
L2++ pure vision high-end intelligent driving assistance solution, intelligent "zongzi" driving fun

author:iCAR Automobile Zhumadian Mingxin Experience Center

Zongye is affectionately sent to Duanyang, and the boat travels to send health and well-being. During the annual Dragon Boat Festival, while people are busy watching dragon boat races and eating zongzi, for young people, this three-day holiday has a more trendy and cool way to open the "waves". As the perfect partner for young people, iCAR 03 has the strength of trendy square box, unexpected control and high-end intelligent driving equal experience, which not only attracts full marks, but also provides a powerful BUFF for you and your friends' holiday camping trip, unlocking a more wanton and passionate experience in the indulgence of the mountains.

L2++ pure vision high-end intelligent driving assistance solution, intelligent "zongzi" driving fun

The trendy square box shape, the appearance of the "zongzi" is eye-catching

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the traffic gathered, the crowds surged, and the camping trip also turned into an aesthetic battle for young people. As an eye-catching iCAR 03 when it goes out on the street, it adopts a trendy square box design unique to its class, which has both trendy aesthetics and a sense of power; The straight waistline design with face and style of travel inherits the classic hard-style style; At the same time, the "i" digital smart lamp group is like the finishing touch, unique, with its own "light" glow, which makes people fall at a glance and properly occupy the C position of appearance. And the vehicle adopts a multi-dimensional Rubik's Cube large space cockpit design, with a large space to sit comfortably, and 36 storage spaces can easily accommodate the items needed for camping; And the exquisite design of the side-opening electric suction tailgate + Chaochuang backpack not only makes it more convenient for people to put and take items, but also greatly enhances the styling charm of iCAR 03, allowing you to enjoy the highlight moment of "zongzi" in this holiday.

L2++ pure vision high-end intelligent driving assistance solution, intelligent "zongzi" driving fun

The control experience exceeds expectations, and the strength of the "zongzi" is fun and wild

A rare vacation, of course, to take a trip to go, whether it is in the mountains and forests or in the desert grassland, you want to "wave" to the extreme, travel must be powerful. The iCAR 03 is equipped with iWD intelligent electronic control four-wheel drive, dynamic torque distribution between the front and rear motors, and electronic slip of the wheel edge with millisecond-level response. And the peak power of the four-wheel drive dual-motor drive has reached 205kW, 4100N·m wheel torque, and the acceleration of 100 kilometers is 6.5s, and it is easy to change lanes and overtake. In addition, the vehicle is equipped with 8+X all-road driving mode, 3 extreme conquest modes and iCAR's original hybrid super chassis, bringing an unimaginable sense of control experience, allowing young people who dare to play to be more advanced in speed and passion.

L2++ pure vision high-end intelligent driving assistance solution, intelligent "zongzi" driving fun

L2++ pure vision high-end intelligent driving assistance solution, intelligent "zongzi" driving fun

In the face of various travel problems, iCAR 03 provides a perfect solution, L2++ pure visual high-end intelligent driving assistance solution, with pure visual perception hardware, to achieve high-end assisted driving functions. The latest generation of pure vision solution for on-board intelligent driving based on the Chengxing platform realizes a super vision of 7 channels, and has the ability to recognize any type of obstacles and road perception without learning in advance; With low-speed memory driving, high-speed NOA, cross-layer memory parking and other intelligent driving assistance functions, does not rely on high-precision maps, the whole country can be opened, not only make you more convenient and safe to drive on the highway, but also let you face the narrow parking lot parking and reversing are easy to handle, even novice drivers can hold steadily, so that you can enjoy unlimited driving fun.

The Dragon Boat Festival is a summer of "waves", and the equipment must keep up. As a travel artifact for young people, iCAR 03 creates a passionate and cool driving experience with hard-core product strength, and always escorts holiday camping trips. On the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, it is better to put down your busyness and enjoy the "zongzi" with iCAR 03 and enjoy the good time of freedom!