
The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

author:Doudou on the past and the present
The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now
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The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

On January 30, 2010, Nanchang Railway Station was crowded. In the bustling crowd, the figure of a young mother stands out. Carrying a heavy bag and holding a baby in her arms, she struggled to navigate through the crowd of passengers.

At this moment, photographer Zhou Ke pressed the shutter and froze this touching moment.

The photo, titled "Child, Mom Takes You Home", quickly became popular and touched countless people. However, Zhou Ke regretted not being able to leave the mother's contact information.

From that moment on, he began a long journey of searching.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

11 years later, on the eve of the Spring Festival in 2021, Zhou Ke finally found the protagonist in the photo - Bamu Yubumu. In addition to being excited, he solemnly promised Bamu Yubumu that he would record her life with the camera.

12 years have passed, how has the life of the once hurried "Spring Festival Mother" changed now? Let's uncover the little-known story behind her.

In 1989, in a remote mountain village in Daliang Mountain, Sichuan, Bamu Yubumu was born. Living conditions here are harsh and poverty is everywhere. Since childhood, Bamu Yubumu has carried the burden of the family.

Instead of playing and learning in her childhood, she was forced to take on the responsibility of caring for her younger siblings. Grazing in the mountains and taking care of the household have become all of her daily life.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

The dirt path leading to the outside world in front of her house was out of reach for her. Poverty acts as an invisible barrier that separates her from the outside world.

The school is a two-hour walk from home, and for a family who struggles to provide food and clothing, studying is undoubtedly a luxury.

At the age of 18, Bamu Yubumu married into a family at the foot of the mountain. Although she is away from the mountains, the shadow of poverty still hangs over her. With only six acres of dry land and more rocks than soil, the new home barely grows some corn, buckwheat and potatoes.

The family's livelihood is completely dependent on the gift of the weather, and in the event of a drought, even food and clothing will be a problem.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

In 2007, Bamu Yubumu, who was only 18 years old, welcomed his first child. While many of her peers in the outside world were still living carefree lives under the care of their parents, she had already shouldered the responsibility of motherhood.

In the face of a difficult life, she did not give in, but inspired the determination to change her fate.

With the yearning for a better life, Bamu Yubumu came to Nanchang. In a brick factory, she began to do heavy manual labor. During the day, she carried her daughter to work hard; At night, she carefully takes care of her sleeping child.

Despite the hard work and meager salary, she persevered because she knew that this was an opportunity to change her fate.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

The story of Bamu Yubumu is a microcosm of thousands of rural women. They struggle between poverty and reality, but they still have a vision of a better life and strive to change their fate with their own hands.

At the beginning of 2010, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope in Bamu Yubumu's life. In the brick factory in Nanchang, she has to move thousands of bricks every day, but at least she has a stable income.

However, fate ruthlessly dealt her a heavy blow.

The second daughter suddenly fell ill. In this unfamiliar city, the language barrier has become the biggest obstacle for Bamu Yubumu. She searched for a hospital, but was unable to articulate her needs.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

Seeing that her child's condition was getting worse, she had to make the difficult decision to return to her hometown with her child.

In the early morning of January 30, Bamu Yubumu hurriedly packed his luggage and rushed to Nanchang Railway Station with his sick child in his arms. It was this hurried scene that was captured by photographer Zhou Ke and became the well-known "Spring Festival Mother" photo.

After a difficult journey of three days and three nights, Bamu Yubumu finally returned to his hometown. However, what awaits her is an even harsher reality. The second daughter died on the first day after returning home.

This blow caused Bamu Yubumu to fall into deep self-blame and grief. She kept asking herself: Why didn't she take good care of the children? Why are you so ignorant? The blanket that accompanied her daughter through countless times became her only comfort.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

In 2011, Bamu Yubumu became pregnant again, giving her new hope. However, fate once again fooled her mercilessly. This new life left her only ten days after she came to earth.

The blow of losing two children in succession almost destroyed all the hope and courage of Bamu Yubumu. At one point, she fell into despair and even lost her faith in survival.

However, life goes on. With the encouragement and support of relatives and friends, Bamu Yubumu slowly walked out of the haze. She realized that no matter how difficult life is, she must be strong in the face of it.

She also has her eldest daughter to take care of, as well as a family who loves her dearly. These have become the motivation for her to regain her strength.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

Bamu Yubumu and her husband Wu Qishi began to replan their future. They decided to change their production methods and dedicate all their land to growing tobacco. Although the beginning was not smooth, the income in the first year was only five or six thousand yuan, which was far lower than expected.

But this meager income gives them hope.

Instead of being discouraged, the couple worked harder. They are humble to learn from others, listen carefully to expert advice, and strive to improve their planting techniques. Whenever there is a training opportunity, they actively participate.

Even on rainy days, they go to the fields to pick up stones in preparation for planting.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

The story of Bamu Yubumu shows the tenacity of an ordinary rural woman in the face of the blow of fate. She experienced unimaginable pain, but she still chose to live strongly.

Her experience teaches us that even in the darkest of times, as long as there is hope in the heart, we can find the strength to move forward.

From the migrant workers in the Nanchang brick factory to the farmers who returned to their hometowns to grow tobacco, every step of Bamu Yubumu has been difficult. But it was these difficult experiences that made her stronger and laid the foundation for her later life transitions.

