
The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

author:Keco said entertainment


Li Yitong encountered a thrilling scene during filming

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

On a sunny afternoon, Li Yitong was busy filming a new drama in the crew. She is dressed in period costume, with elaborate makeup, and is engrossed in the role. However, at this moment, an unexpected "guest" crept in - a huge centipede.

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

According to witnesses at the scene, the centipede seemed to have come out of the ground and quietly climbed onto Li Yitong's legs. After Li Yitong felt a burst of coldness, he looked down and was suddenly frightened. She screamed and tried to chase the uninvited guest away, but the centipede didn't seem to intend to leave easily.

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

Liu Yuning heroically rescued the scene

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

Just when Li Yitong was at a loss, her friend Liu Yuning stepped forward. He quickly took off his coat and carefully pulled the centipede off Li Yitong's leg. The scene was recorded on camera by the crew and went viral on social media.

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

Netizens praised Liu Yuning's heroic behavior and called him a "real man". Some netizens ridiculed: "Liu Yuning is not only handsome, but also so responsible, which is really admirable!" Some netizens said: "Seeing this scene, I seem to feel Li Yitong's horror at that time, Liu Yuning really saved her life!" ”

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

Li Yitong posted a response

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

Shortly after the incident, Li Yitong also posted a response to the encounter on his social media account. She wrote: "I encountered a little episode during filming today, thank you for your care and support. The centipede was really big, and I was a little scared at the time. But fortunately, Liu Yuning was here, and he was really brave and helped me solve the problem. I hope you don't over-read this and don't worry unnecessarily. ”

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

Funny comments from netizens

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

Li Yitong's response quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens said: "Hahaha, Miss Li Yitong is so cute! She looked like a bunny when she was scared! Some netizens joked: "It seems that you have to prepare a bottle of insecticide for filming in the future!" Otherwise, who knows when a big centipede will pop up! ”

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

Centipede becomes the new internet celebrity

As the incident fermented, this centipede also unexpectedly became the focus of attention of netizens. Some netizens even gave it a nickname - "Brother Centipede". Someone joked: "Brother Wu is really hot this time!" But don't scare our sister in the future! Some netizens said: "Although Brother Wu scared Li Yitong this time, it can be regarded as providing us with an entertainment topic, so forgive it!" ”

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

Controversial ending

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

However, some netizens also put forward different opinions about this incident. They believe that the crew should pay more attention to safety issues during filming to avoid similar incidents from happening again. Some netizens said: "Although Liu Yuning is very brave, the crew should also provide a safer working environment for the actors." ”

The centipede airborne crew, Li Yitong becomes a screaming goddess in seconds! Netizen Liu Yuning begs for your secret to driving centipedes!

These controversial topics have also sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people believe that the crew should strengthen safety management measures to ensure the safety of actors and crew; Some people also think that this is just an accident and there is no need to be too harsh on the crew. In any case, this incident has shown us the warm and funny side of the entertainment industry, and it has also made us pay more attention to the safety of the crew during the filming process. So, what do you think about this incident? Come and leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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