
Why should self-media creators plan in advance?

author:Qi Xia writes

I once had a friend who was also doing self-media writing, because he was a recent college graduate at that time, working in a foreign trade company, and interning as a newcomer; There are many tasks and heavy tasks, not to mention overtime on weekends, and I usually work until more than 12 o'clock in the morning. In addition, he also wants to insist on self-media writing, so even after work, he still has to turn on the computer and continue to write articles, and he doesn't even have enough time to sleep every day; Over the long term, I have also had problems with my body.

Later, we suggested that he suspend self-media writing first, after all, doing his job well is the most important thing. However, he still wanted to continue writing from the media, so we proposed; First, use the break time to collect materials, write articles, and set up automatic and scheduled posting on social platforms.

Why should self-media creators plan in advance?

1. Learn to use time wisely

When many people heard that there is no threshold for self-media writing, and everyone can write from the media, they began to itch, and immediately registered an account, fantasizing that they could earn thousands, or even tens of thousands, a month.

Of course, it is good to have dreams and actions, but we must be clear that everything is possible based on being down-to-earth.

Maybe you just saw the figure of other people's monthly income of thousands, tens of thousands; But I don't know what kind of effort others have put behind this harvest,

Moreover, some people think that they can easily make money by writing articles, so why bother to get up early and work greedily every day, and look at other people's faces?

Think about it from a different perspective; We also have a probationary period when we go out to work, so the same is true for self-media writing; During the period of time you publish your article, it is very likely that the platform will not give you traffic, which means that you will not have much income during this time.

At the same time, you gave up your original job and devoted 200% of your energy to self-media writing, only to realize that it was a bamboo basket that was empty, and the gains outweighed the losses.

Therefore, before writing for self-media, you must first do your current job well and have a stable income. In this way, even if you can't earn income from self-media writing for a long time, you don't have to worry about expenses.

Why should self-media creators plan in advance?

2. Learn to use time reasonably

If you are just starting to write in self-media, then it is recommended that you do your job seriously first, because this job can ensure that you have a stable income and can maintain your daily life.

Some friends usually work relatively easily, and they can get off work on time every day. Then we can use this time to collect, sort, summarize and write articles of materials, and after the articles are written and modified, they can be copied and pasted on the self-media platform; After confirming that everything is correct, set a scheduled release.

In this way, you don't have to worry about delaying the publication of articles due to temporary overtime or other emergencies; For example, if we want to travel or go on a business trip, our time is not fixed, and we can no longer have a fixed time period to write and publish articles as usual.

"Advance deposit" and "set the time for automatic release", I think this is something that every friend should consider before writing for self-media.

Why should self-media creators plan in advance?

3. The importance of planning in advance

Actually, this is suitable for almost everything, after all, none of us like to have unexpected situations happen.

Many people start to get anxious when they come to bed every day, because they know that they have to publish an article, but they don't know what they want to write, which is why they don't plan ahead.

Self-media writing is to choose a field that you are good at and like to create; At the beginning, even if you are familiar with something, there is a big difference between completing the tasks or tasks assigned by the leader or boss and writing an article.

Because the article is to express our own thoughts and concepts in the form of words, maybe we don't have much feeling when we usually tell our own opinions; But it is presented through words; For some friends who have just engaged in self-media writing, there is still a certain degree of difficulty.

So, if at some point you suddenly get an inspiration, then you can record it right away, and you can record it with your phone. I'll write it into an article when I have time.

Because inspiration is fleeting; For novices in self-media writing, you can let yourself develop this habit.

In this way, it will not lead to the phenomenon of interrupted changes. Because for novices in self-media writing; The most important purpose is to keep your account active, and I think; Keeping the day is the most basic thing.

"Preparing in advance" is to plan for yourself to have more spare time and opportunities when you encounter unexpected situations, and you will not disrupt your rhythm because of sudden changes.

I am Qixia, a freelance writer who loves reading, writing, and writing, and I am here to share with you the dry goods of self-media writing, I will continue to update, click to follow my account, and let us become a better version of ourselves.

(The pictures involved in the article are all from the Internet)