, she and her sister lived a good life in their dreams, they could be fed and clothed, and they didn't have to worry about tomorrow's livelihood, and the sisters cherished it.

The only thing that bothered her was Zheng Shen's son, Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan, like his father, doesn't like to talk.

But what Shui Xitan heard was that Xiao Xuan was originally cheerful and talkative, but he became silent after his father's first remarriage.

After further questioning, Zheng Shen thought about it carefully, saying that he thought that his new wife was not good for his son, so he rarely got angry and scolded the other party.

Stepmother torments her husband and wife's children out of jealousy? It's like the usual thing in the old days.

Because Xiaoxuan, the child, really didn't want to talk to him, Shui Xi couldn't ask anything, so he had to turn to the neighbors to investigate.

After getting acquainted with the surrounding people, it took a lot of time for Shui Xi to finally get useful news from the two little boys.

"Xiao Xuan used to like to go to the river with us to fish, but once I didn't stand firm and fell into the water, it's okay, but my clothes are soaked. But Uncle Zheng's gloomy face was so scary, the boss shouted loudly, saying that Xiaoxuan was not allowed to go to the river again. ”

"If you don't go to the river to catch small fish and shrimp to play, do you want to touch the dead with Uncle Zheng! I'm scared when I look at it! My aunt told me to stay away from their family. Xiao Xuan is also pitiful......"

"That's right, Xiao Xuan used to pick up a little yellow dog outside, which was very cute, and when she ran up, the little leg was alive, and she barked happily! We chase and run every day. Uncle Zheng didn't seem to let the dog be raised at home, so we kept the puppy in a cave, built a nest for it there, and sent it something to eat. ”

"Alas, but then the puppy died...... Think about it, that, the adult is called Zhuganqing, it's a poisonous snake. That day, the puppy ...... in order to protect Xiaoxuan was bitten and died not long after. ”

"Since then, Xiao Xuan has rarely come out to play with us...... Later, when I heard that Uncle Zheng had found his new mother-in-law had also died, Xiao Xuan had no more words......"

didn't expect the child to have such an experience, Shui Xi was not surprised by this.

When she got home, she told her husband what she had asked.

Folk Tales: The Orphan Child

Zheng Shen realized after he realized:

"Yes, a few years ago, Xiao Xuan brought back a puppy. But I saw that the dog kept barking at my daughter-in-law who had just passed the door, and once bit her dress. My daughter-in-law also said that she was afraid of dogs, and I was afraid that I would really bite someone, so I wouldn't let the child raise it......

I want to think about it...... Ay...... Later, I didn't remember it, it seemed that I had never seen the dog again, and Xiao Xuan didn't mention it again, but I didn't know that I had encountered a snake...... This kid is also fateful, I have said several times that I will not let him run up the mountain by himself, I don't listen! Someone has to be in charge of him at home! ”

Zheng Shen's most precious thing is this only son, and only when he encounters something about the child, he will say a few more words. But Shui Xi still roughly explored the attitude of a father towards his children from his rare passages - perhaps Zheng Shen didn't know too much about the situation of his children.

"This child doesn't like to talk like me, and I'm busy with work and don't have time to take care of it, so I want to find a mother to help him take care of it, and I can do it with peace of mind.

In fact, I don't know that after the child has a bride, he becomes more and more silent, maybe he has some resistance in his heart, but how can I choose?

Do you know, when my first stepwife just died, I was really busy, I had to take care of the shop, and I had to deal with the people of the Yue family, so I could only neglect him. I don't know when he broke his head, but I guess from which hillside he fell.

Alas, blame me, I didn't care about him, and we rarely ate together on a regular basis. I only noticed that the child's wounds had congealed into black lumps...... I'm afraid, I'm afraid that I'm concentrating on making money, but I'm going to lose my son. I'm really afraid that one day he will fall off the cliff, and I, the father, will be the last to know.

After that, every time he faced the new funeral of his deceased wife and the scolding of the neighbors, he immediately married a new one back, just to watch him.

But he became more and more silent, and he didn't answer my questions, and he just took a few bites at random and left. Maybe he hates me, hates me for always looking for his stepmother. But in order to keep him safe, I'd rather let him hate me......"

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than three months since she got married, but Shui Xi and her stepson have not had as many conversations as she has with a street vendor. As Zheng Shen said, Xiaoxuan would only nod and shake his head most of the time. Except for eating and drinking, the mouth usually doesn't move much.

