
On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

Zhuge chats about entertainment

2024-06-30 12:45

As the former first sister of satellite TV, Zhu Dan's name is impressive, because her name of the overturned car scene is still vivid.

was the first to jump from Zhejiang Satellite TV to Hunan Satellite TV, and in a live broadcast, Zhu Dan said the wrong phone number, causing huge losses to Hunan TV. made the leaders of Taili very angry.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

Later, Zhu Dan made a slip of the tongue in many live broadcast activities such as Cosmo, and at most he mispronounced the names of 5 people in a live broadcast, saying Zhang Lina as "Zhou Lina", Guli Nazha as "Di Lire's mother", and Zhou Bichang as "ugly than Chang", what should not be that she will be wrong, shouting "Naza" to Di Lieba, and finally stupidly can't distinguish between Lin Yun and Lin Yuner.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

This black history has also become an eternal pain in Zhu Dan's heart, in "Love's Study Trip", Zhou Zhouwei's unintentional words made Zhu Dan burst into tears instantly, obviously a comforting word, but to Zhu Dan's ears, it hurts like being pricked by a needle.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

Afterwards, Zhu Dan said when she was preparing for the harvest that her career ended because of the wrong name, which had become her inner demon, and she couldn't resolve it with herself, although it had been 4 years, she still couldn't get out.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

Now Zhu Dan has come out of the haze, and her hosting career has returned to the past, as Zhou Yiwei said, Zhu Dan is capable, and I hope netizens will give her more opportunities.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

The end of June is the day when the national college entrance examination scores will be released, and the enrollment of various primary schools is also in full swing, and Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei's daughter's enrollment has also become the focus of public attention.

On June 29, some parents broke the news that they met Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei at Hangzhou Qiantang Experimental Primary School, and the two came to the school with their 6-year-old daughter to report.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei, like many parents, came to school early, wearing a black T-shirt with blue jeans and carrying a yellow cloth bag.

Zhu Dan was wearing a green tights and dark blue slacks, and he could see that he was very nervous, in order to relieve his wife's anxiety, Zhou Zhouwei held coffee in one hand and held Zhu Dan's hand tightly with the other, trying to comfort him.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

Zhou Yiwei couldn't hide his nervousness, his eyes stared at the classroom with his spare eyes, he never expected that the big star would be so nervous because of his daughter's entrance test.

Maybe there were too many students in the test, taking advantage of the gap between their daughter's entry into the classroom, Zhou Yiwei and Zhu Dan wandered around the campus again, carefully observing every corner of the school, after all, this is where their daughter will learn and grow in the future, and the couple naturally dare not be sloppy.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei have a son and a daughter after marriage, and the daughter has reached the age of elementary school.

Some people expressed their incomprehension that with the economic strength of Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei, they can choose a better school for their children like Li Xiang, the kind of private bilingual school that is hundreds of thousands of years old, with better teacher resources and more comprehensive learning.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

Hangzhou Qiantang Experimental Primary School can only be regarded as the second echelon in Hangzhou, why Zhu Dan and his wife compete in public schools like ordinary families, which is incomprehensible?

Some netizens also feel that without the halo of stars, they are also ordinary people, and in public schools, children have no sense of superiority and can better integrate into the collective.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

Some parents exposed the content of the test, in addition to the normal interview, there are also rich quizzes, including reading picture books, reciting two ancient poems, listening to audio memorizing nursery rhymes, mathematical thinking quiz and skipping rope test.

The school's requirements for children are quite high, but the teachers are very good and have a strong affinity.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

It is reported that Zhu Dan is a native of Hangzhou, and Zhou Yiwei also likes Hangzhou, and the ginkgo hui community where the two live is very close to this school, and the housing price of the community is 77,000 yuan per square meter, which belongs to a high-end residential community.

On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

This is probably the main reason why Zhu Dan Yiwei chose this school.

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  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon
  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon
  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon
  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon
  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon
  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon
  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon
  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon
  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon
  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon
  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon
  • On Monday, Zhu Dan looked nervous when he took his daughter to interview a public primary school, and the school usually belongs to the second echelon

Personal opinion, for reference only

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