
Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

author:Brother Cheng Entertainment

In Shanghai in April, the Magnolia event was grandly opened, which as always attracted the attention of countless stars and fans in the entertainment industry. The red carpet was star-studded, and stars from all walks of life showed off their style with their carefully prepared looks. Today, let's take a look at those amazing red carpet looks and see how they express their personality and attitude with fashion.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Liu Yifei: Confident and generous, glamorous and movingAs one of the focuses of the audience, Liu Yifei set off a lot of exclamations as soon as she appeared. This time she opted for an elegant pale blue gown with simple but gorgeous jewelry. She walked the red carpet confidently and generously, ignoring all the rumors that had surrounded her before. No matter from which point of view, she is so beautiful and moving, like a fairy descending from the earth, it is difficult to take your eyes off it. Liu Yifei tells us with practical actions that fashion is not only a piece of clothing, but also an attitude.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Tang Yan: The shape is powerful, and the smile is sweet Tang Yan appeared in a red dress, showing her tall and slender figure to the fullest. Complementing the gown is her signature sweet smile, which makes people feel as if they are in a dreamland. After so many years, Tang Yan still maintains her girlish vitality and charm, and this red carpet style is even more powerful, revealing a sense of delicacy and elegance from head to toe.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhou Yutong: Charming smile and good condition Zhou Yutong chose a black and white contrasting dress this time, which seems simple but is actually full of design. Her charming smile and natural confidence make her look in great shape. Zhou Yutong showed everyone what it means to be a real late bloomer, and won the love of more and more audiences with his efforts and charm.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Wan Qian: The green hat debuted, and she was in good shapeWhen Wan Qian walked on the red carpet, the most eye-catching thing that night must be the green hat on her head. This hat adds a lot of vitality and personality to the overall look, making the originally low-key and elegant dark blue dress instantly enlivened. Wan Qian has always been able to stand out in a unique way, and this time is no exception, she is still in good shape, facing the camera confidently and calmly.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhong Chuxi: The red carpet performance has never disappointed, and the tall Zhong Chuxi has once again become the focus with his consistently excellent fashion taste. A slim long skirt perfectly outlines her tall and well-proportioned figure, and every step is steady and elegant. She has never disappointed on the red carpet, and this time she is no exception, once again proving that she is a worthy new generation of fashion icons with a great performance.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Shen Yue and Lin Yi: The height is embarrassing, but the CP is full of Shen Yue and Lin Yi appeared hand in hand, and the small interaction between them full of tacit understanding made the atmosphere very warm. Although the height difference between the two is slightly awkward, this does not affect their strong sense of CP. Where they are, they always attract bursts of cheers, and it can be seen that the audience recognizes and loves this on-screen couple very much.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhang Xiaofei: Take the tough guy route, long legs stunning Zhang Xiaofei chose a handsome and tough style suit this time, which is in stark contrast to the gentle and lovely image on weekdays. This contrast not only does not weaken her charm, but makes people shine. And those long legs against the sky add a lot of points to the overall shape, and people can't help but sigh that she is really a perfect combination of "tough guy" and "goddess".

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Lin Yun: The last thing to mention about the yellow dress is Lin Yun, she chose a bright and moving yellow dress, such a bold and bright color that few people can control, but she did it. This dress not only brings out her fresh and lovely temperament, but also makes the entire red carpet scene bright and vivid. He is the best of the new generation, not afraid of challenges, and constantly trying different styles.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Jiang Yan: Beautiful and charming with a smile Jiang Yan's appearance this time can be described as amazing, she chose a set of off-the-shoulder silver dresses, every detail is just right, whether it is hairstyle, makeup or accessories, it looks so harmonious. And the most attractive thing is the generous smile that comes from the heart and has no disguise, which makes the whole person look extraordinarily affinable.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Wang Ou: The shape is slightly awkward Although Wang Ou has always been a dark horse in the fashion industry, this time it seems to have made some mistakes. A dress with a complex design that doesn't quite fit her body shape makes the whole person look a little cumbersome. However, even so, it can't hide Wang Ou's unique temperament, and I only hope that next time I can see a side that is more in line with her true style.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

To sum up, this magnolia event is not only a visual feast, but also a competition of strength and charm of the stars. Each celebrity shows their unique style through their own elaborate dressing, they are not only showing fashion, but also conveying a positive and confident attitude towards life. On this stage, everyone's shining is the result of their own hard work, and it is precisely because of this that we will be deeply attracted by them and cheer for them!

