
The opponent of the Chinese U18 women's basketball semifinals is confirmed: South Korea defeated New Zealand to enter the top 4 Zhang Ziyu has no pressure

author:Entertainment knows no limits

Who would have thought that in the semifinals of the just-concluded U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, the mediocre South Korean women's basketball team actually defeated the New Zealand team and reached the semifinals?

They even went on a 32-12 run in the first quarter, leaving the New Zealand team far behind.

This can't help but remind people of two years ago, when the South Korean women's basketball team was beaten by the Chinese team in the Asian Cup and regretfully stopped.

But are the Korean girls happy too soon? After all, they only have a 1.8-meter "little giant", but in the semi-final opponent Chinese team, there is Zhang Ziyu, the real "giant"!

This 1.92-meter-tall girl averaged 33 points per game in the first three games, with a shooting rate of 86%, which is simply unstoppable!

The opponent of the Chinese U18 women's basketball semifinals is confirmed: South Korea defeated New Zealand to enter the top 4 Zhang Ziyu has no pressure

The defense line woven by the South Korean team is like a roadblock for adults in front of Zhang Ziyu, which is nothing less than a false appearance.

Will she easily step on them all and open up a straight journey for the Chinese team? Or will miracles be born in this showdown? Let's wait and see!

The opponent of the Chinese U18 women's basketball semifinals is confirmed: South Korea defeated New Zealand to enter the top 4 Zhang Ziyu has no pressure


Speaking of the U18 Asian Women's Basketball Championship, everyone may still be a little unfamiliar.

But as a rising star in Asian basketball, the performance of this young team is the focus of attention at the moment.

Especially for China and South Korea, it is the ultimate confrontation of hormones and blood!

Let's start with the South Korean team: they have beaten New Zealand, who are also very strong.

On the surface, the 86-66 score is indeed eye-catching, but in fact, it was just the South Korean team that took advantage of the time and place at the beginning of the game.

With a first-quarter hit, they had a 20-point lead and the New Zealand team completely lost their fighting spirit.

But even so, the South Koreans did not let their guard down, and they rotated 12 people in a hot manner, killing their opponents in one fell swoop.

The opponent of the Chinese U18 women's basketball semifinals is confirmed: South Korea defeated New Zealand to enter the top 4 Zhang Ziyu has no pressure

This triumph is of great significance to the Korean girls.

Two years ago, they were bloodied by the Chinese team on the same stage, and the humiliation at that time was like a nail to the bone marrow, and now it has finally washed away and reinvigorated their morale.

However, even so, it will be difficult for the Koreans to beat the host Chinese team!

Let's talk about this Chinese women's basketball team.

Although their tall stature is intimidating, their style of play is quite friendly.

Zhang Ziyu, the "straight daughter of steel" on the court, is even more so.

Invincible on the field, but well-behaved and cute off the field - this is not only due to her young age, but also a reflection of fiery sincerity.

In the first three games, the 1.92-meter "giant" contributed an average of 33 points per game, with a shooting rate of more than 86% per game, which is simply an invincible "Grim Reaper" possession!

The opponent of the Chinese U18 women's basketball semifinals is confirmed: South Korea defeated New Zealand to enter the top 4 Zhang Ziyu has no pressure

The Korean girls are not to be outdone, and they also have some so-called "inside masters" in their team.

But the tallest person is only 1.8 meters, as if a group of children are frolicking in front of Zhang Ziyu, how can it not make people laugh and cry? What's more, they often hold multiple positions, mobile combat, and the three-point feel is acceptable, but after all, they cannot escape the fate of being suppressed.

In the final analysis, the difference in strength between China and South Korea is too big.

Even on the defensive end, the Chinese team is far superior.

In other words, they don't need to attack deliberately at all, they just need to wait for their opponents to take the initiative to show up and feast.

In this semi-final, the outcome is almost decided, just waiting for UNDIS2

The opponent of the Chinese U18 women's basketball semifinals is confirmed: South Korea defeated New Zealand to enter the top 4 Zhang Ziyu has no pressure

A Chinese women's basketball team that stands up to the sky, a group of Korean girls who are small but as small as children, this is really a competition that seems extremely unfair.

But in the final analysis, the charm of basketball lies in the possibility of "weakness" to turn the tide.

In the end, the rise of the Korean women's basketball team is a miracle.

They fought all over the strong opponents and broke into the top four, and they simply came all the way under the huge pressure of "rebirth".

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if it is completely suppressed by the Chinese team, it is already an impressive achievement.

Therefore, the Korean girls seem to have dispelled the luck of winning the championship and turned to continue the road of "miracles".

In fact, this kind of "fearless" hard work is precisely the biggest shining point of the Korean team.

Take, for example, their game against New Zealand, despite the prevailing start, the whole team was not embarrassed.

The opponent of the Chinese U18 women's basketball semifinals is confirmed: South Korea defeated New Zealand to enter the top 4 Zhang Ziyu has no pressure

On the contrary, they worked hard and went into battle in full swing, killing their opponents so that they were unable to return to the sky.

This can't help but remind people of the state of the "defending champion" Chinese team back then: although the clouds are high and the wind is strong, it will never be rampant, and every game is strategized and carefully handled.

This is probably also the difference in values between the two teams of China and South Korea, which have completely different cultural backgrounds.

The Chinese team takes the word "stability" first and pursues robustness; The South Korean team is in a hot and adventurous manner.

The latter may seem reckless, but it also comes from a romantic warrior's soul.

Even if you end up in reincarnation, you will not be underestimated by others.

The so-called not afraid of losing, afraid of not being able to play the spirit.

As far as this fighting spirit is concerned, the Korean girls are very proud.

The opponent of the Chinese U18 women's basketball semifinals is confirmed: South Korea defeated New Zealand to enter the top 4 Zhang Ziyu has no pressure

Although they have little challenge for the Chinese team, they are also full of confidence.

Let's illustrate it with exciting figures: In this Asian Cup, the South Korean team's three-point shooting rate is as high as 48%, and 4 of the team's team scored double-doubles, among which the main player Lee Min-ki swept the whole game, contributing 25 points and 8 rebounds in a single game!

In the face of such arrogant strength of the South Korean team, I am afraid that even Zhang Ziyu and the Chinese team will have to be vigilant.

Although they have a strong lineup, they must not be taken lightly.

After all, there are no small sections to play in basketball, and the opponent often wins the final victory by one negligence...

The opponent of the Chinese U18 women's basketball semifinals is confirmed: South Korea defeated New Zealand to enter the top 4 Zhang Ziyu has no pressure


Judging from this battle between China and South Korea, the gap between the two sides is indeed huge, but it is not without a chance of winning.

The tenacious fighting spirit of the Korean team is worthy of admiration, and maybe they can create miracles in desperate situations.

In contrast, the Chinese team have an absolute advantage, but they must not be taken lightly, and they must always be on high alert to ensure that they win the championship.

Overall, this is a fierce matchup, and it also shows the vigorous development prospects of the Asian women's basketball team.

No matter who wins or loses in the end, we should all applaud these young girls, because they sweat with youth and write the glory of basketball with pure enthusiasm and passion.

Let's look forward to what kind of sparks will burst out in this pinnacle showdown!

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