In 2014, Bamu Yubumu's family ushered in a turning point. A poverty alleviation cadre came to their home, carefully learned about the family situation, and sent them a poverty alleviation card.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

This marks that the Bamu Yubumu family has officially become the target of targeted poverty alleviation.

Poverty alleviation cadres not only provided them with high-quality tobacco seedlings, but also invited professional and technical personnel to provide guidance. With the help of the government and its own efforts, the tobacco planting area of Bamu Yubumu's family has gradually expanded from the initial 6 acres to 15 acres.

With the improvement of planting technology and the expansion of scale, their annual income has also risen from the initial thousands of yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

In addition to their hard work, Mr. and Mrs. Bamu Yubumu also actively participated in tobacco planting training courses organized by the village. They cherish every opportunity to learn and strive to improve their planting techniques.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

It is this unremitting effort and spirit of learning that has made their tobacco cultivation more and more successful.

In order to further increase their income, Bamu Yubumu and her husband also go out to work during the off-season. They came to Xiapu County on the coast of Fujian Province to provide services for the local seafood farming industry.

At first, they were a little overwhelmed by the new work environment. But with perseverance, it took them a whole month to familiarize themselves with the work.

After a three-month adaptation period, the couple was able to master the art of mariculture and adapt to the local way of life.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

Although the work in Kasumigaura is hard, and I have to get up at 5 a.m. every day to prepare the feed, the income is very good. The two of them can earn about 10,000 yuan a month. This additional income provides them with an important guarantee for improving their lives.

The story of Bamu Yubumu shows the success of combining targeted poverty alleviation policies with individual efforts. The government's help has provided her with the opportunity and direction to get rid of poverty, and her own perseverance and hard work are the key to achieving poverty alleviation.

Bamu Yubumu, who came out of the depths of the mountain, interpreted the true meaning of the phrase "as long as you work hard, you can change your fate" with her own hands.

With the steady growth of income, Bamu Yubumu's life has changed dramatically. After 2014, she gave birth to three more healthy children.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

Unlike previous difficult experiences, all three children were born in the county hospital and received comprehensive free medical care. Whenever he saw the innocent smiles of the children, Bamu Yubumu's heart was full of joy and hope.

In 2018, Bamu Yubumujia ushered in an important turning point. They received a national poverty alleviation subsidy of 40,000 yuan. Bamu Yubumu and his wife raised another 30,000 yuan, totaling 70,000 yuan to build a new house with three bedrooms and one living room.

This new house is not only able to withstand the wind and rain and the cold, but it is also the ideal home she dreamed of as a child. From then on, they said goodbye to the leaky adobe house and moved into a bright and warm new home.

Today, the annual income of Bamu Yubumu's family has exceeded 100,000 yuan, which was unimaginable in the past. The eldest daughter, Wu Qi Labumu, has successfully entered junior high school, and the youngest daughter has also started kindergarten life.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

It only takes a few minutes for children to go to school, a convenience that was unimaginable in the past.

Although Bamu Yubumu is still illiterate, she has become fluent in Mandarin. This not only facilitates her work and life, but also allows her to better integrate into society and help her children learn.

Her progress reflects her pursuit of a better life and the spirit of continuous learning.

When someone asks her what her greatest wish is now, Bamu Yubumu always smiles and says, "May our whole family be happy, safe and healthy." This simple wish expresses her satisfaction with life and her expectations for the future.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

The story of Bamu Yubumu is not only the epitome of personal struggle, but also a testimony to the success of China's targeted poverty alleviation policy. From the depths of the impoverished mountains to the current happy life, every step of her is condensed with sweat and perseverance, and it also demonstrates the power of the national poverty alleviation policy.

12 years have passed, and the "Spring Festival Mother" who hurried by at Nanchang Railway Station has now become a model of successful poverty alleviation. The story of Bamu Yubumu is not only the epitome of personal struggle, but also a vivid testimony to the success of China's targeted poverty alleviation policy.

Photographer Zhou Ke keeps his promise and has been using his lens to record the changes in Bamu Yubumu's life. He sighed: "The story of Bamu Yubumu gives us hope.

Her strength and courage are worth learning from each of us. "Through Zhou Ke's lens, we witnessed the whole process of how an ordinary rural woman rose up in difficulties and finally achieved poverty alleviation and prosperity.

The "Spring Festival Mother" more than ten years ago was found, and the reporter agreed to follow her for the rest of her life, what is it now

Although life is still full of challenges, Bamu Yubumu's eyes always shine with determination. "Although we have been lifted out of poverty, we must continue to work hard to make the life of the whole family better and better," she firmly believes.

This spirit of not being satisfied with the status quo and continuing to struggle is the driving force for her to continue to improve.

The story of Bamu Yubumu, as the French writer Roland said, has two bright lights in his heart: one represents hope and the other symbolizes courage. It was with these two bright lights that she walked out of the darkness, walked out of Daliang Mountain, and became a mother who fought bravely for life.

I believe that in the future, Bamu Yubumu's life will get better and better, and her story will continue to inspire more people to move forward bravely and strive for a better life. Her experience is not only a personal success, but also a microcosm of China's poverty alleviation cause, showing the brilliance of humanity and the progress of society.

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