
How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

author:Dr Ho Health Talk
How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

Have you ever wondered how long you can live? In this era of longevity, everyone wants to be able to have a healthy and long-lasting life.

But, what you may not know is that your body has been quietly revealing secrets about your lifespan to you.

How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

Recently, a well-known geriatrician Professor Zhang made an interesting point: by looking at and touching three specific parts of the body, we can roughly infer the length of a person's lifespan.

What's even more exciting is that if these parts have two special features, then the owner is likely to live longer!

Let's explore these three amazing body parts: ears, palms, and calves.

How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

1. The ear: the auditory code for longevity

The ear is not only a window to the world, but it can also be an important indicator of longevity. "People with plump and shiny earlobes tend to have better blood circulation, which is an important factor in longevity. "

Specifically, we should focus on the following:

Earlobe fullness: The fuller the better

Ear wheel contour: clear and distinct is preferred

Earlobe color: ruddy and shiny

How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

2. Palms: The Revelation of Lifelines

Although palmistry is highly metaphysical, from a medical point of view, the palm of the hand can indeed reflect a person's health status.

"People with clear palm lines and well-proportioned hands usually have better metabolic function, which is closely related to longevity. "

Palm features we should focus on include:

Clarity of palm prints: The clearer, the better

Palm color: ruddy and shiny

Finger dexterity: The more flexible, the better

How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

3. Calf: The support pillar of longevity

The condition of the calves is not only a reflection of a person's athletic ability, but may also indicate the length of life.

Professor Zhang emphasized: "Muscles and well-defined calves often mean that the human body has a strong metabolism, which is one of the important indicators of longevity. "

Key characteristics of the lower leg include:

Muscle firmness: The firmer, the better

Calf circumference: Appropriate for height and weight

Skin elasticity: The more elastic, the better

How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

Two special features: a plus for longevity

In addition to the above three parts, Professor Zhang also mentioned two additional characteristics that, if both, are more likely to predict ultra-long life:

1. Good skin elasticity:

Skin elasticity is not only a reflection of the health of the skin, but may also indicate the overall rate of aging. "People with good skin elasticity tend to have better 'elasticity' of organs throughout the body, which means that their bodies have a stronger ability to repair and adapt. "

How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

2. Low body temperature:

People with a slightly lower body temperature may live longer than the average person. "A slightly lower body temperature usually means a more efficient metabolism and less consumption, which may be a factor in longevity," Professor Zhang said. "

Professor Zhang also reminded everyone: "These characteristics are only general laws and cannot be regarded as absolute. Longevity is the result of a combination of factors, including genetics, lifestyle, environment, etc. "

How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

So, how can these "longevity traits" be improved? Professor Zhang gave the following suggestions:

1. Maintain good habits: regular work and rest, balanced diet, moderate exercise.

2. Pay attention to ear hygiene: Clean regularly and avoid using the headphones for long periods of time.

3. Strengthen hand care: wash your hands frequently, massage moderately, and maintain flexibility.

How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

4. Pay attention to leg exercises: Do aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking, jogging, etc.

5. Comprehensive skin care: sun protection, moisturizing, moderate massage.

6. Regulate body temperature: Exercise moderately to avoid overexertion and stress.

How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

Finally, Professor Zhang emphasized, "Longevity should not be our only pursuit, but a healthy and happy quality of life is the most important thing.

I hope that everyone will pay attention to these 'longevity characteristics' at the same time, and pay more attention to daily health management and psychological adjustment. "

By understanding these physical characteristics, we can not only gain a deeper understanding of our health status, but also take care of our health care in a more targeted way.

How long can you live, 3 parts are the answer? Doctor: There are 2 characteristics that live longer!

Remember, everyone is unique, and the true "secret to longevity" lies in finding a healthy lifestyle that works for you.

Let's work together not only to pursue longevity, but also to pursue a healthy, happy and meaningful life!