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

In Shanghai in April, the Magnolia event was grandly opened, which as always attracted the attention of countless stars and fans in the entertainment industry. The red carpet was star-studded, and stars from all walks of life showed off their style with their carefully prepared looks. Today, let's take a look at those amazing red carpet looks and see how they express their personality and attitude with fashion.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Liu Yifei: Confident and generous, glamorous and movingAs one of the focuses of the audience, Liu Yifei set off a lot of exclamations as soon as she appeared. This time she opted for an elegant pale blue gown with simple but gorgeous jewelry. She walked the red carpet confidently and generously, ignoring all the rumors that had surrounded her before. No matter from which point of view, she is so beautiful and moving, like a fairy descending from the earth, it is difficult to take your eyes off it. Liu Yifei tells us with practical actions that fashion is not only a piece of clothing, but also an attitude.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Tang Yan: The shape is powerful, and the smile is sweet Tang Yan appeared in a red dress, showing her tall and slender figure to the fullest. Complementing the gown is her signature sweet smile, which makes people feel as if they are in a dreamland. After so many years, Tang Yan still maintains her girlish vitality and charm, and this red carpet style is even more powerful, revealing a sense of delicacy and elegance from head to toe.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhou Yutong: Charming smile and good condition Zhou Yutong chose a black and white contrasting dress this time, which seems simple but is actually full of design. Her charming smile and natural confidence make her look in great shape. Zhou Yutong showed everyone what it means to be a real late bloomer, and won the love of more and more audiences with his efforts and charm.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Wan Qian: The green hat debuted, and she was in good shapeWhen Wan Qian walked on the red carpet, the most eye-catching thing that night must be the green hat on her head. This hat adds a lot of vitality and personality to the overall look, making the originally low-key and elegant dark blue dress instantly enlivened. Wan Qian has always been able to stand out in a unique way, and this time is no exception, she is still in good shape, facing the camera confidently and calmly.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhong Chuxi: The red carpet performance has never disappointed, and the tall Zhong Chuxi has once again become the focus with his consistently excellent fashion taste. A slim long skirt perfectly outlines her tall and well-proportioned figure, and every step is steady and elegant. She has never disappointed on the red carpet, and this time she is no exception, once again proving that she is a worthy new generation of fashion icons with a great performance.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Shen Yue and Lin Yi: The height is embarrassing, but the CP is full of Shen Yue and Lin Yi appeared hand in hand, and the small interaction between them full of tacit understanding made the atmosphere very warm. Although the height difference between the two is slightly awkward, this does not affect their strong sense of CP. Where they are, they always attract bursts of cheers, and it can be seen that the audience recognizes and loves this on-screen couple very much.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhang Xiaofei: Take the tough guy route, long legs stunning Zhang Xiaofei chose a handsome and tough style suit this time, which is in stark contrast to the gentle and lovely image on weekdays. This contrast not only does not weaken her charm, but makes people shine. And those long legs against the sky add a lot of points to the overall appearance, and people can't help but sigh that she is really a perfect combination of a tough guy and a goddess.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Lin Yun: The last thing to mention about the yellow dress is Lin Yun, she chose a bright and moving yellow dress, such a bold and bright color that few people can control, but she did it. This dress not only brings out her fresh and lovely temperament, but also makes the entire red carpet scene bright and vivid. He is the best of the new generation, not afraid of challenges, and constantly trying different styles.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Jiang Yan: Beautiful and charming with a smile hr Jiang Yan's appearance this time can be described as amazing, she chose a set of off-the-shoulder silver dresses, every detail is just right, whether it is hairstyle, makeup or accessories, it looks so coordinated. And the most attractive thing is the generous smile that comes from the heart and has no disguise, which makes the whole person look extraordinarily affinable.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Wang Ou: The shape is slightly awkward HR Although Wang Ou has always been a dark horse in the fashion industry, it seems to have made some mistakes this time. A dress with a complex design that doesn't quite fit her body shape makes the whole person look a little cumbersome. However, even so, it can't hide Wang Ou's unique temperament, and I only hope that next time I can see a side that is more in line with her true style.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

