
Six flavor medicines, nourishing Yuanyang, beautifying the face and longevity, strengthening the liver and kidneys, harmonizing the spleen and stomach, focusing on replenishing yang qi!

author:Arishina Ryo Physician

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, yang qi is an important foundation of the human body's vital activities, and it has the functions of warming, promoting, and defending. When the body's yang energy is insufficient, there will be various uncomfortable symptoms, such as cold hands and feet, soreness in the waist and knees, lack of energy, and easy colds. Therefore, replenishing yang qi is one of the important methods of TCM health preservation and treatment.

Six flavor medicines, nourishing Yuanyang, beautifying the face and longevity, strengthening the liver and kidneys, harmonizing the spleen and stomach, focusing on replenishing yang qi!

Today, I would like to introduce to you a recipe called "Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Dan", which is composed of six flavor medicines, which has the effects of nourishing Yuanyang, beautifying the face and promoting longevity, strengthening the liver and kidneys, and harmonizing the spleen and stomach. This recipe comes from the "Five Books of Shenrou" written by the famous doctor Hu Shenrou in the Ming Dynasty, and it is a classic yang tonic formula.

1. The composition and dosage of Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill

The composition and dosage of Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill are as follows:

Rehmannia 240 g, Morinda officinalis 120 g, Fairy Spleen 120 g, Cinnamomum Grass 120 g, Cuscuta Seed 120 g, Cistanche 120 g.

The above drugs are one dose, one dose per day, decoction in water, divided into two doses in the morning and evening.

Six flavor medicines, nourishing Yuanyang, beautifying the face and longevity, strengthening the liver and kidneys, harmonizing the spleen and stomach, focusing on replenishing yang qi!

Second, the efficacy and applicable population of Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill

1. Efficacy

The main effects of Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill are to nourish Yuanyang, beautify the face and promote longevity, strengthen the liver and kidneys, and harmonize the spleen and stomach. Fangzhong rehmannia nourishes yin and nourishes blood, fills lean marrow; Morinda Heaven, Fairy Spleen, Immortal Grass Warm and Replenish Kidney Yang, Strengthen Muscles and Bones; Cuscuta nourishes the liver and kidneys, solidifies essence and shrinks urine; Cistanche nourishes the kidneys and strengthens the yang, moistens the intestines and laxatives. The combination of various medicines plays a role in nourishing Yuanyang, beautifying the face and longevity, strengthening the liver and kidneys, and harmonizing the spleen and stomach.

2. Who is it for

Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill is suitable for the following people:

(1) Kidney Yang insufficiency: manifested as cold hands and feet, soreness of waist and knees, lack of energy, loss of libido and other symptoms.

(2) Patients with liver and kidney yin deficiency: dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, premature whitening, dry mouth and throat and other symptoms.

(3) Weak spleen and stomach: manifested by symptoms such as loss of appetite, indigestion, and loose stool.

(4) The elderly and infirm: With the increase of age, the yang energy of the human body gradually declines, and it is easy to have various aging symptoms, such as memory loss, vision loss, hearing loss, etc. Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill can nourish Yuanyang, delay aging, and improve the quality of life.

Six flavor medicines, nourishing Yuanyang, beautifying the face and longevity, strengthening the liver and kidneys, harmonizing the spleen and stomach, focusing on replenishing yang qi!

3. How to use Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill

The use of Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill is as follows:

1. Wash the above herbs and put them in a casserole.

2. Add an appropriate amount of water and soak for 30 minutes.

3. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat to low and cook for 30 minutes.

4. Strain out the liquid and take it in the morning and evening.

Six flavor medicines, nourishing Yuanyang, beautifying the face and longevity, strengthening the liver and kidneys, harmonizing the spleen and stomach, focusing on replenishing yang qi!

4. Precautions

1. Dietary contraindications: During the period of taking Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill, you should avoid eating irritating foods such as raw and cold, greasy, spicy, etc., so as not to affect the efficacy of the medicine.

2. Pregnant women should use with caution: Some drugs in Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill may have a certain effect on the fetus, and pregnant women should use it under the guidance of a doctor.

3. Allergic reactions: Those who are allergic to any of the drugs in Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill should be prohibited.

4. Drug interactions: During the period of taking Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill, other drugs should be avoided at the same time to avoid drug interactions.

5. Uncomfortable symptoms: If you have uncomfortable symptoms after taking Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., you should stop taking the medicine and seek medical attention in time.

