
Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan didn't know until they died, and they died tragically in their first life! There were three murderers

author:Qingqing said sports
Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan didn't know until they died, and they died tragically in their first life! There were three murderers

The TV series "Du Hua Nian", starring Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai, with its confusing plot, profoundly reveals the interlaced fate of Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan and the road to revenge. The story revolves around several key characters, whose fates are intertwined, love and hate, and present a gripping court thriller.

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, two ill-fated characters, whose tragedy is sparked by a journey to find the truth. At the time when they decided to expose the intrigues within the imperial court, fate began to fluctuate violently. Netizens left comments under the dynamics in the series: "The tragedy of Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong is really heartbreaking, they originally just wanted to find out the truth, but it ended up leading to their own death. Some netizens said: "In such a conspiracy-ridden dynasty, even the royal family is not immune." Another commenter wrote: "Yang Quan's performance in the play is creepy, and the scene of their murder is really heart-wrenching." ”

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan didn't know until they died, and they died tragically in their first life! There were three murderers

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were forced to go to the reeds in the process of tracking down the truth, and this scene caused heated discussions among netizens: "Seeing the scene of them in the reeds, I really couldn't help crying." One viewer commented: "The drama here is too strong to ignore. However, their fate began to take a turn here: "I can't believe it when I see Li Rong ordering Pei Wenxuan to be killed before he dies!" Netizens expressed shock at the twist of the plot: "The emotional entanglement between them is too complicated. ”

Li Rong's deathbed decision sparked more discussion: "Why did she give such an order? Is it because of a betrayal of trust, or is it out of an obsession with the truth? Some netizens hotly discussed on social media: "Seeing their final ending, I think this ending is too sad." Another viewer wrote: "This drama truly shows the cruelty of power struggles and the helplessness of love. Their tragedy has sparked a deep reflection on the impermanence of fate and the fragility of human nature among netizens.

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan didn't know until they died, and they died tragically in their first life! There were three murderers

The turning point and climax of the whole plot made the audience look at it intently: "The interweaving of revenge and love makes people see twists and turns. A loyal fan sighed: "This drama is really exciting! However, as the plot deepens, people's attention to the fate of the characters becomes more intense: "What kind of results will Li Chuan's revenge action bring?" Their anticipation and speculation about the show's ending became a hot topic on social media.

The complexity of the story is not only reflected in the identity of the murderer. In order to achieve the goal of revenge, Su Rongqing secretly poisoned, and she knew that this move would affect the pattern of the entire imperial court. In her eyes, Li Rong represents the enemy and the representative of injustice in her heart, and this mentality drives her to pursue revenge desperately. Each poison plan is part of her elaborate planning, with the aim of completely destroying the enemy in her eyes. Li Rong plays Zhao Jinmai, Zhao Jinmai shows her plasticity on the road with her diverse themes and different types of roles, which allows the audience to see the multi-faceted charm of an actor. It has been 12 years since her debut, during which she has left behind more than 20 works, each of which shows the depth and expressiveness of her acting skills.

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan didn't know until they died, and they died tragically in their first life! There were three murderers

From the original young girl to today's mature actress, Zhao Jinmai has created various roles with different styles in different works. She can harness the humor of light comedy as well as the inner world of complex characters. This diversity not only showcased her acting prowess, but also won the recognition and love of a wide audience.

On the Internet, many netizens spoke highly of Zhao Jinmai's performance. Someone said: "Zhao Jinmai amazes me every time her role changes, and her expressiveness in different themes is really powerful." Others praised: "She can play not only comedy well, but also complex roles, which is really rare." ”

Zhao Jinmai's acting career is not only the accumulation of the number of works, but also the continuous exploration and challenge of acting skills and character building. Through her superb interpretation of each role, she has gradually won the recognition of the audience and the industry, and has become one of the important forces in the contemporary film and television industry.

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan didn't know until they died, and they died tragically in their first life! There were three murderers

Her works cover a wide range of TV dramas, movies and even online dramas, each of which brings audiences a different viewing experience and deep emotional resonance. Zhao Jinmai's acting career, as she herself said, is a journey of constantly challenging herself, and it is also her firm commitment and love for being an actor.

At the same time, Shangguan Wan also joins the conspiracy, and her motivation is more derived from the interests of her family and her desire for power. As an important figure in the imperial court, she knew how to use her influence and resources to support Su Rongqing's revenge plans. Their collusion is not only because of a common hatred, but also because of a more advantageous position and control in the court.

However, the most surprising thing is that Li Chuan, who loves Qin Zhenzhen deeply, turned out to be the real murderer of Li Rong. Li Chuan's heart was full of grief and anger over the death of his lover and his desire for revenge, and when he saw the death of Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, the anger in his heart could not be calmed. In order to take revenge, he did not hesitate to betray his faith and love, chose a path of no return, and became the terminator of his initial low-hanging fruit.

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan didn't know until they died, and they died tragically in their first life! There were three murderers

All this, Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong were not revealed until their death in the second life, and their tragedy was like a reincarnation of fate, unable to break free. Before they could understand the truth, their lives were doomed to a tragic end. The intricacies of this revenge touch the hearts of each character, and their choices and actions become the key points of the whole story.

Through the role of Su Rongqing, the series deeply explores the subtle relationship between truth and silence. As a reborn, he chooses to remain silent despite knowing what is going on, a decision that ultimately affects the fate of everyone. The climax of the whole plot is repeated, especially Li Chuan's revenge action because of love and hatred, which not only changed his fate, but also profoundly affected the entire court pattern, showing the ruthless wrestling between love and revenge in the power struggle.

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan didn't know until they died, and they died tragically in their first life! There were three murderers

"Spending the Year of China" is not only a court drama, but also a work that explores the emotional depth of love and hatred. Each character experiences the ups and downs of fate and the baptism of the soul in the plot, and the growth and change burst out with unpredictable power in the tragedy. This play not only makes the audience feel the cruelty of the court struggle, but also makes people reflect on the fragility of fate and human nature, as well as the delicate intertwined relationship between revenge and love.

Through "Spending the Year of China", the audience can deeply experience the impermanence of fate and the cruelty of revenge, as well as the various struggles of human nature in the face of emotions and scheming. This drama is not only a visual feast, but also a deep baptism of emotions, which leaves a deep imprint on people's deep thinking about love and revenge.

Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan didn't know until they died, and they died tragically in their first life! There were three murderers

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