To sum up, this magnolia event is not only a visual feast, but also a competition of strength and charm of the stars. Each celebrity shows their unique style through their own elaborate dressing, they are not only showing fashion, but also conveying a positive and confident attitude towards life. On this stage, everyone's shining is the result of their own hard work, and it is precisely because of this that we will be deeply attracted by them and cheer for them!

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Just after the event, a number of celebrities also accepted media interviews. In the interview, they shared their insights on life and work, as well as the direction of future development. Some celebrities talked about new film or TV series projects, some expressed their unremitting pursuit of public welfare, and some revealed new acting projects or music creation intentions. These contents undoubtedly provide fans with more expectations and attention, and also let everyone see the real and rich side of these stars behind the screen.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Liu Yifei revealed in an interview that this year she will devote herself to more different types of roles to challenge herself to break through the bottleneck of acting. At the same time, she also said that she would spend more time with her family and friends to maintain her mental health and balanced development. Tang Yan shared some parenting experience, and said that she will continue to find a role that suits her and continue to try new styles and types to bring different experiences and surprises to the audience.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhou Yutong mentioned some interesting things about the filming of the series he is currently involved in, and expressed his feelings about the importance of teamwork. "Each work is a joint effort of many people, and I learned not only about acting, but also how to communicate and work together." Wan Qian's topic focused on environmental protection and public welfare, and she called on everyone to pay attention to environmental protection, start from the small things in daily life, and jointly protect our home.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhong Chuxi talked about the latest film work, which is a costume martial arts film that requires a lot of action scenes. "The filming process was very hard, but it was also very rewarding, and I hope you enjoy it." Shen Yue and Lin Yi humorously responded to the question about their tacit understanding with each other, "In fact, the two of them are also very good friends in private, and this friendship relationship continues to the filming, which is naturally very good." ”

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhang Xiaofei specifically mentioned the importance of women in the workplace, "I hope that more women can bravely pursue their dreams, don't be afraid of failure, and every attempt is growth." Lin Yun talked about how young actors should find their own position in the fierce competition, "Sticking to the original intention and constantly learning to improve yourself is the attitude I have always adhered to in life." ”

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

At the end of the event, in the bright lights, this group of talented people with distinct personalities left the red carpet. But what is certain is that no matter where they go, they will continue to shine in their respective fields, infecting and inspiring more people with practical actions. This is the greatest significance of this large-scale event, which not only provides a platform for display, but also conveys positive social energy.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