One evening, Shui Xi found that Xiao Xuan had not come back, so he hurriedly locked the door and went out to look for it. In the end, I searched almost half of Zhengjiadun before I found someone in an old man's house.

Folk Tales: The Orphan Child

Xiao Xuan was squatting on the ground drawing something with a branch, and knew that Shui Xi was coming to find him, but he still didn't move, so he smeared on the ground by himself.

Shui Xi knew that the child couldn't be persecuted, so he also sat down to paint with him.

After the old man on the side saw it, he nodded and smiled: "This time, the new daughter-in-law is much stronger than those in the past, and with such meticulous care from Mrs., Xiaoxuan's father and son will have a good life." ”

Shui Xi heard what he said, and hurriedly got up and asked.

"Madame, I'm afraid I don't know the origin of the daughters-in-law and children that my husband used to beg! All here to ask for money! Hey, it's just that Master Zheng doesn't care about it for the sake of his son.

One or two, either a mother is seriously ill or a father is seriously disabled, or the family is so poor that they can't open the pot, and they seek wealth in the name of their in-laws.

Several of them were married with long-term incurable illnesses that they had not eaten enough to eat. Fortunately, the disease was not passed on to the father and son, otherwise it would have been a living evil!

I remember one of them, once passing by me with a bucket of clothes, and I looked like a man who was about to enter the earth than I was, and how much fat powder was covered on his face to hide his sickness.

I've seen a lot of that kind of people, and I want to make another deal before my daughter dies. It's just that Master Zheng doesn't know how to look at people, and he was deceived by them.

If I'm not mistaken, the first new daughter-in-law is a habitual thief. Ding Dong's children went to Xiao Xuan's house to look for him, and saw the woman being dragged out by Xiao Xuan's dog, and a box of silver coins was poured on the ground.

Master Zheng can still tolerate this, but it is difficult for him. Later, it seems that even the dog was not allowed to be raised, but it was not convenient for the house thief to start......"

When the old man spoke, Xiao Xuan repeatedly wanted to stop him with his eyes. Seeing that the other party didn't react, he jumped up excitedly.

"Don't you say that about my mothers!" Xiao Xuan suddenly shouted loudly, which made Shui Xi and the old man stunned.

Immediately after that, he threw the branch and ran home, and Shui Xi hurriedly followed after him.

The old man shook his head and smiled: "Hey! This little ghost! ”

Before entering the house, Xiao Xuan suddenly stopped, turned her head and cried. Shui Xi gently wiped his tears, and didn't urge him, just waiting for him to slowly calm down.

I don't know how long later, Zheng Shen came back, and the three of them entered the house together. After eating, Xiao Xuan suddenly spoke, and what he said was about Zheng Shen's deceased wife.

In Xiaoxuan's words, don't say that his mothers are bad, every mother is very good to him, and they are all good people.

In fact, the state of getting along with Xiaoxuan and her stepmother is not as difficult as Zheng Shen thought, but very harmonious and loving.

Sometimes the stepmother sewed clothes and punctured her fingers, Xiaoxuan would run to get her medicine, but she didn't speak, her heart was like a mirror, who was good to him, he knew it clearly.

It's just that Zheng Shen is rarely at home and can't see it. Seeing that his son was unhappy, he couldn't guess why.

Folk Tales: The Orphan Child

Seeing that it was rare for the child to take the initiative to speak, what he said was still from his heart, and the couple naturally responded and promised not to say anything bad about his mothers.

The next day, the old man saw Shui Xi passing by the door, stopped her, and then chattered for a while yesterday.

"What's even more hateful is that those long-tongued women indiscriminately charged Master Zheng. It is a pity that he was cheated by those women for his money, and he became a sinner who disgraced his wife.

