
What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?

author:Great discoveries of knowledge

#大雨过后 "well water does not interfere with river water" shines into reality#

I often hear the older generation say: "Well water does not interfere with river water", this sentence was originally a metaphor for each going their own way and not interfering with each other. But have you ever wondered if this sentence is put in nature, does it have some truth?

What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?

Well water and river water, each guarding a heaven and earth

To put it simply, well water is water pumped from a well dug in the ground, and river water is the water that flows through the river in front of our house. Although both of them are water, they have their own "circles" in nature.

What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?
What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?

The "invisible wall" of groundwater and surface water

Beneath our feet, there is a big world of underground water. The groundwater is like the blood of the earth, quietly flowing between the crevices of the rocks. And surface water, like rivers and streams, flows brightly in front of our eyes. So, why don't well water and river water mix? This is thanks to the "invisible wall" that Mother Earth has set up for them.

What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?
What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?

This "wall" is technically called a "water barrier". It's like a thick tarp that divides the groundwater into chunks. Above, there is a permeable layer, and the rain and snow seep down from here to become groundwater. The aquifer below locks the groundwater tightly to prevent it from running around at will, keeping it at a distance from the river on the surface. In this way, the well water and the river water are like living upstairs and downstairs, each with its own space, and naturally "do not offend" each other.

What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?
What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?

Water quality varies, each with its own merits

Well water and river water not only live in different places, but also have different "personalities". Because the well water stays underground for a long time, minerals and trace elements slowly accumulate more, and the taste may be more "mellow" when drinking. As for the river, it may bring with it some sediment, plant detritus, and even small organisms along the way, so the water quality may look a little more "lively".

What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?

This difference in water quality is also one of the reasons why they "do not violate the river water". If the river water is mixed with the well water, the impurities in the river water may affect the purity of the well water and vice versa. The good thing is that nature has its own way of keeping them in their own way.

Human activity stirred up the tranquility

However, this rule of "well water does not violate river water" is sometimes broken by us humans. For example, if pesticides and fertilizers are used too much, the river water may be polluted if the rainwater is washed and flows into the river. Or industrial wastewater can be secretly discharged into the ground, and well water may also suffer. In this way, the original equilibrium was broken, and the boundaries between well water and river water began to blur.

What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?

Guarding Qingshui, we are in action

Scientists and environmentalists have struggled to keep the situation from getting worse. They use high technology, such as satellite remote sensing technology, like the "eyes" in the sky, always keeping an eye on our rivers and groundwater. There are also those water quality monitoring stations, which are like doctors doing physical examinations of water and reporting problems as soon as they are found.

What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?

At the same time, there is a growing awareness that protecting water resources is not just for scientists, but for everyone. For example, reducing the use of plastics, not throwing garbage into the river, and supporting environmental protection policies are all small things we can do, but they can be combined to protect water resources.

What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?
What is the principle of the phenomenon of "well water does not interfere with river water"? What secrets are hidden?

The old saying "well water does not interfere with river water" is not only a metaphor in the interpretation of nature, but also a delicate balance in the earth's water cycle. By understanding the science behind this, we can better appreciate the importance of living in harmony with nature.