Six flavor medicines, nourishing Yuanyang, beautifying the face and longevity, strengthening the liver and kidneys, harmonizing the spleen and stomach, focusing on replenishing yang qi!

Fifth, Hu Shangshu's solution to the aphrodisiac pill

Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill is a classic yang tonic formula, and its formula is as follows:

1. Rehmannia Rehmannia: Rehmannia Rehmannia is sweet in taste, slightly warm in nature, and belongs to the liver and kidney meridians. It has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing blood and filling lean marrow. Rehmannia is an important medicine for tonifying kidney yin, which can replenish the body's yin fluid and provide a material basis for the generation of yang qi.

2. Morinda Heaven: Morinda Heaven has a pungent and sweet taste, slightly warm in nature, and returns to the kidney and liver meridians. It has the effect of tonifying kidney yang, strengthening muscles and bones, and dispelling rheumatism. Morinda can warm and replenish the kidney yang, enhance the body's yang energy, and at the same time, it can also strengthen the muscles and bones, and relieve symptoms such as soreness in the waist and knees.

3. Fairy spleen: The fairy spleen tastes pungent, sweet, and warm, and returns to the liver and kidney meridians. It has the effect of tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang, dispelling wind and dehumidifying. The fairy spleen can warm and replenish the kidney yang, enhance the sexual function of the human body, and at the same time, it can also dispel wind and dampness, and relieve symptoms such as joint pain.

4. Xianmao: Xianmao has a pungent taste, hot sex, poisonous, and belongs to the kidney and liver meridians. It has the effect of warming and replenishing kidney yang, strengthening muscles and bones, dispelling cold and dehumidifying. Immortal grass can warm and replenish the kidney yang, enhance the body's yang energy, and at the same time, it can also strengthen the muscles and bones, and relieve symptoms such as soreness in the waist and knees. It should be noted that fairy grass is toxic and should be used strictly in accordance with the dosage to avoid overdose.

Six flavor medicines, nourishing Yuanyang, beautifying the face and longevity, strengthening the liver and kidneys, harmonizing the spleen and stomach, focusing on replenishing yang qi!

5. Cuscuta seeds: Cuscuta seeds are sweet in taste, warm in nature, and belong to the liver, kidney, and spleen meridians. It has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, fixing sperm and shrinking urine, stabilizing the fetus, brightening the eyes, and stopping diarrhea. Cuscuta seeds can nourish the liver and kidneys, enhance the function of the liver and kidney of the human body, and at the same time, it can also solidify sperm and shrink urine, and relieve symptoms such as spermatozoa and enuresis.

6. Cistanche: Cistanche is sweet, salty, warm in nature, and returns to the kidney and large intestine. It has the effect of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening yang, moistening the intestines and laxative. Cistanche can warm and replenish the kidney yang, enhance the sexual function of the human body, and at the same time, it can also moisten the intestines and relieve constipation and other symptoms.

6. Clinical application of Hu Shangshu aphrodisiac pill

Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill is mainly used in clinical practice to treat symptoms such as kidney yang deficiency, liver and kidney yin deficiency, and spleen and stomach weakness. Modern research has shown that Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill also has the following effects:

1. Enhance immunity: Some of the drugs in Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill can enhance the body's immunity and improve the body's ability to resist diseases.

2. Antioxidant: Some of the drugs in Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill have antioxidant effects, which can scavenge free radicals and delay aging.

3. Improve sexual function: Some of the drugs in Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill can improve male sexual function, increase libido and erectile function.

4. Relieves fatigue: Some of the drugs in Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill can relieve fatigue and improve the body's energy and physical strength.

Six flavor medicines, nourishing Yuanyang, beautifying the face and longevity, strengthening the liver and kidneys, harmonizing the spleen and stomach, focusing on replenishing yang qi!

7. Summary

Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill is a classic yang tonic formula, which is composed of Rehmannia Rehmannia, Morinda officinalis, Xianling Spleen, Xian Mao, Cuscuta Seed, and Cistanche. It has the effects of nourishing Yuanyang, beautifying the face and promoting longevity, strengthening the liver and kidneys, and harmonizing the spleen and stomach, and is suitable for people with insufficient kidney yang, liver and kidney yin deficiency, and weak spleen and stomach. When using Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill, attention should be paid to dietary contraindications, caution in pregnant women, allergic reactions, drug interactions, and uncomfortable symptoms. At the same time, Hu Shangshu Aphrodisiac Pill should be used under the guidance of a doctor and avoid self-medication.