It's not that I said, Master Zheng is too silly at times. He thought of the deceased as the greatest, and he was afraid of ruining the reputation of others, so he didn't explain a word. He always said that he was not afraid of those people coming to cheat him out of money, but he was afraid that no one would treat his children sincerely, and marrying a new daughter-in-law would be one after another. ”

Speaking of Xiaoxuan, Shui Xi was a little moved: "Yes, what can't be bitter for the child." The mouth is powerful, sometimes it is really harmful! ”

The old man stroked his white beard and said, "Hey! It's not just amazing! Isn't it really deaf behind closed doors, do you say that there is anyone in the entire Zheng Jiadun who has not heard the words of Master Zheng who cursed outside? ”

Shui Xi replied: "Naturally, I have heard it, I originally thought, how about living, which one hasn't been stabbed by others a few times?" ”

After a pause, she looked down at the traces that the child had painted on the ground yesterday, "It's just that these people are going too far, and I don't know why even an innocent child should be bullied together." ”

The old man patted his sleeve and sighed:

"Why? The business of the red people is good and rich! The flower aunt in the East House, she was the first to say that Master Zheng was angry and killed the original match, and later when I heard that Master Zheng was going to remarry, she also asked someone to find an orphan girl to succeed, didn't she just want the Zheng family's money!

Why do you think Master Zheng is begging for a daughter-in-law from other places when he goes back, it's not that there are few girls in our place, or those snobs would have pounced on him early. Some people also say that they regret that their daughter was thrown away just after she was born, and she threw it early, otherwise it would be worth it by now.

Later, when they saw that they really remarried, they were even more unhappy, and they still talked about the things that were originally worthy of death.

Let's just say that whoever is used to seeing your family rich and harmonious, and all the good things are taken by you alone, they are so jealous that they can't sleep. Since you are a rich and noble family, it depends on your wife to be separated to satisfy the audience.

Not to mention those who listen to rumors. People have always believed only what they want to believe, who has the leisure time to explore what truth is not true, and there are few things to spread falsehoods? ”

Shui Xi was listening, and suddenly noticed a small head showing from the trunk of the tree next to him - Xiao Xuan didn't know when he came, and when he saw Shui Xi finding him, his face was a little red, and he walked out slowly. I don't know how much I listened to Fang Cai's words.

"Is this true? My dad has always been told that by them...... I don't want him to be like his mothers......" Xiao Xuan's eyes were a little moist.

Shui Xi only now understands that the problem is not whether the stepmothers are good to Xiaoxuan at all, maybe because of ......

"Are you afraid that your relatives will leave you one after another?" She asked softly.

Xiao Xuan nodded, and then lowered her head again.

"Then why don't you tell Daddy?" Shui Xi asked.

Xiao Xuan was silent again.

Folk Tales: The Orphan Child

Yes, as a stepson, Xiaoxuan can take the initiative to use the title of "mother" to the stepmothers, and speak for them, how can there be any contradictions that can't be overcome.

It seems that it is not as Zheng Shen said, he was unhappy when he saw his father marrying a new wife, but it was precisely because these later "mothers" made up for him enough love, but it didn't take long for them to lose them all, which made his heart cut even more.

Thinking about it carefully, Xiaoxuan only had his biological mother to accompany him when he was young, and later his biological mother passed away, he finally accepted this fact, with a cute puppy to accompany him, and a new mother to care for him. didn't expect that these would not last long, and the last one left him.

Perhaps he also gradually understood that no matter how many more his father marries, no matter how good he is to him, he will eventually leave. The little child couldn't accept it, his eyes became more and more dim, and his words became less and less.

"Xiaoxuan is reluctant to talk to people, unwilling to have a heart-to-heart, because she is afraid that the other party will leave you just after you have a little feeling, just like every one of your mothers, just like the puppy you raise."

Shui Xi said, touching his head.

"But Xiao Xuan, although they have gone to another world, the love between you is real and will always be there. As long as you remember, they're there. Every one of your mothers, your puppies, haven't they always lived in the bottom of your heart?

No matter where you go or what you're doing, as soon as you remember, they will immediately pop up in your mind and grow up with you in another way.

And, don't forget your daddy, he loves you so much. In order to give you a better life, I get up early every day and work at night, and my hands are as rough as tree bark. In order to take care of you, I don't hesitate to remarry under the infamy of my wife, just so that I can have one more person to take care of you.

Do you want to let down your daddy and your little friends again? Ding Dong said that you haven't gone to the river with them to fish for a long, long time......"

Hearing these words, Xiao Xuan finally raised her head again, her eyes were already red: "I know...... I...... I'm sorry Daddy, I'm sorry everyone...... I'm not going to let everyone anymore, there's another world for them to worry about me......"

Folk Tales: The Orphan Child