The grand opening of the Magnolia event in Shanghai in April once again attracted the attention of stars and fans in the entertainment industry. The red carpet was star-studded, and stars from all walks of life showed off their style with carefully prepared looks, highlighting the blend of fashion and personality.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Liu Yifei was undoubtedly one of the highlights of the audience, wearing an elegant light blue dress with simple and gorgeous jewelry, walking confidently and generously on the red carpet. She is as beautiful and moving as a fairy, flawless from all angles, and interprets fashion not only as a dress, but also as an attitude.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Tang Yan appeared in a red dress, showing off her tall and slender figure, and the dress was complemented by her signature sweet smile, as if in a dream. Over the years, Tang Yan has still maintained her girlish vitality and charm, and this red carpet look is even more delicate and elegant from head to toe.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhou Yutong chose a black and white contrasting dress, revealing a sense of design in simplicity. Her charming smile and natural self-confidence make her whole person in excellent condition, showing a real late bloomer, and winning the love of more and more audiences with her hard work and charm.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Wan Qian's most eye-catching thing that night must be the green hat on her head, which adds a lot of vitality and personality to the overall look, making the originally low-key and elegant dark blue dress instantly lively. Wan Qian has always stood out in a unique way, and this time is no exception, she faces the camera confidently and calmly, and she is in good shape.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhong Chuxi once again became the focus with his excellent fashion sense. Wearing a slim dress that perfectly outlines her tall and shapely figure, she walks steadily and elegantly with every step, and has never disappointed on the red carpet, and she is no exception this time, once again proving herself to be a well-deserved new generation of fashion icons.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Shen Yue and Lin Yi appeared hand in hand, and the small interaction between the two made the atmosphere very warm. Although the height difference is slightly embarrassing, this does not affect their strong sense of CP, they can always attract bursts of cheers, and it can be seen that the audience recognizes and loves this on-screen couple very much.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Zhang Xiaofei chose a handsome and tough suit, which is in stark contrast to the gentle and lovely image on weekdays. This contrast not only does not weaken her charm, but makes people shine. And those long legs against the sky add a lot of points to the overall appearance, and people can't help but sigh that she is really a perfect combination of a tough guy and a goddess.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Lin Yun appeared in a bright and moving yellow dress, such a bold and bright color that few people can control, but she did it. This dress not only brings out her fresh and lovely temperament, but also makes the entire red carpet scene bright and vivid. He is the best of the new generation, not afraid of challenges, and constantly trying different styles.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Jiang Yan chose a set of off-the-shoulder silver dresses, every detail is just right, whether it is hairstyle, makeup or accessories, they all look coordinated. And the most attractive thing is the generous smile that comes from the heart and has no disguise, which makes the whole person look extraordinarily affinable.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Although Wang Ou has always been a dark horse in the fashion industry, it seems that there are some mistakes this time. A dress with a complex design that doesn't quite fit her body shape makes the overall look a little cumbersome. However, even so, it can't hide Wang Ou's unique temperament, and I only hope that next time I can see a side that is more in line with her true style.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

To sum up, this magnolia event is not only a visual feast, but also a competition of strength and charm of stars. Each celebrity shows their unique style by carefully dressing up, and they show not only fashion, but also a positive and confident attitude towards life. The brilliance of each of them is the result of their own hard work, and it is precisely because of this that we are deeply attracted to them and cheer for them!

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

After the event, a number of celebrities were interviewed by the media, and they shared their thoughts on life, work and future development direction. Some celebrities talked about new film or TV series projects, some expressed their unremitting pursuit of public welfare, and some revealed new acting plans or music creation intentions, providing fans with more expectations and attention, and also showing the true and rich side of these stars.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

Liu Yifei revealed that this year she will devote herself to more different types of roles to challenge herself to break through the bottleneck of acting. At the same time, she said that she would spend more time with her family and friends to maintain mental health and balanced development. Tang Yan shared some parenting experience, and said that she will continue to find a role that suits her and continue to try new styles and types to bring different experiences and surprises to the audience. Zhou Yutong mentioned the interesting facts in the filming of the series, and emphasized the importance of teamwork, and learned not only about acting skills, but also how to better communicate and cooperate through the work. Wan Qian called on everyone to pay attention to environmental protection, start from the small things in daily life, and jointly protect the homeland. Zhong Chuxi talked about the latest costume martial arts film, and hoped that everyone would like the hard work. Shen Yue and Lin Yi humorously responded to the question of mutual cooperation, in fact, the two are also very good friends in private, and this friendship relationship continues to the shooting, which is naturally very good-looking. Zhang Xiaofei specifically mentioned the importance of women in the workplace, hoping that more women will be brave enough to pursue their dreams, not afraid of failure, and every attempt is a growth process. Lin Yun talked about how young actors should find their position in the fierce competition, stick to their original intentions, and continue to learn and improve themselves, which is the attitude I have always adhered to in life.

Magnolia red carpet live broadcast, Liu Yifei is a slightly fat goddess, and Wan Qian dyed her green hair to attend the red carpet in good condition

At the end of the event, in the bright lights, this group of talented and distinctive people left the red carpet, no matter where they will go, they will continue to shine in their respective fields, infect and inspire more people with practical actions. This is the greatest significance of this large-scale event, which not only provides a platform for display, but also conveys positive social energy.

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