
Cold and damp are the most difficult, once the body is stained with cold and dampness, it is not good to have waist and leg pain! This recipe is designed to get cold and wet

author:Arishina Ryo Physician

In TCM theory, cold and dampness are a common pathological factor, which can invade the muscles, muscles, bones and joints of the human body, causing pain, numbness, heaviness and other uncomfortable symptoms. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, due to the gradual decline of physical functions, they are more susceptible to the invasion of cold and dampness, which leads to various chronic diseases. Today, I would like to introduce to you a recipe for cold and dampness - kidney soup.

Cold and damp are the most difficult, once the body is stained with cold and dampness, it is not good to have waist and leg pain! This recipe is designed to get cold and wet

1. What is kidney soup?

Kidney soup, also known as sweet ginger Lingshu soup, comes from the famous Eastern Han Dynasty medical scientist Zhang Zhongjing's "Jin Kui Yaolu". It is composed of licorice, dried ginger, poria cocos and atractylodes macrocephalus, which has the effect of dissipating cold in warmth, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. This prescription is mainly used to treat cold and damp low back pain, that is, cold pain and heaviness in the lower back, such as sitting in water, which can be relieved after activity, white and greasy tongue, slow pulse and other symptoms.

2. Composition and dosage of kidney soup

The composition and dosage of kidney decoction are as follows:

6 grams of licorice, 12 grams of dried ginger, 12 grams of poria cocos, 6 grams of atractylodes.

The above is the dosage of one dose, one dose per day, decoction in water, divided into two doses in the morning and evening.

Cold and damp are the most difficult, once the body is stained with cold and dampness, it is not good to have waist and leg pain! This recipe is designed to get cold and wet

3. The solution to the kidney soup

The recipe for kidney soup is as follows:

Licorice: sweet in taste, flat in nature, returning to the heart, lungs, spleen, and stomach meridians. It has the effects of tonifying the spleen and invigorating qi, clearing heat and detoxifying, expelling phlegm and relieving cough, relieving pain and relieving pain, and harmonizing various medicines. In kidney soup, licorice mainly plays the role of harmonizing various medicines.

Dried ginger: pungent taste, hot sex, return to the spleen, stomach, kidneys, heart, and lung meridians. It has the effect of dissipating cold in temperature, returning to yang and passing through the pulse, drying dampness and eliminating phlegm. Dried ginger is the main medicine in the kidney soup, which can dissipate cold in the warm and dispel the evil of cold and dampness in the body.

Poria cocos: sweet, light, flat in nature, return to the heart, lungs, spleen, and kidney meridians. It has the effect of diluting water and dampness, strengthening the spleen and calming the heart. Poria cocos can strengthen the spleen and promote dampness, and help expel moisture from the body.

Atractylodes: bitter taste, sweet, warm in nature, return to the spleen and stomach meridians. It has the effects of strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi, drying dampness and improving water, stopping perspiration and stabilizing the fetus. Atractylodes atractylodes can strengthen the spleen and dampness, enhance the function of the spleen and stomach, and thus reduce the generation of dampness.

Cold and damp are the most difficult, once the body is stained with cold and dampness, it is not good to have waist and leg pain! This recipe is designed to get cold and wet

Fourth, the applicable population of kidney soup

Kidney decoction is suitable for the following people:

1. Patients with cold and damp low back pain: manifested as cold pain and heaviness in the lower back, such as sitting in water, which can be relieved after activity, white and greasy tongue, slow pulse and other symptoms.

2. Patients with cold and dampness pain: joint pain, swelling, numbness, heaviness, aggravation of cold, and decrease of heat.

3. Patients with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold: manifested as vague stomach pain, liking warmth and pressing, loss of appetite, loose stool and other symptoms.

4. People with heavy dampness: symptoms such as body sleepiness, weakness of limbs, dizziness, and thick tongue coating.

Cold and damp are the most difficult, once the body is stained with cold and dampness, it is not good to have waist and leg pain! This recipe is designed to get cold and wet

5. How to use kidney soup

Here's how to use kidney soup:

1. Wash the above herbs and put them in a casserole.

2. Add an appropriate amount of water and soak for 30 minutes.

3. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat to low and cook for 30 minutes.

4. Strain out the liquid and take it in the morning and evening.

6. Precautions

1. Dietary contraindications: During the period of taking kidney soup, you should avoid eating irritating foods such as raw and cold, greasy, spicy, etc., so as not to affect the efficacy of the drug.

2. Pregnant women should use with caution: The dried ginger in the kidney soup has a certain irritation, and pregnant women should use it under the guidance of a doctor.

Cold and damp are the most difficult, once the body is stained with cold and dampness, it is not good to have waist and leg pain! This recipe is designed to get cold and wet

3. Allergic reactions: Those who are allergic to any of the drugs in the kidney decoction should be prohibited.

4. Drug interactions: During the period of taking renal decoction, other drugs should be avoided at the same time to avoid drug interactions.

5. Uncomfortable symptoms: If you have uncomfortable symptoms after taking kidney decoction, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., you should stop the medicine and seek medical attention in time.

7. Clinical application of kidney decoction

Kidney decoction is mainly used in clinical practice for the treatment of cold and damp low back pain, cold and damp paralysis pain, spleen and stomach deficiency and other diseases. Modern research has shown that kidney decoction also has the following effects:

1. Anti-inflammatory effect: Dried ginger, Poria cocos and other drugs in the kidney soup have a certain anti-inflammatory effect, which can reduce the inflammatory reaction.

2. Analgesic effect: Licorice, dried ginger and other drugs in the kidney decoction have a certain analgesic effect and can relieve pain symptoms.

3. Regulate immune function: Poria cocos, Atractylodes macrocephalus and other drugs in the kidney decoction have a certain effect of regulating immune function and can improve the body's immunity.

Cold and damp are the most difficult, once the body is stained with cold and dampness, it is not good to have waist and leg pain! This recipe is designed to get cold and wet

4. Improve gastrointestinal function: Atractylodes macrocephalus, Poria cocos and other drugs in the kidney decoction have a certain effect on improving gastrointestinal function, which can promote the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and increase appetite.

8. Summary

Kidney soup is a classic Chinese medicine prescription, which is composed of licorice, dried ginger, poria cocos and atractylodes macrocephalus, which has the effect of dissipating cold in warmth, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. This formula is mainly used to treat cold and damp low back pain, cold and damp paralysis pain, spleen and stomach deficiency and other diseases. When using kidney decoction, attention should be paid to dietary contraindications, caution in pregnant women, allergic reactions, drug interactions and uncomfortable symptoms. At the same time, kidney decoction should be used under the guidance of a doctor and avoid self-medication.